Wanna launch your product on Product Hunt and get maximum exposure? What do you have to prepare, what are the dos and don'ts to have a successful launch? Find out all the answers and more in today’s episode with Marie Martens, the co-founder of Tally, a SaaS tool that helps you create forms online - $120.000 ARR in less than a year, 30k users.
Published 05/31/22
Andrew Gazdecki is the CEO of MicroAcquire - a company that helped 500+ startups get acquired and has facilitated $300m+ in closed deals. In this episode, we’re talking about everything you need to know about the process of selling a business (when it’s the right time, what are the most common mistakes to avoid, what you should take into account when selling your company, and more.)
Published 05/24/22
Why do all successful founders build an audience before actually building a product? It’s that the secret key to long-run profitability? Where to start? What’s the best way to build an audience from nothing? Find out the answers in the episode with Arvid Kahl - entrepreneur, founder of FeedbackPanda, author of "Zero to Sold", and "The Embedded Entrepreneur"
Published 05/17/22
Gathering feedback from your potential customers and users helps you improve your product and accelerate your growth. But what's the best way to interview your users? What are the best questions to ask at every stage of the business? Find out the answers in the episode with Rob Fitzpatrick, serial entrepreneur and author of "The Mom Test".
Published 05/10/22
Laura Roeder bootstrapped MeetEdgar to $4M+ ARR to then sell the company and start a new project, Paperbell.  How did she manage to reach $1M ARR in less than one year? Why sell a profitable company to start a new one? Best tips for managing social media for your startup? All the answers in the episode!
Published 05/03/22
How do you build and keep a strong company culture when you have 210 remote full-time employees? Why do you need to have a validation period for every new hire? In this episode, I’m talking to Kean about how they got to $83M in ARR in 11 years and what's their strategy for hiring the right people for the business.
Published 04/19/22
Kyle Rack (CEO and Co-founder of Proposify) decided to go from bootstrapping to fundraising to buy back the shares from investors. How did they find their product-market fit? Why does Kyle think that the first employees might not be the ones who can grow the business in the long run? What’s his management framework, and how does he set up team OKRs? Find out all his valuable tips in the episode.
Published 04/12/22
$8M in ARR, no sales team, and 5 co-founders. That’s the story of Surfer. In today’s episode, I talk to Lucjan, Co-founder, and CEO, about how they started locally and expanded globally, with 60% of their customers based in the US. The Bootstrapped Stories Podcast crossed 2,800 plays. 🔥 All episodes are also available on Youtube if you wanna watch them. https://youtu.be/eo1D666S-ow
Published 04/05/22
Chris is the co-founder of Snappa. They crossed $1M+ in ARR with a team of 7. In this episode, we talked about how he quit his job to launch the business, what strategies brought them 100K+ users, and more. The Bootstrapped Stories Podcast crossed 3,300 plays. 🔥 All episodes are also available on Youtube if you wanna watch them. https://youtu.be/eo1D666S-ow
Published 03/29/22
Solo founder, Saravana Kuma brought Kovai.co to $10M in ARR in 10 years. In this episode, we talk about how blogging helped him get his first customers, how he builds strong company culture, and manages to run multi projects with totally different audiences. The Bootstrapped Stories Podcast crossed 2,800 plays. 🔥 All episodes are also available on Youtube if you wanna watch them. https://youtu.be/eo1D666S-ow
Published 03/22/22
Maxwell is the founder of Megaphone Marketing and Silvi. In this episode, we talk about the strategies that got them to $20M in ARR, bootstrapped; how he succeeds in managing 2 businesses at the same time, and what’s his secret sauce for hiring top talents for his team. The episode is also available on Youtube, if you wanna watch it. https://youtu.be/eo1D666S-ow
Published 03/15/22
Nathalie Lussier went from selling online courses to building a SaaS, AccessAlly. She and her team of 8 people crossed $1M in ARR. How do they succeed in a crowded market? What are their strategies to find the perfect customer and build the perfect product? Listen to the episode to see how you can get to $1M in ARR, applying Nathalie’s learnings 🚀
Published 03/08/22
Seller.Tools is a team of 25 people and $2M in ARR. How creating a Facebook group and publishing on LinkedIn has helped them grow? Why do they offer features for free? Listen to the episode to find all answers.
Published 03/01/22
Rob Walling has switched from being a bootstrapped SaaS founder to building the TinySeed, the first accelerator designed for SaaS bootstrappers founders. In this episode, we’ll talk about what it takes to build and sell 2 multi-million dollar businesses vs raising $40M. The episode is also available on Youtube.
Published 02/22/22
$30M in ARR, a team spread in 28 cities, and a strong audience worldwide. In this podcast, we talk about Nathan's successful keys in growing ConvertKit, his ups and downs as a solo founder, and get valuable insight into his learnings as a bootstrapped entrepreneur.  Follow Nathan https://nathanbarry.com/ https://twitter.com/nathanbarry https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathanbarry/ Follow...
Published 02/15/22
Vivek is the founder and CEO at Question Pro. They crossed $28M in ARR with a team of 200 people. A few years ago, the business was about to fail, and Vivek was forced to rethink the entire strategy of Question Pro. In this episode, we’re talking about what helped them grow and why he decided to sign a separation agreement with his co-founder back in the day. Follow Vivek https://www.linkedin.com/in/vivekbhaskaran/ Question...
Published 02/08/22
Jackie, CEO of Accelity Marketing, has signed more than a million dollars in contracts from leads that come from LinkedIn where she has 89K+ connections. In this episode, we’ll find out her strategies for customer acquisition and lead gen, and everything that worked for her 7 figures bootstrapped business. Follow Jackie  https://www.linkedin.com/in/thejackiehermes/  https://www.jackiehermes.com/podcast  Accelity...
Published 02/01/22
Ahrefs went from $0 to $100M ARR in 10 years, bootstrapped. 65%+ growth year-over-year and tons of unconventional strategies to build their SaaS. I talked to Tim (CMO) about how they got here, why they have no tracking pixel on their website, why they don’t do any testing and more.  All the answers in this second episode of the Bootstrapped Stories. Enjoy! 😎 Watch the interview on Youtube https://youtu.be/NRr-wdE0RlA Tim Soulo https://www.linkedin.com/in/timsoulo ...
Published 01/25/22
Pretty unusual for a SaaS, right? But that's one of the unique growth strategies that helped Flodesk reach $15M in ARR in just 3 years, being bootstrapped. In this episode, Martha Bitar (co-founder and CEO) shares her learnings on what helped them grow so fast.  We'll also talk about the challenges that came with such unexpected growth, as well as her hard moments. We finish up the episode with a discussion on mental adjustment and how important it is to realize that your role is NOT to be...
Published 01/18/22
Starting a business comes hand in hand with loneliness, the pressure of not being successful, and overall lots of challenges. Even if the majority of entrepreneurs encounter challenges and make lots of mistakes when building a business, most of them are afraid to share this publicly. The goal of this podcast is to show that we’re all on the same journey, facing the same struggles. And to give energy to all entrepreneurs worldwide to continue their adventure. Because, it’s all worth it, even...
Published 01/14/22