Here's the deal. When we give too many shi^%s about too many things it can feel at best, overwhelming, and at it's worst anxiety inducing and paralyzing. In today's episode, Michelle and Brad identify the reasons why we give a sh&^ and  talk about how we can care about something without internalizing it in an unhealthy manner. 
Published 11/15/23
Published 11/15/23
That's right. They're talking Taylor Swift! Take a listen to this fun episode where Michelle and Brad talk all about T Swizzle and what we can learn from her and her accomplishments.  Taylor Swift's extraordinary career has been the result of talent, diligence and belief. Brad and Michelle extract just a few of the lessons we can glean from her and talk about how we can apply those concepts to our own lives. 
Published 10/17/23
What exactly is intuition and do all of us have it? How do we recognize intuition in an overthinking mind? Should we always listen to our intuition? We all know what intuition means but are we actually tapping into it and using it for our highest good? These are just few of the questions Brad & Michelle explore in today's episode about, you guessed it, intuition. If you'd like to join us in our 30-day AG1 challenge and support Get Wellthy, you can do so here!
Published 10/10/23
Does it ever seem like the work you're putting into your workouts doesn't line up with the results you're seeing? Does it ever feel like everyone else has all the time in the world to fit in a workout, except for you? Do you feel what once worked for your body is no longer effective? If you answered, "yes" to any of those questions, this episode is for you. Michelle & Brad talk about how to move forward when you get into a workout rut. And don't worry, it's not just the same, "wake up...
Published 09/26/23
Do you ever feel like the messaging we hear in society doesn't align with the reality of what's actually happening in society? We're told not to stress, but live in a time where we're inundated with stressors. Mental health is an important topic, but are we actually practicing what we preach from the top down? And don't even get started with health and dieting messaging which can be full of conflicting narratives. Join  Michelle and Brad as they dissect this topic and talk about ways to...
Published 09/24/23
Do you ever feel like the messaging we hear in society doesn't align with the reality of what's actually happening in society? We're told not to stress, but live in a time where we're inundated with stressors. Mental health is an important topic, but are we actually practicing what we preach from the top down? And don't even get started with health and dieting messaging which can be full of conflicting narratives. Join  Michelle and Brad as they dissect this topic and talk about ways to...
Published 09/19/23
Inspired by Spring cleaning, Michelle & Brad chat about taking out the clutter. Physically and mentally. They discuss the various kinds of clutter that we constantly accumulate and the importance of removing it from our lives be optimally present. In personal updates, they also chat about the pitfalls of fitness trackers and Michelle's purpose with The Whole Smiths.
Published 05/04/23
Today we have friend of Get Wellthy, Casper ter Kuile, back to talk about the art of connection, how to foster community in today's world and how "letting go" is intricately tied into spirituality. You can find more information on his small group course, The Nearness, here.  Make sure to follow Casper on Instagram to stay up to date with all of his work. 
Published 04/07/23
In today's episode, Brad and Michelle dissect the notion that today's woman can have it "all". A main theme that runs through the conversation is the discussion of  what "all" actually means and the value of that needing to be able to vary by woman. Can every woman have all based on what that all is to them? Do women have too much on their plate to effectively have it "all"? Is society currently structured in a way so that any woman can have whatever it is that they consider "all"? We may...
Published 03/20/23
They're BACK! In this episode, Michelle and Brad chat all about how phone intrusions and urgency culture have gotten to be problematic. They explore how it can be impacting things like anxiety, productivity and more. As well, Brad refuses to admit he's stubborn and Michelle discovers she's anemic and has a developing lisp??
Published 02/27/23
What do you think about when you hear the word self-care? A 5 star resort? Or something more simplistic like an uninterrupted shower? Over the last several years, the meaning of self-care in our culture has morphed. While bringing this idea to light has definitely helped some realize the need to slow down and fill their cups, it has also given others a warped sense of the phrase, leaving them to believe that they are undeserving or not in need of the “luxury” of self-care. Today, we are...
Published 11/23/21
We always talk the talk about gratitude but what does it mean to walk the walk of gratitude?  There’s no doubt gratitude has become yet another coveted buzzword. If you get online for any amount of time, you’ll find gratitude practices, meditations, and memes all around the idea of producing ways to be grateful. But how does that actually apply to our everyday lives? Is what everyone is selling us online actually making a difference or is it all a fluke? Today Michelle and Brad talk about...
Published 11/09/21
What the hell does nuance have to do with wellness?! Extreme dieting or eating whatever you want.  Working out to the extreme, or not working out at all.  Carb cutting, or carb-loading. Cutting out all technology, or using it for everything. Here’s the point: a black and white way of thinking isn’t healthy, and it’s not helping our wellness or our well-being in any sense of the word. That’s where nuance comes in, and why we are discussing the need to embrace nuance in today’s episode. If...
Published 10/19/21
Does anyone else feel like motherhood has become an unrealistic juggling act even more than normal over the last several years? Honestly, between school and sports, Pinterest parties, PTO, snack, field trips, and trying to actually manage work and home, and then adding a pandemic on top of that, it’s no wonder we are all losing our minds! Today, we are talking all about the struggles that come along with modern day parenting. And while the list of expectations seems to be never-ending, the...
Published 10/05/21
We all have different triggers, what are yours? This week we are diving into different types of triggers. And while the word “triggers” has certainly become buzzworthy, we aren’t just going  to talk about them for the fun of it. Today, we are going to actually start doing something about them. Triggers, annoyances, and pet peeves, all look different for each of us, but if we learn to lean into them they can become productive bits of information that help us to learn more about ourselves and...
Published 09/21/21
Have you checked in with yourself recently? Life has been crazy and it can be easy to lose track of the time, get busy with never ending to-do lists, and neglect what’s truly going on inside. Before you know it, you are feeling restless, uneasy, and on the verge of losing it. If you are feeling this way, just know you’re not alone. There’s so much crazy floating around in the world and trying to process all of the extra stuff on top of our regularly scheduled programming can be tough.  That’s...
Published 09/07/21
Anyone else feel like social media is completely different than it was five, three, or even one year ago?! Whether you are an online influencer or simply a consumer of social media, we have all witnessed a shift in the use of social media. What started as a simple way to connect with people you haven’t seen since high school, is now a war zone of algorithms, catfishes, and highlight reels. Today, Michelle and Brad discuss the changes they have witnessed over the past year or so, how it has...
Published 08/17/21
Among the thousands of other current buzzwords as of late, spirituality is certainly at the top of the list...but at the heart of it all, is it working? Have we taken it too far from its intended roots? Today, this is something Michelle and Brad had the honor of discussing with Zack Alexander. Zack is a Shamanic Healer & Shadow-Work Coach, and today he shares his journey with us. He is candid as he talks about the role spiritually plays in his life even as an expert and how he arrived to...
Published 08/03/21
If you’ve been feeling discouraged about life, whether it be because a business idea isn’t working out as planned or you’re finding yourself  feeling inadequate after scrolling social media, you’re going to want to tune in today. Today Michelle and Brad share a conversation they had with actress Katee Sackhoff. You may know her from shows like The Mandalorian, Battlestar Galatica, Longmore and so many more. Katee is magnetic and has an authentic positivity about her. Her positivity might be...
Published 07/20/21
Anyone else tired of trying diet after diet after watching others succeed, only to find nothing has truly changed? Especially long term? You’re not alone. And also, you’re not broken...the diet industry is, and in season two we are talking a lot more about this. If you log onto social media, you will find an influx of “before and afters,” highlight reels, and a host of different diets. And today Michelle and Brad talk about the dangers of taking these things too much to heart, EVEN from the...
Published 07/06/21
Sleep. It’s something we all do, all need more of and we’d like to state that it’s more than likely something a large majority of us struggle with. So what are we to do about it? Recognized as a vocal pioneer of integrative and functional medicine (or what he calls “good medicine”), Dr. Frank Lipman is the founder of Eleven Eleven Wellness Center and the Chief Medical Officer at The Well, both in New York City. He is the best-selling author of seven books—How to Be Well, The New Health...
Published 05/25/21
A note from Michelle and Brad: First of all, we want our listeners to know how truly much you mean to us. Over the course of the last year, we have shifted gears more than once and you have stuck with us along the way. This podcast has been quite a journey, but honestly it is the perfect thing for the direction we want to be going. We have been diving into joy and alignment over the course of the last few months and the shifts we’ve made and addition of the podcast have truly made us feel...
Published 05/11/21
When we are feeling overwhelmed, burdened, or near burnout why is it that our reflex is always to add? Add a new system to take on more, add some type of organizational tool to help us stay afloat, add help so that we can continue to carry our already full plates. What would happen if we attempted to subtract, rather than add? Well, today that’s something we are going to explore. Leidy Klotz is the Copenhaver Associate Professor at the University of Virginia. Today we are discussing his new...
Published 04/27/21
What if we told you that you were in control of the amount of joy in your life? Would you believe it? Would you accept the challenge to begin finding it? Kelsey J Patel is an author and meditation teacher who is also certified in EFT and today she is helping us continue the conversation on discovering joy. There are many different facets of our lives that play into joy and today Kelsey walks us through the process of what it takes to be truly joyful. As you will hear in this episode, Kelsey...
Published 04/20/21