When I was starting, I was aware that I knew very little about online marketing. On top of that, I felt like what I did in my previous job didn’t relate that much with what I wanted to do online. But what I did have was courage and a lot of drive for learning. And that was enough to propel me to move forward. Today, aside from what I do here in Freelance Blend, I am also consulting with several clients to improve their digital presence online. I help them design their sales funnels and...
Published 01/03/19
Elbert Guintivano was a Field Service Engineer managing his employer’s operations at the Southern California region when he came into close contact with remote work. Aside from experiencing it firsthand, transitioning from an office-based to a home-based/on-the-road arrangement, he was also serving people in the startup industry who were working remotely. When he was sent to the Southeast Asian region to expand his company’s operations, he was excited of the potential for personal growth. In...
Published 12/07/18
The Unionbank EON card is like a swiss army knife for freelancers. There’s just a lot of financial tasks you as a freelancer can accomplish by using it. You can get paid through the card then withdraw your cash from any ATM using EON. But did you know that you can also use the card itself to make transactions in physical stores? In this episode, I will walk you through the steps you need to take to begin using your card when you buy your groceries or eat out in your favorite restaurant with...
Published 11/29/18
“Nung high school pa lang nagtitinda na’ko ng mga snacks. So ako si, ano tawag dito, si ‘bayong girl’,” Melissa laughed as she started talking about the beginnings of her entrepreneurial journey. “Alam mo yung parang ano, printed na bayong na malaki na tinitinda sa palengke? Yun, dalawang ganon lagi ang dala ko,” she continued her story smiling. Her guidance counselor, later on, found out about what she was doing and ordered her to stop. This happened, she said while still smiling, before...
Published 11/16/18
Here in the Freelance Blend Podcast, we’ve talked a lot about the Union Bank EON card. In past episodes, we learned about the different security features of the card, how to set up and activate it, and how to link it with PayPal for withdrawal. There’s just so much good that this card offers so I really believe every Pinoy freelancer needs to have one. If you still don’t have a Union Bank EON card, do yourself a favor and get one. Visit www.eonbankph.com to get started today. While the...
Published 10/31/18
Working in a digital space can be as challenging as working in any traditional jobs. That is why the right tools can really help make our everyday life as freelancers a lot easier. Recently, I talked with my tribe on a Facebook Live call where I shared the top 12 desktop tools that I use every day as a freelancer. Many fellow Pinoy freelancers found this 30-minute call really helpful and I want you to benefit from it as well. So today, I’m sharing with you the video replay of the Facebook...
Published 10/12/18
  CJ’s story is not so different from the many stories of women who turned to freelance after an important milestone in their life: the coming of a child. Seven years ago, CJ was answering calls and emails in a business process outsourcing (BPO) company when she got the news that she was having her first baby. The excitement and enthusiasm that she felt after giving birth motivated her to find a way to stay at home with her child while at the same time helping her husband make ends meet....
Published 10/03/18
  There is probably nothing worse that could happen to a freelancer than not being able to take hold of his or her hard-earned cash. This is especially true in times of emergency. Well, with the Unionbank EON card, getting your money fast should no longer be a problem. In Freelance Blend Podcast episode 164, you learned how to set up and activate your Unionbank EON Card. In case you missed that episode, you can watch the vlog here. In this new episode, you are going to learn how to...
Published 09/27/18
This weekend, I hopped on my Facebook profile and our Freelance Blend Facebook Page to talk about this under-the-radar but lucrative side gig that you can start today (but you may not realize you are doing it already). That topic is actually one of the most popular topics during my free webinar “The 3 Biggest Secrets to Getting Your First Freelance Side Gig” last week. We had a blast during that webinar and we had more than 100 attendees, even going past the maximum limit of 100 for my...
Published 09/03/18
Have you already got your hands on a Unionbank EON card — one of the better payment facilities for us freelancers? If you don’t have an EON card yet, then please watch the previous episodes where we discussed the benefits of the EON card for freelancers and its unique security features like selfie banking.  If you already purchased your EON card from Lazada or from a convenience store nearest you like 7-11 or Ministop, watch the video below where I demonstrate how to easily set up and...
Published 08/31/18
 Yesterday, I asked this question from our freelancer community: “What’s your biggest challenge in starting a freelance side gig? And here are the common answers that I got: “How to juggle my 9-hour work shift + 2 hrs travel and raising my 2yr old daughter and 1yr old son. I barely have time left to start a freelancing career.” “Since I have zero skills, how can I get clients?” “It might work for others, but I’m not sure if freelancing will work for me.” Now to help answer all these...
Published 08/24/18
  Why is EON Card (by Unionbank) one of the most preferred payment facilities for freelancers? In Freelance Blend Podcast episode 159, I showed you the 3 reasons why you should be using an EON card. Those 3 main benefits are: better security, increased convenience and a wide range of services.  (You can watch the vlog here.) Now, in this episode, we’ll focus on the first benefit: better security. With all the phishing, data breach and online scams out there, it is important that you...
Published 08/16/18
At a time when most teens are focused on exploring the possibilities of adulthood, Gladis Morales went ahead and started her first entrepreneurial venture. Driven by the need to raise funds to support her studies, she turned to tutoring as a way of earning an income. She started when she was in high school. About Zestagram Now 23, Gladis is at the helm of Zestagram, a platform that matches employers and students in an Internship-to-Employment Program. When she was overloaded with clients...
Published 08/07/18
Instead of letting a huge obstacle bring him down, our FBP 161 guest took that same obstacle and overcame it, not only for himself but also for people facing the same hurdle. Ryan Gersava was on his way to becoming a medical doctor until he was diagnosed with a serious medical condition. The realization that he will not be able to achieve a dream caused a momentary setback but Ryan was able to bounce back with a plan to end employment discrimination. He may not have been a doctor as he...
Published 07/30/18
“Work from home ba? Sarap naman! Madali lang yan!” Raise your hands if you ever heard this line from relatives and friends. From those who only see us as working from home or a coffee shop, the job may look easy. Little do they know that it took us years before we got to where we are. As you all know, I was in the corporate world for 18 years before I made a life-changing decision. Our guest for FBP 160, Carlo Mercado, was in the telco industry for 12 years. In 2017, he decided that it was...
Published 07/21/18
Freelancers will all agree when I say that time is money. Imagine the number of times that you were stuck in traffic or in a queue and you just end up wondering about other things that could have been a better and productive use of your time. So whenever I find more convenient ways of doing things, I’m always very excited to try it out and of course, to share with all of you, Blenders! The Game Changer When it comes to hard-earned freelance earnings on time, one of the most convenient ways...
Published 07/09/18
You took a lot of courses already, you are aware of different ways to be a successful freelancer or work-at-home professional, you have monetized your online business but somehow, you are still at lost which path to take. Does that sound familiar? Most of us have been through the same dilemma of finding a niche that you can flourish in. In FBP 158, Blender Jorel asks about finding a freelancing career in a maze of all possible choices. Passion vs. Curiosity Much has been said about...
Published 06/26/18
We’re on a streak! Since I haven’t answered questions in a while, here’s another recording of AskMarv. You’ve got online work questions, I’ve got answers! In this episode, Blenders Renee, Jeane, and Patrick posted their questions: * How can I secure employers and how long will it take for me to have freelance projects? * How can I make it big in this industry and make a difference as well? * I would ask how you started and ask for some tips and advice on how to improve my business and...
Published 06/16/18
It has been ages since we featured the last Ask Marv version but this time, we’re back with a list of questions. In answering these questions, I share my own freelancing journey starting from building a freelancing group, learning from experts I got to know in the industry, and then eventually becoming a freelancer. Listen in and get to know my answers to these questions: How can I get clients without going on Upwork? How to approach clients? What questions should I ask clients on...
Published 05/29/18
Multiple studies show that video gets the most user engagement on Facebook, with 10 times more engagement than any other type of content. This translates to 49% faster growth if your business has video content on Facebook. However, not all videos are created equal. Some fail to reach their target audience and some, while they reach their views count goal, do not convert to sales. This is the sales conversion gap that our FBP 155 guest foresaw as an opportunity. How it all started When it...
Published 05/15/18
It has been said that Filipinos are one of the most hardworking people in the world. This is also the same observation that our guest for FBP 154, Brianna Carney, has come up with after staying in Asia for a year to gain more insights into the booming BPO industry. With a business development background herself, Brianna understands the pain points experienced by businesses in building their customer-facing teams. In the US, finding top performers with the dedication and expertise means...
Published 05/08/18
Sometimes life throws a curveball and forces us to change our game plan. From being a hotel reservations team supervisor to a food listing website owner, our FBP 153 guest just kept on opening doors of opportunities until he finally found what works. By 2018, Julian Canita is now the go-to person for Facebook Advertising in our freelancing community. Julian and I teamed up last year for a Facebook Ads workshop and realized that we enjoy working with fellow Pinoy freelancers. Most of us have...
Published 04/30/18
My first few interactions with our FBP 152 guest was online via freelancing Facebook groups. Those interactions turned into in-person meet-ups, collaborations, and workshops.  He is the founder of Arrive Media, co-founder of Social Media Academy Philippines, and Head of Marketing at Sprout Solutions. He’s a growth hacker, a social media marketer, a keynote speaker, and a consultant for multiple brands and personalities. Even with a full schedule, he still makes the time to help the...
Published 04/23/18
A combination of relentless drive and plenty of hard work turned unfortunate events into opportunities for our FBP 151 guest. This guy with an easy demeanor and bright outlook has also proved himself to be resilient and a fast learner. In 3 years, Neil Reichl has turned from a pharmaceutical sales rep to a ChatBot marketing expert. All the long drives that he made while listening to podcasts when he was still a sales rep turned out to be the training ground for his digital marketing and...
Published 04/09/18
I grew up in awe of my father. As a kid, I am especially fond of memories of flying in a plane with him as the pilot. There’s a special kind of delight that comes from knowing that my father is bringing us and everyone aboard to our destination, all safe and sound. Two weeks from when I made this recording, my father passed away due to an unexpected massive heart attack. He was 73. While it came us a shock to all of us, we accept and know that his destination is God’s hands now where he is...
Published 02/27/18