Trauma teaches us that we are helpless to act in the face of danger. But recovery from trauma involves learning to act, learning to take steps, learning to start to find and create the solutions. In this podcast, I talk about the symptoms of trauma and how they drive us towards a solution.
Published 09/29/21
Trauma isn’t something we’re supposed to get over easily. It’s supposed to impact us. It’s supposed to change us. That’s part of why it’s so hard to shift. The problem isn’t with us. In this podcast, I talk about the impacts of trauma and how it isn’t something that we can get over easily.
Published 09/15/21
Sometimes life doesn't go to plan. In this episode, Carolyn discusses the circumstances that led her back into therapy, the return of dissociative parts of the personality, and how she's rising again after being knocked (and literally falling) down.
Published 01/29/21
Unkindness is rife in our society. Extreme unkindness is, in simplistic terms, called abuse. To heal from abuse, we need an abundance of kindness. But our survival-based back brain preferentially focuses on unkindness, on danger and threat. In this podcast Carolyn talks about how to retrain our front brains to focus on and notice the many kindnesses that are in fact all around us.
Published 02/20/20
Recovery from trauma is a journey, an orientation, a direction, not a specific location. Just head north - where you're at is less important than which direction you're headed in. In this podcast, Carolyn discusses why we can feel that recovery is impossible, how recovery perhaps doesn't look as we imagine it to, and how society needs to help with 'public transport' to help us on our way.
Published 02/04/20
Recovering from trauma takes time. In this podcast, Carolyn looks at how we often missed out on developmental stages during childhood, and how we have to learn what we were not in a position to learn as children - not least our ability to regulate our emotions, which isn’t a sign of character deficiency, but simply the loss of opportunity.
Published 01/22/20
When we have suffered trauma and pain, our brains find it hard to experience joy. But we need to put ourselves in the right place to find joy, and we need to cultivate it. In this podcast Carolyn talks about a life-transforming trip from 2012 and how the big breakthroughs are built on the backs of daily small breakthroughs.
Published 01/14/20
Reindeer and suncream?! Life doesn’t always appear as we expect it to. In this podcast, Carolyn Spring talks about how trauma anticipates danger and badness, and how to develop the imagination for life to be different
Published 01/08/20
In this podcast, Carolyn talks about the crippling isolation of shame, and how to move beyond it.
Published 06/12/19
Is recovery from trauma and abuse - resulting in dissociation and even a dissociative disorder - possible? That's the subject of this podcast where Carolyn Spring talks about the vulnerability of hoping for good things, the difference between correlation and causation, and the difference between hoping for and planning for.
Published 04/15/19
Join Carolyn as she talks about how important the relationship between therapist and client is, and what factors go into making a good one.
Published 03/18/19
Join Carolyn as she talks about how important she found it to discover who she was as an individual, rather than as someone trying to simply 'fit in'.
Published 02/18/19
Carolyn talks about the most important things to focus on for survivors at the start of their journey of recovery.
Published 01/14/19
Recovery from trauma isn't about 'getting over' something upsetting. It often requires building skills for managing emotions. In this podcast, Carolyn explains the process.
Published 12/17/18
Is recovery possible? Carolyn Spring says it is ... based not just on her own personal experience, but on the fact that it's how our bodies and brains are designed by default. Often when people don't recover, it's a problem with the therapy or the 'treatment', rather than a problem with a person. In this thought-provoking podcast, Carolyn brings hope for healing.
Published 11/19/18
Carolyn Spring talks about suicide … her own experience of numerous suicide attempts, the hopelessness and sense of trappedness, and how she has recovered.
Published 10/15/18
Join Carolyn Spring as she talks us through suicide, her motivations and her new course.
Published 10/11/18
Published 08/24/18
Join Carolyn Spring as she talks us through suicide, her motivations and her new course.
Published 08/24/18