As sales professionals and leaders, most of us have overcome the overwhelming feeling of rejection and disappointment.  We risk our emotions every day on a quest to seek validation, please others and serve when there is an opportunity. Does this sound familiar? Just a reminder, this is safe space as Bill, and I discuss Avoiding Disappointment and other cool concepts on episode 589 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 11/09/23
Everywhere you look there are “hiring” signs. I talk to colleagues and clients, and they tell me how hard it is to find capable sales professionals. Yet, more often than not, when I start consulting with a new client, I find that they are consciously or unconsciously, doing everything they can to annoy the heck out of the salespeople that they already have! ­­­So, wipe away those crocodile tears as Scott and I investigate 7 Ways to Demotivate Your Sales Team and other uplifting topics on...
Published 11/05/23
Do you remember your first sales manager?  What did they do that worked and what lessons did you learn from their mistakes.  Too often sales managers are created for the wrong reasons and lead the sales teams into unsuccessful territory.  But that won’t happen to you because you are listening and learning.  So, get out your talking pad as Bill, and I welcome author and selling expert Mike Weinberg to discuss The Key to Success as a First Time Sales Manager on episode 587 of the Winning at...
Published 10/26/23
There are forces in nature. Invisible forces that act upon all physical objects and beings. Some of these forces can be destructive or restrictive such as friction or gravity. And others can be constructive or multiplying such as focus and repetition. Today we want to consider one of these forces and determine if we can use it to be more successful. So, lace up your running shoes as Scott and I investigate Creating the Big MO and other mesmerizing concepts on episode 586 of the Winning at...
Published 10/20/23
Emotionally risking is a typical bet salespeople make every day. Not risking is the surest way of losing. How can you increase your chances of winning? How can you reframe your mindset to overcome the conceptual barriers that limit your results?   Learn how to conquer the greatest weakness salespeople experience as Bill, and I discuss Overcoming the Need for Social Approval and other deep thoughts on episode 585 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 10/11/23
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics there a 13,183,250 people listing their job title as sales or selling. They have a mean annual wage of $50,370 (and that is really mean!) and if you are in the 90th percentile, the average wage is $94,040. That tells us that there a lot of sales reps out there who are basically starving to death because they don’t know how to differentiate themselves from the pack. So, if you want to move into that top 10%, listen up as Scott and I welcome our...
Published 10/04/23
It has been said people do not leave companies, they leave bad managers. What are the signs your sales team is considering other options - outside of the company?  And I'm not talking about new clients through prospecting. I'm referring to salespeople looking for other companies to sell for. As a sales manager what do you look for in these circumstances and as a salesperson are you tipping your hand. Stay right where you are as Bill, and I discuss Signs Salespeople are Leaving and other...
Published 09/28/23
I imagine that most of our listeners are pretty good at selling. I would even wager that most of you are in that vaunted Top 20 Percent that make most of the sales for your company. Perhaps that gives you a little swagger at the awards convention. But really, that is a pretty small pool of candidates. How about being the best in the industry, the best in your city or even one of the best sales professionals in the whole country! Now that would be something. Be ready to have your greatness...
Published 09/22/23
A new study of 1 million people revealed that a positive attitude makes you dramatically more successful! Those who are happy at work are more committed to their organization, rise to positions of leadership, achieve higher sales, and suffer fewer health problems.  Happiness should not be an afterthought for selling. It should be an essential goal – entwined with critical selling skills as the key to individual and organizational success!  When you build an environment focused on nurture,...
Published 09/14/23
Are great salespeople similar to great athletes? They certainly have a desire to win and for many, sales can be more lucrative than sports. But it’s not easy to be the best and it’s not something for the weak of heart or the lazy of character.  So, lace up your cleats as Scott and I examine Sales Lessons from Great Competitors and other fascinating info on episode 580 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Published 09/06/23
AI is becoming more popular and confusing. What is real and what is the output of a formula? But we cannot ignore this movement. Let’s see what ChatGPT responds with when asked for the Top Challenges Salespeople experience in the marketplace.  Standby for real advice with over 82 years of experience – before AI, as Bill and I explore, Top 6 Sales Challenges According to ChatGPT and other nifty ideas on episode 579 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 08/31/23
Is there a difference between a "sales situation" and a "crisis situation"? Do they both require strategic crisis communication techniques? Chances are, you haven't often thought of a sales call and a crisis communication the same way but you might after this podcast! Fortunately, we’re not in a crisis mode because Scott and I are welcoming crisis communication expert   Paul Omodt to discuss People and The Stories They Sell on episode 578 of the Winning at Selling podcast
Published 08/24/23
Timing is everything.  This saying also applies to sales training.  Often leadership gets excited about increasing sales quickly, but not developing the areas that support the sales process, messaging, marketing, and overall effectiveness. What frustrates salespeople, prolongs results, interrupts the customer journey, all at the expense of loss opportunities, which cannot be calculated?  Interested in creating a foundation to maximize your sales activities? Stay tuned as Bill and I explore,...
Published 08/17/23
What you believe about yourself and your ability to succeed resides deep down in your psyche. It is the accumulation of your personal experiences and also what you have been taught by family, teachers, coaches and other important influencers in your life. But experience can teach us the wrong lessons and many of the aphorisms drilled into us in our youth might keep us from achieving the success we desire. It's time to examine what you think you know as Scott and I discuss Dangerous Lessons...
Published 08/10/23
How many times during the day – in a sales call, prospecting for new clients, conducting a presentation, or leading a meeting – is it vital for you to ask for something you want to achieve your goals? Yet many of us don’t…we don't ask for what we want. Rather, we sabotage ourselves through bad communications habits that act as roadblocks to achieving our goals.  Asking is a simple skill, but it is not easy to master and there is no exaggerating its benefit. Stay tuned as Bill and I welcome...
Published 08/03/23
Some employees are fortunate to have their organizations provide a comprehensive and ongoing development program in which they can participate. But for many salespeople and those of you who are solopreneurs, these is no comprehensive program. So, what do you do? If your smart, you’ll pay special attention as Scott and I discuss Take Control of Your Own Development on episode 574 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Published 07/28/23
How are decisions really made? We know people love to buy but hate to be sold. With every decision there is a criteria, process, and motivation, and a person involved. What else do we need to know? What are their priorities, beliefs, preferences and in what situations do they thrive, and others they want to cry. Let’s gather around and talk about how we can approach everyone differently and still achieve the same goal as Bill and I discuss DiSC Selling on episode 573 of the Winning at...
Published 07/19/23
There are many issues which cause us to be fearful. Darkness, loud sounds, heights and closed in spaces can all cause this feeling. In sales we might suffer from a fear of rejection or failure or crazy enough, success. I doubt if anyone is completely fearless and could have survived past the age of 12. Fear and caution are very good at keeping us alive. But an over abundance of caution can keep us locked in to mediocrity. So get out from under your bed and tune in to episode 572 of the...
Published 07/12/23
What do you concentrate on during the day? What do you dwell on? What is your motivation? We all have an internal operating system built on a set of beliefs and powered by our true motivation. Let's get motivated and get into alignment as Bill and I consider Uncovering Motivation on episode 571 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 07/06/23
Are you unhappy with your company or your sales position? Do you feel that there are better opportunities out there for the taking? Is your company not treating you right? You are not alone in these feelings. Many sales professionals wonder what they should do. So examine with Scott and I if you’re in a good or bad position as we discuss Should I Stay or Should I Go? and other cool stuff on episode 570 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 06/28/23
Creating influential conversations is the goal of every salesperson.  The outcome is a collaboration between the prospect and salesperson, agreeing on the exchange of value for a price.  Sometimes salespeople need to negotiate to create and define what’s most valuable in the exchange.  Let’s spend some time together and crack the collaboration code as Bill and I welcome Nan Gesche to episode 569 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 06/20/23
Achieving and maintaining the right mindset is crucial to your success in sales. It gets you up before you can get down and sustains you when the process gets hard. But what is the right mindset and how can I get myself to that position? So “clear the mechanism” as Scott and I discuss The Mindset of a Sales Professional and other interesting tidbits on episode 568 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 06/16/23
Persuasion and influence is not always a prepared presentation, it’s an overall process — a process of learning about your criteria, audience, building their trust, and building a case that addresses their interests.  Today, we will address six techniques you can apply to persuade a prospect, customer or client to invest their funds when budgets are tight.  In the words of Zig Ziglar, get out your talking pad - as Bill and I discuss 6 Pitching Techniques to Use When Budgets Are Tight and...
Published 06/09/23
We are all a combination of strengths and weaknesses. Our strengths allow us to get tasks done quickly with a feeling of competence while our weaknesses can cause us frustration, procrastination and consternation. The question is, what do we do about this conundrum and how do improve our performance?    Let’s start by pulling out your strength assessment as Scott and I welcome our guest, Rebecca Gebhardt to episode 566 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.   
Published 06/01/23
Conversations have a sequence with different directions. General questions at the beginning and detailed ones near the end. Based on the information acquired the duration and outcome of the conversation will vary. During this time, are you having a discussion or a dialogue with another person?  What is the difference?  Are you ready to get into it as Bill and I discuss Creating the Course of a Conversation and other interesting topics on episode 565 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.  
Published 05/25/23