Statistics show that referrals are more likely to give you an appointment and more likely to make a purchase. But for many of us, we don’t get many referrals to begin with. Why does it seem so hard to do? Our guest will warn us that getting referrals is a process, not an event. And maybe that’s where our problems start. So, lock and load as Scott and I welcome world-class salesperson and selling consultant, Garry Duncan as he takes aim at Professionally Targeting Referrals on Episode 621 of...
Published 06/20/24
Ever see the meme about being nice to people because you have no idea about what battles they are fighting? Everyone we talk with is coming from and taking a position about our pending conversation. Ever ask yourself, where are they coming from? Look both ways as Bill and I discover Where Are They Coming From? and other tantalizing tidbitson episode 620 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 06/14/24
Published 06/14/24
How does a salesperson make us “want” to buy from them? Is it their great charisma, alluring appearance, dazzling smile, perfectly styled hair? Or is something else entirely? Whatever it is, you and I both need it to make our way in this crazy profession of selling. So strap on your helmets as Scott and I delve into Developing Trust and other important ideas on Episode 619 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Published 06/05/24
Every interaction we have with another person creates a split-second impression.  They may say – “Who is this” - with interest in wanting to know more. Or “Who is this - and why are they interrupting me.  Our actions define and create the curiosity we want others to have in talking more with us.   If you are interested in learning how, stay tuned as Bill and I welcome Wall Street Journal cartoonist, Hall of Fame-nominated marketer and author Stu Heinecke to episode 618 of the Winning at...
Published 05/31/24
Rats! I thought I was about to close a deal until my client said that he would have to submit the plan to procurement! What does that mean? A bidding war? A long and costly RFP process? Negotiations with a team of master negotiators who are bent on the cheapest product possible? Yes, the thought of dealing with procurement can strike fear into even the most seasoned sales professional. If you want to learn how to turn the purchasing boogieman into cuddly little lamb keep listening as Scott...
Published 05/25/24
Selling more and better starts with sounding different than others in the industry.  Asking better questions outside of the prospects problem and sharing your solutions will make you sound more interested in learning about the prospect’s environment, expectations and priorities.   Set your expectations high as Bill and I discuss the 10 Questions to Ask Your Prospect and other thoughtful ideas on episode 616 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 05/16/24
Is your sales conversation the same as it was 5 years ago? Do you still have that tired company pitch that extols the virtues of your organization? Are you caught in the cycle of fact-benefit-confirmation? Is your customer supposed to provide the information and you match up the solution? Well, it’s time to change your approach. If you want to keep from falling further behind the sales curve tune in as Scott and I welcome our guest Anthony Iannarino to tell us Why You Must Be One-Up Now on...
Published 05/09/24
Have you ever worked in a company that just seems to be off balance with its people?  Like a car with a misaligned front end.  You are limited in how fast you can go.  Where do you begin to look to find the problem? Is the problem the process, or the people and how they interact with each other?  Listen up as your problem-hunters - Bill and I take on dysfunction in an Overview of the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team on episode 614 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 05/06/24
A-B-C. A-always, B-be, C-closing. Always be closing! Always be closing!! A-I-D-A. Attention, interest, decision, action. Attention -- do I have your attention? Interest -- are you interested? I know you are.  You close or you hit the bricks! Decision -- have you made your decision? And action. A-I-D-A; get out there!! You got the prospects comin' in; you think they came in to get out of the rain? Guy doesn't walk on the lot unless he wants to buy. Sitting out there waiting to give you their...
Published 04/25/24
As the adage goes - We battle our head and heart constantly in our day to day actions.  Often when we don’t see the results of our intentions or actions and we get down on ourselves.  Some have said, Nobody can be harder on me than me.  And I’m one of those people.  So, if this also applies to you.  Take a break and give yourself a break as Bill, and I Welcome our guest, Dr. Andrea Hollingsworth to discuss Inner Critic vs. Inner Advocate on episode 612 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 04/18/24
Having no plan is really a plan to fail. But by thinking through our goals we can develop the detailed steps we must accomplish in order to attain that big objective. As the saying goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” And as a sales professional you will need to analyze, determine and plan out those “bites”. So grab a knife and fork as Scott and I dig into the steps for creating a Personal Sales Strategy on Episode 611 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Published 04/13/24
We all have different goals and priorities.  Measured on different benchmarks.  Fueled by different motivations. Have you ever met someone and wondered what their motivation is for doing what they do? What’s in it for them?  We present our solutions to prospects with a WIIFM approach, but how about when someone is selling to us. Let’s flip the script as Bill, and I investigate, Who are They Working For?- on episode 610 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 04/07/24
Dr. Dennis Waitley once said, “You must look within for value, but must look beyond for perspective.” Our customers are looking for value, but to gain their perspective we need to look at the issues from their point of view. Only then can we make a sale that delivers that value. So, get ready to look at the world in a different way as Scott and I welcome author and sales expert Jimmy Z to discuss Shift Your Sales Perspective on Episode 609 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Published 03/28/24
Do we learn more from successes or failures?  Regret can be a wonderful teacher if we let it. How do with treat regret?  Success can validate us, but failure keeps us in the game – if we get back up.  Do you want to stay in the game and do better in the future?  Don’t regret skipping this episode as Bill, and I reminisce about Memorable Moments - sales lessons learned the hard way on episode 608 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 03/23/24
Could it be that the key reasons that a salesperson loses a deal is through self-inflicted wounds? Is it possible that the mistakes they make when interacting with a prospect are the very things that cause the sale to be lost or “put on hold”? Get ready for what might be a painful self-examination as Scott and I dive into the topic 5 Ways You Are Hurting Your Sales and other radical ideas on Episode 607 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Published 03/14/24
What is the difference between sales and marketing? Where does one stop and the other start? Who has the most influence on the decision? Who goes first? I feel like this discussion will be like debating which military branch is most important.  You don’t have to participate, but if you are curious enough to learn more, stay tuned as Bill, and I welcome marketing expert Seth Johnson to discuss Selling in Sync - How sales and marketing can unite to generate more leads and close more deals on...
Published 03/11/24
I heard someone say that they treated their sales territory as if it were their own business. It seemed to make sense to me so I thought Scott and I should discuss the pros and cons of thinking like an entrepreneur. So be ready to take control as Scott and I venture into a capitalist discussion about The Entrepreneurial Salesperson on Episode 605 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Published 02/29/24
The most successful salespeople will admit the best leads they receive are from referrals.  Referrals serve as evidence of a “transfer of trust.”  What have we shared about building trust in a sales conversation.  It’s the only way you receive honest answers.  When the TIMING is right and TRUST is high, you increase your chances of converting a lead to a commitment.  So, think about who you’d like to refer this episode to - as Bill, and I discuss Referrals: Asking, Giving and Receiving ...
Published 02/22/24
Some believe that a salesperson is born, not made, while other believe a salesperson is made and not born? Leaving us with the question, are some people psychologically predisposed to be better at selling? Or can anyone, with the proper training and motivation become a high performing sales professional? It’s an interesting question that deserves to be explored. So, take off your tinfoil caps as Scott and I welcome author and sales leader, Mark Hunter: The Sales Hunter to Episode 603 of the...
Published 02/14/24
Sales is an emotional career.  We trade our time and hope our wager turns into a winning hand.  But not everything is within our control. The marketplace is changing, the economy is in flex.  While we need to keep our head up while moving forward. That may not be as easy as said.  If you want to learn how to manage the changing time, stay tuned as Bill, and I discuss Keeping a Positive Attitude When Sales are Down and other uplifting topics on episode 602 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 02/10/24
John Maxwell says that “The key to your success is found in your daily routine.” The highest paid and most successful salespeople have developed routines that get them focused on the most crucial tasks to drive their sales. You can change your level of success by developing better work habits. So, pull out your Day Timer as Scott and I discuss Work Habits of Top Sales People and other helpful ideas on Episode 601 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Published 02/03/24
As the adage goes – the separation is in the preparation.  Add other famous quotes like – Professionals don’t practice on prospects – throw in a sports analogy - and I think you will uncover the theme of today’s show. So, suit up as Bill, and I welcome speaker, author and sportscaster, Joe Schmit to discuss How Sports Professionals Practice on episode 600 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 01/25/24
Is any sale a good sale or should the salesperson be concerned about profitability? Do you get paid on raw sales amounts or are you compensated on the profitability of the final numbers? Can salespeople be trusted to negotiate the final contract or do the immediate dollar signs get in their eyes. Well, hold on to your wallets as Scott and I discuss Maintaining Your Profit Margin and other valuable lessons on Episode 599 of the Winning at Selling podcast.
Published 01/22/24
Most of the time your prospect is someone else’s client or customer.  You may have a better product or service.  You may even have a better price.  However, it is going to take more than that to convince your prospect to be your next sale.  If you want to change minds, hearts and souls - listen up - as Bill, and I discuss Unseating the Incumbent and other fascinating topics on episode 598 of the Winning at Selling Podcast.
Published 01/13/24