This episode is part of the Grace & Grit Summer Remix Series which started with episode 330. This series will reintroduce episodes that have previously been published as reminders that self-development is not a one-and-done job but rather an ongoing practice. Enjoy! I call the years between 40 and 60 the renovation years. Why? Because of shifting hormones combined with balancing more responsibilities than ever, we are really presented with an opportunity at this age and stage of life...
Published 08/04/23
This episode is part of the Grace & Grit Summer Remix Series which started with episode 330. This series will reintroduce episodes that have previously been published as reminders that self-development is not a one-and-done job but rather an ongoing practice. Enjoy! A lot of women I consult with, who are frustrated with their state of health, often say to me that they don’t feel all that stressed. Which, if you really think about it, isn’t all that surprising considering we have...
Published 07/28/23
This episode is part of the Grace & Grit Summer Remix Series which started with episode 330. This series will reintroduce episodes that have previously been published as reminders that self-development is not a one-and-done job but rather an ongoing practice. Enjoy! Health does not grow in negligent, hostile or toxic places, which the mind can certainly become without proper attention and direction. If you aren’t exerting consistent daily effort to keep your mindset in a place that...
Published 07/21/23
This episode is part of the Grace & Grit Summer Remix Series which started with episode 330. This series will reintroduce episodes that have previously been published as reminders that self-development is not a one-and-done job but rather an ongoing practice. Enjoy! You are a dynamic thing, constantly evolving and forever changing. Which means… Your health is dynamic too. Yet we often refer to health as if it is a binary thing.  As if we either have it or we don’t. I would argue that...
Published 07/14/23
This episode is part of the Grace & Grit Summer Remix Series which started with episode 330. This series will reintroduce episodes that have previously been published as reminders that self-development is not a one-and-done job but rather an ongoing practice. Enjoy! YOU are an incredibly unique human expression. YOU are here to cause, contribute and inspire things in the world in a way that only you can. And… It is really freaking hard to be a fully expressed human doing the work she...
Published 07/07/23
This episode is part of the Grace & Grit Summer Remix Series which started with episode 330. This series will reintroduce episodes that have previously been published as reminders that self-development is not a one-and-done job but rather an ongoing practice. Enjoy! LET'S FACE IT THE YEARS SURROUNDING MENOPAUSE CAN BE ROUGH. Stress is elevating, hormones are declining and our body is starting to do things we are struggling to understand. As tempting as it may be, it is NOT time to fade...
Published 06/30/23
This episode is part of the Grace & Grit Summer Remix Series which started with episode 330. This series will reintroduce episodes that have previously been published as reminders that self-development is not a one-and-done job but rather an ongoing practice. Enjoy! It is downright impossible to create new possibilities for your life if you are living in reaction mode. After all, your reactions are a byproduct of what you have been practicing. So, if you want to generate new outcomes,...
Published 06/23/23
This episode is part of the Grace & Grit Summer Remix Series which started with episode 330. This series will reintroduce episodes that have previously been published as reminders that self-development is not a one-and-done job but rather an ongoing practice. Enjoy! Summer has arrived here in North America and with it comes travel, barbecues, camping trips, and opportunity to disrupt our everyday routines.  And saying YES to these things can be so incredibly beneficial to your health. A...
Published 06/16/23
The older I get, the more acutely aware I am of the value of pausing to be able to maintain the pushing and in dedication to that knowing, I am extending myself the grace of pausing the production of new episodes of the Grace & Grit Podcast until the fall. I can’t believe it but we have produced 330 episodes of content over the past several years AND to continue to produce the level of content you deserve, I am taking a short break. The beauty of this, aside from rejuvenating my...
Published 06/09/23
3 years ago I decided to run an experiment in my business. I started a community called Rumble & Rise where the primary focus would be to help women develop self-leadership skills so could fortify their self-trust, improve their well-being and go after the things on their heart. It was an ambitious endeavor and I had NO idea how it would turn out, but I was so frustrated by what was being sold to women as a path to live happier and healthier lives, that I decided my experiment was worth...
Published 05/26/23
I have long taught that health isn’t necessarily the absence of dis-ease but how we show up in the face of it. Why? Because life is FULL of dis-ease. Sometimes dis-ease comes in the form of relationship challenges, financial hardship, the loss of loved ones etc. And sometimes it looks like a diagnosis you never could have seen coming. My client, dear friend and guest on today’s podcast, Claire Schulz Bergman, shares her experience of being diagnosed with ALS at 52 years young and how she is...
Published 05/19/23
There is a lot of noise “out there” trying to convince you that you need complex measures to improve your health and well-being, but what I have found to be true time and time again throughout my coaching career is that consistency with basic measures can revolutionize a person’s life. So why don’t we embrace simplicity along the path to change? Well, because we struggle with the consistency part and then convince ourselves that simple measures don’t work. Gah! In this episode of the Grace...
Published 05/12/23
When most people think about movement training they don’t necessarily think about training their breath patterns, but my guest on this episode of the Grace & Grit podcast, Julie Angel, will have you convinced that breath is indeed a movement skill that everyone can benefit from. Julie Angel is a multi-passionate movement, breathwork and parkour coach, artist, award winning filmmaker and author. In this episode we explore: The benefits of restoring functional breathing patterns, Why you...
Published 05/05/23
Modern day life affords us a LOT of comfort. Too much comfort, I will argue in this week’s Grace & Grit podcast episode. Comfort is costing us a lot in terms of our health and well-being, so in this episode we explore: Pursuing discomfort on purpose, The connection between discomfort and longevity, Grit as a vital nutrient for health & well-being, … and so much more. You can listen here: https://graceandgrit.com/podcast-325 **** The Consistency Crash Course is running from May...
Published 04/28/23
“Test don’t guess” is a phrase you will often hear coming from the lips of my podcast guest today, Laini Gray. Laini is a functional diagnostic practitioner and wellness coach who specializes in helping women understand the root causes of dis-ease at midlife. Let’s face it, ladies there is a lot that happens on a chemical level (hello hormones) at midlife that demands a different level of self-care if we want to rock our second act. In this interview Laini helps us better understand: What...
Published 04/21/23
I recently sent out an email to my subscribers asking them to tell share with me the #1 thing standing in the way of them putting their best years ahead of them. The answers were wide and varied, but there were a lot of common threads. One of those threads, in particular, broke my heart and inspired this podcast episode… feeling alone, isolated, or a lack of connection. There are SO MANY reasons you may be feeling disconnected from other humans at midlife AND it’s really important that we...
Published 04/14/23
  I spend a LOT of time coaching around the topic of personal power because owning, generating, protecting, and expressing power is so necessary for healing… mentally, physically, and emotionally. And, while many things rob us of our personal power and cause what I refer to as a power wound, in this episode, I do a deep dive into the ultimate power wound and what you can do about it. If you feel powerless in your life or are playing small in any way, do not miss this episode. You...
Published 03/31/23
Published 03/17/23
There are thousands of ways to hide from the work you know you need to do to move your life to higher ground. In fact, most of us have developed a habit of hiding from the work in at least one dimension of our life, if not several. The hiding habit can look like a lot of things… Convincing yourself you need more information before you get started, Waiting for the “perfect” time, Telling you don’t know what the next step is, Asking anyone and everyone what they think your next step should...
Published 03/03/23
Published 02/24/23
I have such a soft spot in my heart for women in midlife. Probably because I myself am in this age group, but also because I have been serving this population for the majority of my career. Women between the ages of 40-70 make up about 70% of my client base. This phase of life offers so many unique challenges, one of them being that the hormones that are helping us to manage stress are declining, while life is presenting us with more opportunity than ever to ADD stress. Here’s the brutiful...
Published 02/10/23