Published 05/21/24
In this episode of F&T Time, we are joined by Robert Pradolin, Founding Director of Housing All Australians, who reminds us that the fight against homelessness and the quest for affordable housing in Australia, isn't confined to policymakers or builders alone. It's a mission that belongs to all of us. Every one of us has a role to play, whether through advocacy, investment, or by simply spreading the word.We take a closer look at how timber prefabrication is being leveraged to not on...
Published 05/21/24
Listeners may remember today's guest from season one, however this time he joins us as the Executive Director of International Sustainable Forestry Coalition! This insightful episode with guest Ross Hampton, looks at the important role sustainable forestry plays in the fight against climate change and the great announcements that came out of COP28 at the end of 2023.
Published 03/22/24
In this enlightening episode of F&T Time, we sit down with Hamish White, a Founding Builder of the Sustainable Builders Alliance (SBA). Hamish's dedication to a more sustainable construction industry is truly inspiring, and we delve into the transformative work the SBA is doing to reduce emissions and carbon footprint in construction.  Born out of Builders Declare Australia, the SBA is driven to revolutionise construction practices for the betterment of our planet. FTMA proudly aligns...
Published 01/23/24
FTMA is back again for another season of our podcast series, F&T Time!  This first episode of the new season looks at the exciting year ahead, including the 2024 National Conference which is the only national conference specifically curated for timber frame and truss fabricators.  Enjoy listening and remember, this is YOUR podcast! We're always open to topic suggestions or questions, so don't hesitate to connect 📨 Here's to another great year at FTMA! 🥂🎉 Stay tuned, stay informed, and...
Published 01/19/24
Today, we’re looking into the importance of education and training for the timber, frame and truss sector - a topic that is particularly important for us at FTMA, given our drive and pursuits to deliver courses, to help address the under employment that we are all experiencing, and encourage skilled people into our wonderful industry.  We are joined by NTHA Senior Trainer and Assessor, Colin Taranto - an inspiring and dedicated man, who has contributed greatly by paving the way for those...
Published 11/29/23
Today, we're shining a spotlight on Carpentry Australia’s Helping Hand Day. This isn't just an event; it's a testament to the spirit of community and the craftsmanship that lies at the heart of everything that Carpentry Australia do. During Helping Hand Day, carpenters from all walks of life join forces to lend their expertise and support to various community projects. It’s a day when chippies roll up their sleeves, pick up their tools, and make a real tangible difference in our communities....
Published 09/21/23
The Paris Olympics in 2024 are aiming to be the most sustainable games in Olympic Games history. One way they are achieving their sustainability goals, which align with the Paris Agreement, is using timber in construction. To ensure the Brisbane Olympic Games achieve similar environmental milestones to Paris, several strategies must be implemented. We need to prioritise the use of timber in our construction projects. This involves not only the games' facilities but also surrounding...
Published 09/06/23
In the lead up to R U OK? Day, I have invited Jordan Schmidt of Modern Mentality to talk to us about his challenges and provide tips on how to address mental health from a young man’s perspective. Jordan is like a nephew to me as I have known him most of his life and have witnessed firsthand the many life changing moments he has had to endure, and yet through each obstacle, I’ve witnessed Jordan pick himself up, and grow stronger. In this episode, Jordan will share his story and discuss the...
Published 08/25/23
This episode focuses on two passionate timber engineers and educators, Jon Shanks, and Lisa Ottenhaus. If you’ve ever met Jon or Lisa, you would know that they’re passionate about mountain biking, trail running, and really all things outdoors. What you probably didn’t know is that Lisa has been living with Multiple Sclerosis for over 13 years. Lisa doesn’t tend to make a big deal of it, because generally, things were ‘fine’... until they weren’t. In early 2022, Jon got a phone got call from...
Published 08/14/23
There are many stories of our ANZAC’s which demonstrates their character, determination and the toughness of our diggers. One of the fiercest fights was in Papua New Guinea on the infamous Kokoda Trail. Nowadays, the Kokoda Track is visited by many Australians to not only honour the brave soldiers who fought, and sadly died on the track, to thank them for their sacrifices which ensured Australia’s freedom. It has also become a trek that helps build future leaders, teaching them resilience,...
Published 07/24/23
In a male dominated industry, it’s critical to talk about the issues impacting so many men and look at what can be done to improve their mental health and wellbeing. Too many times, men shy away from conversations about their mental, physical and social health but it’s time we put a stop to it.  Next week from 12 – 18 June, it’s Men’s Health Week. This event is celebrated every year around the world, and in Australia it is organised by the Centre for Male Health at Western Sydney University,...
Published 06/08/23
This episode focuses on the importance of choosing fit-for-purpose timbers when manufacturing our quality offsite engineered products. Whilst we are focusing on frame & truss manufacturers, it is important to remember that everyone along the supply chain plays a critical role in ensuring that products or services are delivered to customers in a safe, ethical, and sustainable manner.  Each person or organisation involved in the supply chain can impact the quality, safety, and environmental...
Published 05/30/23
With the increase in the number of builders collapsing, such as Porter Davis, and the real possibility that frames and trusses, could potentially be uncovered and left in the weather for months, we thought it was a good time to talk about Best Practices for Caring for Your Timber Products. Today we are joined by three nail plate engineers to discuss what can frame and truss manufacturers, builders and homeowners do to care for their quality timber products.  Episode guests: Tim Rossiter -...
Published 04/18/23
With the 13th largest builder in Australia going bust, leaving 1700 homes unfinished, and a trail of creditors, we thought it would be a good reminder to go over what the collapse means, how it impacts fabricators and talk about how you can avoid being caught by the collapse of more builders in the future. Today, we are joined by Jaqi Rennie, Managing Director of Austbrokers Trade Credit to explain further. Jaqi experience spans three decades with a background in finance and law.  Jaqi’s...
Published 04/05/23
Welcome back for season two of F&T Time!  To kick off this season of F&T Time, we are joined once again by Tim Woods of IndustryEdge to talk about what we expect to see with timber supply and the housing markets for 2023. It seems everyone has a viewpoint on where the market is headed, but not all are on the same page. Some say the boom will continue, as we welcome an expected 200,000 migrants who will need to be housed, whilst others say, the housing market is headed for a bust. Tim...
Published 01/25/23
We are joined by FTMA's outgoing chair, Jamie Dahlsen, and newly elected chair, Aaron Hillman, for the last episode of this wild year! We recap our first ever season of F&T Time and discuss the exciting things that lie ahead for not only Season 2 of F&T Time, but FTMA and the wider industry. Thanks for listening to our first ever podcast series, see you next year for season two!
Published 12/18/22
Stress is a natural part of being human, short term, it gives you energy and promotes action. Unfortunately, being too stress for too long kills motivation, ruins focus and decreases performance. What if we could harness the awesome power of stress and get rid of the bad stuff. Well that's what today's guest, Luke Mathers, is going to talk about - becoming Stress Teflon. FTMA Members may recognise the name, as Luke was our Keynote Speaker earlier this year at the FTMA National Conference...
Published 12/05/22
Today, we are joined by Jo Mason, Co-Founder and CEO of WorkHaven.  WorkHaven is committed to developing a culture of zero tolerance towards domestic and family violence where each member of the community protects and empowers victims of DFV. With the upcoming changes, now is the right time to consider your businesses' approach to Domestic and Family Violence. FTMA has engaged Jo at WorkHaven to develop a DFV Policy for FTMA members as DFV is complex and sensitive and, forming a relevant,...
Published 11/23/22
October is National Safe Work Month—a time to commit to building a safe and healthy workplace. As FTMA honours National Safe Work Month, we are joined by AKD’s National Health & Safety Manager, Toni Kirkup, who’s passion for safety saw her receive the 2021 National Forests industries Innovation Health and Safety Award. Toni explains how safety doesn’t just start or finish at the gate and, how we all have a collective and individual responsibility to create a safe work environment, so...
Published 10/09/22
Today is R U OK? Day, a national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life. For this special day, we are joined by Dean & Tammy Kidd, who sadly lost their son, Jackson, to mental health issues this year. They explain the importance of looking out for each other and how a conversation could change a life. For further...
Published 09/07/22
In this episode, we are joined by FTMA’s Marketing Coordinator, Nikita Gentle, who explains that we all have a role to play in the fight against climate change and why we created our environmental arm, Carbon Warrior. We discuss how timber is being recognised around the world, for its ability to fight climate change and how Australia can take inspiration from these countries leading the way in climate action and introduce real and practical policies like the Carbon Warrior policy, 4 Steps...
Published 08/05/22
The Australian plantation estate hasn’t grown for over a decade due to poor Government policies, which effectively were blockers to plantation investment. Today, Timber Queensland CEO, Mick Stephens explains the important promises made by both major parties in the lead up to this Federal Election, to remove the all important ‘water rule’ under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) given its impact on stifling new plantation investment and denying access to carbon markets. Mick explains that...
Published 05/12/22
In this special edition of F&T Time, we speak to FTMA Members, David & Mark Sly, Directors of Sly Bros who have been impacted by the recent flood disaster in South East Queensland and Northern NSW. In the community of Woodburn alone, 95% of the residential and all businesses have been destroyed and they are not the only town in the area with sad statistics like this. This catastrophic storm was not just a flood but a disaster for the entire Northern Rivers Region.  In this episode we...
Published 03/19/22
Clive Martella, FTMA Board Member and Director of MB Prefab Framing in Geelong was down to earth, funny, straight up, hardworking and such an honest person. Clive was an essential person within the FTMA Board.  Not only was he one of the people who worked hard to get the National Association going but he remained a Director throughout his time on the board. To continue his legacy, FTMA Australia created the Clive Martella Service to Industry Award. Today as we open the nominations for the...
Published 03/16/22