Ep 3 of 'Your ADHD Besties' is now live, but we won't be sharing any more eps here. If you want to keep listening, type 'Your ADHD Besties' into your fave podcast app and hit ❤️ subscribe to hear all future eps! Direct links to 'Your ADHD Besties': 🎧 Listen on Apple Podcasts 🍀 Listen on Spotify🪩 All other appsInstagram: @adhdbestiespodcastWe'll see you there! ❤️‍🔥Tara & Grace xx
Published 04/25/24
Published 04/25/24
Heyyy ADHD besties! 🫠👯On today's show;• We discuss our obsession with god-tier frozen Indian food and why Depop is lifeee.• Answer a dilemma that navigates the minefield of RSD and what to do when friends don't respond to texts • Our second dilemm is super serious in nature... we look at why clicking pens is akin to torture and ask the all-important question: should she steal the pen? (vote in our Insta poll!)• Dilemma no. 3 - "my boyfriend doesn't believe I have ADHD" 🥸 *cue boo from the...
Published 04/19/24
Last week we announced a 🪩 BRAND NEW ERA 🪩 of the Future ADHD podcast, and today we're finally ready to share all the deets. We're launching a brand new podcast called Your ADHD Besties. 👯🫶Keep listening to hear Ep 1 of the Your ADHD Besties podcast, or go to our website adhdbesties.com to do a deep dive 👀Hey ADHD besties! 🫠  On today's show;• We hack ADHD sleep & eating with our recommendations• Answer a dilemma about a tricky living situation and why the ADHD ability to quickly get out...
Published 04/18/24
Helloooo friends - It's been a hot minute and I'm back to update you on where I've been and what's in store for this podcast... including a very special new co-host. 👯‍♂️Listen to find out more... and tune in next Thursday for the new era of the Future ADHD podcast!   futureadhd.com
Published 04/11/24
The discussions around Hyperfocus in ADHD scientific literature and on social media have left me feeling like we're just scratching the surface. There's a great deal more to understand about this incredible trait, and why it's so needed in our world... So today I'm diving deeper into the physiological experience of hyperfocus in the body, and sharing my analogy of how hyperfocus is so much more than 'just being pulled into a task outside of your control' or a trait that annoys others around...
Published 08/02/23
Is hyperfocus just an annoying, ill-timed and inconvenient ADHD trait, like some researchers suggest? Or is it actually a fundamental and incredibly necessary method of brain functioning that actually FEEDS our brains and helps stimulate and nourish them?   In today's episode I talk about how I've re-framed hyperfocus and why I think it's incredibly important that ADHDers have a trail of abandoned hyperfixations in their wake. I share some of the random hyperfixations I've been focused on for...
Published 07/06/23
Today on the podcast, I'm sharing something deep from my heart, something I've been wanting to say for a long time. I'm sharing what I *really* think of the ADHD label, and why it's crucial we define ourselves by what we are, instead of what we're not.   When I re-defined the ADHD label and re-claimed my identity in terms of who I am, instead of in terms of my deficits, it was absolutely life changing.   In this episode, I also cover:   A part of my diagnosis story and my emotions around...
Published 05/22/23
Today on the podcast I'm speaking with a politician, but definitely not your average politician. Jordon Steele-John is the second youngest Senator in Australia, and shares the incredible story of how he was elected into the Senate at 23, and how, in the 6 years since then, he continues to use his unique lens as a disabled politician to advocate for the disabled community in a way Australia hasn't seen before. Jordon's office has a strong current focus on ADHD reform and this year prompted a...
Published 05/15/23
If you have a child or student with ADHD (diagnosed or suspected) who experiences worry or rumination regularly, this episode is for you! And if you're NOT a caregiver, parent or teacher, many of the tools I share about understanding our brains can still apply to adults, especially if we're trying to dismantle a lifetime of negative messages and begin healing our inner child.     In this episode I talk about:   my personal journey as a parent navigating worry with my 7yo son why kids with...
Published 05/04/23
If you're in a current state of nervous system overwhelm, feeling regularly anxious or chronically stressed, and have no idea how to even BEGIN to rest again, then this episode is for you. In this episode I talk about: how external environmental stressors can accrue and weigh on our nervous system why these external stressors exacerbate our ADHD 'symptoms' and challenges what to do when you're so chronically stressed you get stuck in fight or flight 'sympathetic' mode, and are completely...
Published 04/26/23
Emotional spending, impulsivity, credit card debt, internalised shame & budgeting phobia... these are just a few of the areas that ADHDers often report struggling with when it comes to financial management. So it was no surprise that after 25K+ downloads of our ADHD planner, adding a finance/budgeting section was the No. 1 user request. In today's episode, I'm joined by Eric & Georgie from the Future ADHD team to talk about the launch of our brand new 25-page finance section in the...
Published 04/06/23
Let's be honest... Society wouldn't be able to function without its spicy and spectacular neurodiverse population. This week on the podcast is all about celebrating the ADHD brain in all its glory!In honour of Neurodiversity Celebration Week, I'm exploring the gifts of ADHD from all angles with my favourite Neurotypical... my husband and Co-Founder of Future ADHD, Eric.This is the perfect episode to share with the NT in your life, to help them get a greater understanding of the ADHD...
Published 03/17/23
Dr. Ali Arena is a communications & relationship expert specialising in the unique relational dynamics between neurodivergents and neurotypicals, both adults and kids. Ali has ADHD herself, and is both a Speech-Language Pathologist & Board Certified Behaviour Analyst. She’s a kind of like an interpersonal detective that searches for patterns to increase connection either in romantic relationships, friendships, or parent-child dynamics. Dr. Ali & I talk about: the differences in...
Published 03/08/23
[PART 2 of Interview]   Liliya Engelke (M.S. CHWC) is an ADHD coach and behavioural scientist who was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. In this two-part conversation we examine the neurobiology and chemistry of the ADHD brain.Lilly talks about:• the cascade of overwhelm and the shame spiral behind ADHD / ADD paralysis & doom scrolling on the couch• the link between dopamine and motivation• the genius ‘spoon analogy’ that explains ADHD executive dysfunction• “white coat syndrome” and the...
Published 03/01/23
[PART 1 of Interview]Liliya Engelke is an ADHD coach and behavioural scientist who was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. In this two-part conversation we take a deep dive into behavioural patterns and habit forming with the challenges of ADHD. We explore how behavioural science can help you peel back the layers and examine why you’re doing what you’re doing, instead of operating on autopilot. Lilly talks about:• observable vs. internal behaviour traits and why that’s an important distinction...
Published 03/01/23
Today I’m bringing you a conversation with Laura Sgro, who’s a licensed therapist based in California who was diagnosed with ADHD in her late 20s. Laura and I crossed paths when she bought my ADHD planner and reached out to say how much she was loving it. We traded emails back and forth and had sooo much to talk about when it came to the female experience of ADHD and understanding the complex emotional journey that comes with being diagnosed late in life. Laura gives loads of actionable tips...
Published 02/05/23
Join me as we explore the latest ADHD research, and take a deep dive into topics like unconscious limiting beliefs, habits & productivity, mindset, self-perception, and nervous system nourishment. I'll also chat to a range of neurodivergent guests, so we can challenge the status quo, change the conversation and shape the future of ADHD together. For more, visit futureadhd.com
Published 01/29/23
Our modern, industrial world has conditioned us to believe that productivity comes from consistency. It can, and for many people there’s a strong link. But doesn’t always. I’ve been exploring consistency and why it might be time to re-think society’s obsession with it being the only link to success. What if being inconsistent could provide just as many routes towards achieving our goals and creating incredible things as being consistent could? Here are 4 unconventional things I’ve discovered...
Published 01/29/23
It's Christmas holiday season, and whether you're facing triggering family dynamics, loneliness, tiring travel itineraries or mayhem with the kids underfoot, self-care is definitely something on our minds, and often feels juuuust out of reach. Here's a holiday self-care guide just for you! Links mentioned in episode: https://futureadhd.com/selfcare/  
Published 12/21/22
December is crazy season... it’s like the volume knob is turned up too loud, and I wonder, whyyy is the busiest month of year right at the end, when we’re all exhausted?? Who decided that was a good idea? Our to-do lists are overflowing and our brains are frazzled, so I’m asking my ADHD community to share their blocks towards self care, so I can make a free self care resource: I’m calling it ’nervous system nourishment’. Stay tuned for more...
Published 12/07/22