Today’s episode of Changeable is a portion of the last LSBC call in this fall’s 6-week course.  In this call, I talk about the difference between reality and imagination. Every “reality” is a point of perspective, and I share how the explorations they’ve been doing as part of this course has simply opened up more
Published 11/20/23
In this episode, Change Coach Chiara McHale shares some of the insights she’s had in her romantic relationship, and how the things she’s seen have led to a completely different relationship than she had in the past. This is a fascinating conversation about how a relationship can look when one or both people have a
Published 11/13/23
Where’s the problem when everything is always changing? Can you find it? Can you find it outside of thought? Really look at that…we can easily find things that need changing within thought, as thought. Do they exist anywhere else?Can you hold onto the problem? Can you hold onto anything? When we can’t hold onto anything, what
Published 11/06/23
It can look like there are things in our lives we need to accept. Acceptance is a concept, in this case. We have an idea of what acceptance is and what it looks like, and we’re told it’s a good idea if we don’t want to suffer.When we can’t accept (how do we even do
Published 10/30/23
In this episode, we’ll explore the difference between thinking and looking.  Thinking is taking what’s said as another concept to go back and ponder. It’s adding more thought to what is already a lot of thought.Looking is looking into what’s here now, before labels and concepts. It looks like curiosity rather than pondering. There may be
Published 10/23/23
Chris Neibauer is the author of No Self, No Problem. Chris talks about how the left brain interpreter, narrative-self, works and how we easily mistake that narration for who we are.  This is a beautiful, deep conversation that goes far beyond neuroscience. His way of explaining how and why we become mind-identifying is so helpful.You
Published 10/16/23
A vague, ill-defined feeling of uneasiness is behind so much of what we do.  Look for yourself and see–is something we might label “restlessness” there in the background? Is it what gets you up from the couch, doing something “productive” rather than rest? Is it what runs you around from rest to the refrigerator, to
Published 10/09/23
I often hear parents say these things to their children about emotion:  “You decide how you feel.” “You choose your reactions.” “What other people say has no meaning except the meaning you give it.”We can ask ourselves: Are these things we heard somewhere that seem helpful, or are they our direct experience? Do you–mom or
Published 10/02/23
Today’s episode is taken from a recent guest speaker call with The Little School of Big Change graduate community with Violet Synergy.  Violet talks about looking toward the mysteries in life (and how everything is a mystery, really), leaning into what’s arising and the most obvious thing we can do, meeting life from a place
Published 09/25/23
This episode is an excerpt from a The Little School of Big Change 6-week course call that took place in March of 2023.  I talk about how this–what’s being experienced right this very moment–is all there is. There is no better place to find or arrive at.What you’re looking for is so much closer than
Published 09/18/23
Are you examining the nature of experience in order to see through the illusion of you as a separate, limited self?  Are you trying to “smoke the veil” that has you feeling separate from life? I’ll talk about the ways we do that, plus share a couple stories of how my husband successfully “smoked the
Published 09/11/23
A listener asks:  “My family and work colleagues describe me as a ‘speedy’ person and many times I get asked to chill out or calm down. I try to calm myself but I’m still not getting to the root reason why I can’t seem to slow myself down!  …I’m wondering if I am avoiding something
Published 09/04/23
In this episode, Change Coach Samantha Miller shares her nearly lifelong experience with OCD and how it has changed over the years, especially in recent years. If you have experienced OCD in any form or duration, I know you’ll relate to so much that Samantha shares.And if you would like some support around OCD from
Published 08/28/23
A listener asked to hear more about “welcoming the unknown”. What does that mean? How do we do it? It seems that an important first step is looking at what we think we do know, and considering that perhaps knowing isn’t all the mind makes it out to be. Thinking we know feels safe…but is it?
Published 08/21/23
When faced with death…whether it’s the death of the physical body or the “death” of the dream of being a separate me…the mind will grab for something, anything, to hold onto.  It often grabs at false identities, trying to solidify a sense of ‘me’. It does this by clinging to personal identities, group identities, and
Published 08/14/23
In truth, nothing is carried through time.  Because there is no time. Time is a thought.In the thought-world, everything refers to time. There is clear and obvious continuity, a clear and obvious past and future for a clear and obvious ‘me’. When thought is not projecting this world, there is none of that. Zilch. Not even
Published 08/07/23
In this conversation with the amazing Razmik Sargsyan, we discuss how what’s true must always be true. If it’s true that we are okay in any experience, that must always be true. In the East and in the West, for people in luxury and comfort as well as for people in the middle of war.
Published 07/31/23
I am a guest on a lot of podcasts and I’m not always inspired to share those conversations here.  But this conversation with Razmik Sargsyan for his podcast Brand New Thought felt like one that I wanted more people to hear. Part “the basics” and part pushing the edge, we covered a lot of ground. I
Published 07/24/23
What do you really know? You think you know your name, that you love your dog, that you’re thinking, that there is a quiet, still space within…Look again. How do you know?What are those things you think you know made of? What is that quiet, still space? What is love for your dog? What’s it
Published 07/17/23
Andrea says she can easily see other people’s thinking for what it is. She can even see some of her own thinking as thinking, and she can see how being identified with thought led her into past habits.  So why can’t she see this now with regard to her current habit? She says, “I don’t know
Published 07/10/23
Katie has several questions about listening to her heart rather than her head. How does one do that? Is it even something we can do? She also says she starts to sense freedom from her habits, but then she “clams up”. She wonders if this response is due to being in an unsafe environment in
Published 06/26/23
I hear some variation on this question a lot. If I’m feeling discomfort and I know an untrue thought is behind it, why lean into that discomfort? The discomfort reveals that something untrue is being identified with. So why lean into that discomfort if it’s rooted in a lie?When someone asks a version of this question
Published 06/19/23
A listener sent an excellent question. “I’m still confused about how your thinking is not personal. How can this be? Whose thoughts are they?”She says she sees there is a “witness me” who sees everything, but isn’t there a “thinker me” being seen? We examine these “me’s” and the thoughts that apparently belong to them in
Published 06/12/23
Aneta Mruz was diagnosed with OCD shortly after her son was born, about 6 years ago. As difficult and terrifying as it was at the time, she says OCD healed her and she’d go through it all over again for what it’s given her.  OCD forced Aneta to re-examine everything she thought she was and
Published 05/29/23
Maya wrote to me about the suffering she’s in over, what she calls, her “physical imperfections”. She’s seen so much about life beyond thought and it’s brought her a lot of peace, but this feels different. Maya’s skin discoloration is making her life very small. She doesn’t date, she stays physically covered up, and she hasn’t
Published 05/22/23