Dr Jennifer Fraser is an award-winning educator, author, and presenter. Her latest book, ‘The Bullied Brain: Heal Your Scars and Restore your Health’ shines a spotlight on the physical harm done to brains by all forms of bullying and abuse, the evidence on brain scans, and the strategies and techniques to recover optimum brain health. Jennifer has a PhD in Comparative Literature from University of Toronto where she was trained to take different discourses out of their silos, put them into...
Published 09/06/23
Have you ever wondered why after listening to an inspiring speech, watching an incredible TED Talk or attending a fascinating seminar that afterwards you can hardly remember what was said? It’s all has to do with what your brain decides you believe. There’s an old saying that ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.’ Actually that’s wrong. Because what we say to ourselves we believe, and what we believe about ourselves affects our body, our brain and creates...
Published 08/29/23
Want to know the best strategy to engage an effective VA partner for your business? Taylor Victoria started on her entrepreneurial journey at the age of 22, and since then she has started multiple companies. She now runs Level Up Outsourcing, a VA agency with over 90 staff focusing on pairing international business owners with VAs in the Philippines. Taylor is also a passionate speaker, having spoken at and been MC at events in multiple countries around the world. Taylor has a mission to...
Published 08/15/23
In this week’s episode of the Feeling Forwards Podcast, I delve into a question I get asked constantly by my high performance coaching clients. ‘Do I need to reset? I’m working hard but it’s just not working!’ But is a drastic change in lifestyle and life direction really what you need? This week I delve into the power of a reframe, how your life story might be holding you back and how to become the person who has the life you want! In this episode I share; • The crucial difference...
Published 07/26/23
Faye Cormick has a background in senior corporate roles in communication and leadership in the mining, resources and banking and finance sectors. In 2009 Faye started consulting, became accredited as an executive coach, then trained in neuroscience based coaching. Since 2016, Faye has I have focused on neuro coaching and applied neuroscience for the workplace. Faye’s passion is cognitive neuroscience, and it’s influence on wellbeing, growth and performance. Faye has a particular interest in...
Published 07/19/23
Brian Gorman has had a career focusing on personal and professional transformation at the most senior level. Currently VP of Program Development at Quantuvos, an executive coaching business, Brian works with clients as they identify the goals they want to achieve and comes face-to-face with what is holding them back. While a management consultant at a global consulting firm, Brian first trained on the principles of the human change journey. Since then, he has served on large change teams...
Published 07/11/23
This week’s podcast is very personal and I want to address the elephant in the room for so many of us, the elephant called ‘Failure.’ Do we need to feel we have failed/? Do we need to go back and reflect on the one, two times or more that we think we ‘failed’? I say a big, fat, NO to failure. In this episode I share; • My childhood story about meeting the reality of high performance and trying to make some pocket money. (1:38) • How I redefined what failure meant in my early years....
Published 07/05/23
Miriam Gunn has fostered growth in others since 1985 as a mentor, a licensed therapist, and a certified coach. Currently, she is passionate about helping businesses and high performers reach their next level, so they then can add their influence to this amazing world we share. Miriam is unique in that she approaches business coaching from the vantage point that the issue with your business growth might be YOU. She comes at this from a therapy angle - how can she help you recognize the ways...
Published 06/27/23
Thanh Pham has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, The Guardian, The Globe & Mail, and many other publications as a thought leader on productivity. Currently, he is the managing director of Asian Efficiency and co-host of the leading productivity podcast The Productivity Show (over 13 million downloads). Since 2011, Thanh has written over 500 newsletters and blog posts on productivity/efficiency. Thanh is a serial entrepreneur having started multiple businesses including a web dev...
Published 06/20/23
Dr Laureen Lawlor-Smith has been a medical practitioner since 1982. She has owned and managed her own General Practices in Adelaide’s southern suburbs for much of her career. She is passionate about helping people change their lives and improve their health through lifestyle medicine. Laureen has been using a low carbohydrate/ketogenic approach for years and has experienced both personally and professionally the dramatic health transformation this dietary change can produce. In this wide...
Published 06/14/23
Ross Dawson is globally recognized as a leading futurist, keynote speaker, entrepreneur, and authority on business strategy. He is the Founding Chairman of the Advanced Human Technologies group of companies, including futures consultancy Future Exploration Network. Strong global demand has seen Ross speak about the future to business and government leaders in over 30 countries across six continents and lead executive education programs at top universities worldwide. He is a best-selling...
Published 06/06/23
Dustin Bogle has a unique story. His family immigrated from Egypt in the 60s to chase the American Dream. As a young adult, he got into Professional Wrestling where he also learned how to sell tickets and organize a live event. From there, Dustin went on to open 6 gyms in 6 years in Southern California - the most competitive market in the industry. That's where he was forced to really grow as a leader and entrepreneur because it was extremely difficult and packed with learning lessons. But...
Published 05/23/23
What happens when you get five neuroscientists in a room talking about lying and how it affects your brain? So many issues arise! This week I had the privilege of leading a a round table discussion as part of the globally recognised Neuroplasticians Hub. Joined by leading neuroscientists, Professor Justin Kennedy, Dr Judi Newman, David Bovis and Faye Cormick, we dived into all the issues including: Why lying on a grand scale isn’t new. (2:37) Is lying nature vs nurture depending on...
Published 05/16/23
Sujatha Ramani has had a senior corporate career in multinational tech companies in India before becoming an entrepreneur creating companies in education and hospitality. Becoming a Director for The National Entrepreneur Network, a new initiative to helps startups grow and scale the business, fuelled Sujatha’s motivation and drive to support emerging enterprises create new employment. For the last 3 and half years Sujatha has been the CEO of the non for profit, Pollinate Group. Founded by...
Published 05/09/23
This week I am sharing some inspirational stories that will lift you up and inspire you. From a lonely hospital room to the world of elite tennis, I share two stories that were transformational to the listeners. But were the stories based on fact? And does that really matter? Is an inspirational story that’s not based on fact a lie, a white lie or in a completely different category? I’ll let you decide. In this episode I share; 1.23 The heart-warming story of friendship in a hospital...
Published 05/02/23
Lance Cayko is a serial entrepreneur and the co-founder of wildly successful award-winning architecture and construction firms in Northern Colorado. Post the 2008 recession, Lance co-founded F9 Productions, his architecture firm, in 2009 with his business partner Alex Gore after being laid off from a boutique firm in Boulder. Since its inception, the partners have grown F9 from two employees grossing less than six figures to a team of 11. This year they earned the #1 spot in tier three of...
Published 04/25/23
This week, I dive into one of my favorite topics – how total immersion into a desired outcome can achieve dramatic results. Sadly, the make-believe world that was so easy to slip into as a child, is a skill that isn’t so effortless as we grow older. In this episode I reference the recent film ‘Elvis’ and how the actor who portrayed him, immersed himself into the role with surprising results to the actor himself. In this episode I reveal: • 1.01 How the intense connection the actor Austin...
Published 04/13/23
Dr Justin James Kennedy’s personal and professional story is extraordinary. Having been in a coma, recovering and then diving into the neuroscience of what made that possible shaped the trajectory of his illustrious career. Justin is a TEDx Speaker, a Behavioural Neuroscience Professor advising across several universities including Monarch Business School, Switzerland, Middlesex University in London and University of Pretoria. Justin is also an Academic & Executive Coach, an...
Published 04/05/23
I love to travel and it always inspires new ideas and musings.  This week I took my unexpected experience at an airport to relate it to the secrets of success. You've already heard me talk about success being a process, nothing to do with will power or positive thinking!  So this episode, I look at the three connections between success and going to the airport to set out on your travels.
Published 03/29/23
I am so excited to revisit my chat with dear friend Charlie Hedges on his podcast ‘The Next Chapter with Charlie’. Charlie has had amazing experience as an executive coach to VPs and CEOs of large corporations with over portfolios of $1 Billion in assets, including The Walt Disney Company and American Business Bank. Charlie has travelled the world as an external trainer for Chevron Corporation, providing first-class strategic planning advice and executive coaching services. He is also...
Published 03/21/23
Would you like to prime your mind for success? Would you like to start the day with a focus on the future you want to enjoy? In this podcast episode, let me share some neuroscience tools and strategies from my book Feeling Forwards plus the questions I ask myself daily to create the future I want. This podcast episode reveals ‘The top 5 questions to create your best future.’ In this episode I share: • Why ticking off your to do list can hold you back from creating your best future. • The...
Published 03/07/23
Dr. Emeka Aludogbu is is a Nigerian-born doctor of chiropractic and sports medicine a serial entrepreneur, Co-owner and VP of Business Development for Terramer Inc, and CEO of Enovate SportsMed. Emeka is a multi-faceted high achiever with his background in business focusing on ridding the world of toxic plastic containers and providing a biodegradable and sustainable through turning hemp into plastic. This business success follows on from working with national sports and Olympics teams as a...
Published 02/28/23
This week, I'm tackling one of the biggest challenges that high achievers face, which is, letting go. And to help me I am engaging the success superpower of the humble starfish. In this episode I share: The 'letting go' starfish success secret harnessed by accidental inventors who have created global products; What are the signs when you need to let go of a long held dream or business outcome? The dramatic 'letting go' story of star entrepreneur TJ Colaiezzi of Lifebrand; Are the signs...
Published 02/22/23
Dr. Alexandra Swenson-Ridley is a thought leader in ‘outside the box’ and natural approaches to women's health and hormones, focusing on what she has termed Selfless Syndrome. After suffering her own health challenges that resulted from focusing on everyone and everything but herself, her work turned towards helping other driven women navigate the world of fatigue, thyroid issues, anxiety and depression, difficulty losing weight, gut health and more without the use of medications. She is the...
Published 02/14/23
I often think that the journey to self discovery is the only travel without a clear destination. And just when you think you have it nailed this thing called living, a curve ball comes from nowhere and knocks you off balance. And that's the time when the quality of the questions you ask yourself determines how quickly you can get back on track. But which question to ask? Asking yourself the wrong question is the difference between progressing through whatever circumstances you're faced...
Published 02/01/23