Published 08/07/23
Today’s episode is one I hadn’t really thought I would ever be recording. But I suppose, we never really think about the end when we start something. Right? Okay… here goes. I’m officially going to be finishing up the Grow to CEO Podcast, with no clear plan (or timeline) for when I might bring it back! We’ve run the podcast for 18 months now and honestly…. we’ve had some pretty darn cool highlights that I think are the perfect way to end this journey. And although our podcast has been...
Published 08/07/23
Welcome back, my friend. Today’s episode is a very exciting one, as I am joined by my wonderful friend and mastermind sister, Natasha Bray. From maternity leave to running a million dollar business that helps high achieving females heal their childhood wounds and rapidly unlock their ultimate level of success (all in just three years)... Natasha’s journey into entrepreneurship is pretty darn extraordinary! Natasha is a multi award winning Success Mastery Coach, Healer and Teacher in the...
Published 07/31/23
In today’s episode I’m going to be revealing how I wrote my book, The Evergreen Revolution® in JUST 40 hours and the exact framework that allowed me to do this! Yes, I had the FREAKING audacity to write a book - lol. And whilst that in itself has blown me away…  I also cannot quite believe how many of you lovely lot have already gotten yourselves onto the waitlist for it during our FIRST WEEK of promotion. (I can quite literally hear 2023 telling me to “calm down”!)  Then again…  Given...
Published 07/24/23
Welcome back my friends, in today’s episode I am joined by my friend and incredible online entrepreneur, Sigrun, and we’re diving into all the incredible lessons she’s learnt from her $2 million launches! Sigrun is an award winning business coach and international speaker, best selling author and host of the highly rated podcast, The Sigrun Show.  As a woman who has been called the leading business mentor for online entrepreneurs in Europe, worked in multiple CEO roles throughout her...
Published 07/17/23
In today’s episode I’m diving into something I know can be a serious trigger for many coaches and online service providers, and that is being publicly discredited by one of your clients.  I know. This topic is definitely a loaded one… so naturally, I couldn’t not dive headfirst into it with you! But before we do so, I need to share something BIG with you… Despite running the biggest live event of my career to date last week (which I’m still riding the high from), the waitlist for my brand...
Published 07/10/23
Welcome back, my friend! If you’re reading this right now, I am quite frankly THRILLED. As this suggests to me that you might (potentially) be considering joining us inside the Freedom Accelerator®, my 12-month group coaching program. Before I dive into all the juicy FAQs around this program… For those of you who haven’t already got the memo (lol), in short the Freedom Accelerator® has been designed to teach you how to make at least 6-figures from a group coach program on evergreen. So...
Published 07/03/23
In today’s podcast episode, I’m going to be answering the million dollar question I frequently get asked… “How quickly can you sign clients on evergreen?”. Let me preface this by saying, this is such a valid question. You’re looking to scale your business to its first (or next) 6-7 figures - so it’s understandable that you want to know whether this business model is going to allow you to make an ROI, more sales and build unstoppable momentum. But before we dive into this very juicy...
Published 06/26/23
Welcome back, my friend. In today’s podcast episode, I’m getting down in the trenches with you and discussing the big fat problem with evergreen group coaching programs.   But before I do - this one cannot wait…   We are legit, only days away from the Millionaire Girl Next Door® LIVE event in London and I am STOKED!   We’ve never done this before (and I’m unsure if we’ll ever do it again!), so my team and I have been working tirelessly to bring everything together and make this a...
Published 06/19/23
Today’s podcast episode comes with a warning… A warning to BUCKLE UP - lol!   Bold statement I know.   But it’s totally justified, as I’m about to take you on a journey through time and share with you the 5 things I wish I’d done differently when I started out in the online space AND the 5 things I’m SO frickin’ glad that I did!   But before I do so  - I have a question for you… What are you celebrating right now in business or in life generally?!   For me…. I’m celebrating the...
Published 06/12/23
Today my friend, I am very excited to be joined by the magnificent, Lien De Pau one of my mastermind sisters, serial entrepreneur, and mentor to self-made entrepreneurs looking to achieve their next *big exit* (aka selling their business!). Before I start raving about Lien, if you're eager to connect with other like-minded individuals, particularly women entrepreneurs, and extraordinary people, then you definitely don't want to miss out on my first ever Millionaire Girl Next Door® LIVE...
Published 06/05/23
In today’s episode, I am joined by the wonderful Anna Iveson. Now… unlike the other guests I’ve had on the podcast, Anna doesn’t run her own business. Instead, her brilliance has taken her into the world of Grant Cardone Enterprises, where she works as his Senior Copywriter (and if you haven’t already heard of him, let’s just say he’s got a pretty big online brand)!   No matter what’s happening in the world, if you can create epic content online, you’ll always be generating demand for your...
Published 05/29/23
Welcome back, my friend. In today’s episode, I'm revealing the secret sauce - the strategy, mindset, and energy shifts that can dramatically decrease your *no-show* count.   For context, we’ve only had ONE no-show in 2023 (who in hindsight, wasn’t the right fit for us anyway!).    Before I spill more about today’s episode, I need to remind you about something rather important - the Millionaire Girl Next Door® Live Experience ticket prices are set to increase in one week!   This event is...
Published 05/22/23
Hello and welcome back, my friend. In today’s episode, I will be peeling back the curtain, and sharing with you - in a SUPER straightforward and uncomplicated way - the tech we use to run my 7 figure business.   We’re talking about the kind of tech that allows me to run my business with the MOST amount of systemization automation but with the least amount of *tech wizardry* required, all for LESS than $150 per month!   (Psst… It's going to be far easier than you’re thinking right now…...
Published 05/15/23
In today’s episode, I’m going to be answering the big *million dollar* question that I get asked regularly (drum roll please…) and that is, “Why the heck am I stuck on the income rollercoaster and constantly fluctuating between big and pretty much dried-up money months?!”.   Before we dive into this episode, I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t triple check you got the memo on our Millionaire Girl Next Door® Live Experience… As tickets are currently flying off the virtual shelves!    ...
Published 05/08/23
Hello friend! In today’s podcast episode, I have a very special guest, Dr Morgana McCabe Allan joining us (yay!!).   Morgana is not only a wonderful friend of mine, but she is also a resident mindset coach inside the Freedom Accelerator®. When I say ‘mindset coach’, I don’t mean the *learnt from a textbook* kind of mindset coach (not that there's ANYTHING wrong with this might I add)... but rather, the kind who has a PhD in how to create our reality and identity, and how we co-create them...
Published 05/01/23
Welcome back, my friend! In today’s episode, I’ll be exploring the current state of the online course industry and delving into the hot topic of why the online course ‘gold rush’ is dying out.   The message I have for you here is going to be SUPER important if you’re coaching people on how to launch courses or if you’re looking to launch your own course in today’s online world.    So fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a quick-fire journey through time, where I’ll be exploring how the...
Published 04/24/23
Welcome back to the Grow to CEO Podcast! In today’s episode, I’m going to be dropping some SERIOUS value bombs as I take you through the BEST income-generating activities you could do within your first year (or so…) of business.   I’m about to walk you through a smorgasbord of activities that will take you from an overwhelmed, shiny object syndrome, financially anxious mindset… to a success-focused, confident, needle-moving one!   But before I share this really powerful framework with...
Published 04/17/23
Welcome back to the Grow to CEO Podcast my friend! Today I have with me my wonderful friend, and Sales and Marketing Coach, Holly MacCue.    Holly has worked with clients in well over 50 different industries, to help them nail their positioning, own their brilliance, master their messaging and create effortless sales WITHOUT the need for paid ads.   Yes. Holly is the (truly epic) woman you go to when you want to learn how to become that “no brainer” choice for your ideal client and start...
Published 04/10/23
Hello Friend! In today’s episode, I’m diving into the NUMBERS and giving you full transparency on how we turn $3k into $75k cash months on repeat, with a small Ad spend, less than 10k followers on Instagram, and a shockingly small team.   Oh and before you scroll on past thinking “ugh… another episode of someone throwing around big numbers without qualifying them or giving ANY context behind them”, let me reassure you that I’ll be giving you the JUICY details on the what, why, AND how we’re...
Published 04/03/23
Welcome back, my friend! In today’s episode, I’m coming in with my usual girl next-door kind of vibe, to teach you the do’s and don’ts of how to create urgency (the authentic kind) with open evergreen enrolment.   In this episode, I’ll be diving into all the goodness that allowed me to go from face-planting about 300 (yes, 300!) DM conversations trying to make sales, to bringing in over $1 million in under (roughly) 5 years AND just before I hit the big 3 0… and how you can do it too!   ...
Published 03/27/23
Hop on to the waitlist now to secure early bird pricing when tickets go live next month: https://www.roseradford.com/live-experience-waitlist
Published 03/21/23
Hello Friend! In today’s episode, I will be revealing why you might be addicted to the inconsistent and unpredictable live launch method and the internal resistance that you might come up against when you start considering switching to a more spacious and profitable model: evergreen.    I’ll be covering what an evergreen business model is, the reason WHY you’re stuck on the launching roller coaster, and how to shift your perspective into the evergreen way of thinking, doing, being, and...
Published 03/20/23
Welcome back to the Grow to CEO Podcast my friend! Today I have the wonderful Jo Sweeney with me. Jo facilitates advanced energy and leadership mastery for disruptive change makers and entrepreneurs who are ready to claim their next evolution and energetic edge. Jo has been working in countless fields of clients for over 10 years now and is really redefining high performance in this new era of energy-led being. She uses deep energy work and the laws of frequency as a major tool for success. ...
Published 03/13/23
Today’s episode is going to be a little bit meta because I’m going to be sharing the 5 ways we sign clients from this podcast. I’ve been asked this a couple of times by clients, so I thought why not share an entire rundown with you on the show itself!   But before I share these 5 ways with you, I want to give you some context. It actually took about 6 months of producing a show every single week for us to begin seeing ROI. Podcasting is a very powerful and organic marketing strategy which...
Published 03/06/23