You can enjoy even more healing, transformation and every day manifestation by downloading the Yoga Nidra app, just follow this link. Dive into the Ultimate Guided Meditation of Forgiveness Feel suffocated by lingering resentment and past wounds? Unveil the metamorphic power of forgiveness in our newest podcast episode, designed as your personal guide to meditation and forgiveness as a step on your journey of self-transformation.  The Significance of Forgiveness Grasping onto grudges and...
Published 06/21/24
You can enjoy even more healing, transformation and every day manifestation by downloading the Yoga Nidra app, just follow this link. Why Self-Acceptance Matters   Do you often find yourself caught in a cycle of self-criticism, comparing yourself unfavorably to others, or seeking external validation to feel good about yourself? If so, you're not alone. Many of us grapple with a lack of self-acceptance, which can manifest in various ways, from chronic self-doubt to a diminished sense of...
Published 06/13/24
You can enjoy even more healing, transformation and every day manifestation by downloading the Yoga Nidra app, just follow this link. Imagine a world where every moment is filled with compassion, understanding, and warmth. A world where kindness is the currency that flows freely, and love is the guiding force that shapes every decision.  Welcome to the world of loving kindness, where the boundaries of our hearts expand, and the beauty of life unfolds.  In this episode, we're going to...
Published 06/05/24
To enjoy even more personal healing, self-transformation and every day manifestion, join me at nuyuhealing.com and download the Yoga Nidra app. In this episode, we are going to unravel the mystery of insomnia - what it is, how it can impact our overall well-being in the long run, and most importantly, how we can effectively manage it to finally experience the restful sleep we deserve.  Insomnia, often misunderstood and underestimated, is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of...
Published 05/30/24
You can enjoy even more personal healing, transformation and everyday manifestation on the Yoga Nidra app, go ahead and grab your copy today.  Controlling a rising blood presusre can seem challenging.  With so many stresses and risks, it might seem impossible. Yet a few small changes will help transform your blood pressure.  In this episode from NuYu, we will take you  through the practical every day  transformations you can make to improve your general health and blood pressure. Of cours...
Published 05/23/24
  If you want to enjoy even more healing, transformation and every day manifestation then download the Yoga Nidra app from nuyuhealing.com - click here.  In today's breakthrough episode, we're shining a light on a debilitating condition that affects millions worldwide - migraines. But, there's a glimmer of hope on the horizon for sufferers. Imagine a world where the pounding pain, the sensitivity to light, and the overwhelming nausea could be managed, not just with medication, but with the...
Published 05/16/24
You can enjoy even more personal healing, self-transformation and every day manifestation by downloading the Yoga Nidra App.  Sleep is often overlooked as a source of challenges and issues.  Yet the reality is, if we don't get enough quality sleep, our mental and physcial health will suffer.  Hypnotic stories offer a beautiful way to let go of the day and enjpy a good nights sleep.  Take a moment and enjoy this hypnotic beach story, it might be well used, but is still one of my favourites. 
Published 05/10/24
You can enjoy even more healing, self transformation and everyday minfestation by downloading the NuYu Yoga Nidra App just click here! On this episode from NuYu we're tackling a topic that touches many lives around the globe - depression. A complex mental health challenge, but not an insurmountable one. To begin, it's crucial to understand that depression isn't just feeling sad or going through a rough patch; it's a serious condition that affects how you feel, think, and handle daily...
Published 05/03/24
You can take your transformation further by visiting me at nuyuhealing.com and downloading the Yoga Nidra app.  It is often said in moments of transformation, 'our subsconscious already knows what it needs to know'. It is true that during many healing sessions the main objective is to open the subsconscious mind up so we can access 'what it already knows' .  Sometimes the quickest way to do this is a metaphorical story that stimulates the subsconscious to begin the healing process.  This...
Published 04/26/24
You can get your copy of the Yoga Nidra app by coming to see me at nuyuhealing.com We live in a world plagued by judgement on the perfect body. The media torment us with photoshopped images of alleged ideals. This torrent of images leave a blueprint on our subconcious that erodes our body confidence.  This becomes a vicious circle. We feel less confident about our body, so we eat the wrong things, we exercise less, and we start becoming exactly what we don't want.    This is something we...
Published 04/19/24
Join me at nuyuhealing.com so you can start your journey to a life of abundance.     On this episode from Nuyu healing we will be diving into the powerhouse of metaphorical stories.   From the beginning of time we have used metaphorical stories to educate, offer guidance and transform our lives. Although they might seem subtle, even confusing at times, this is part of their magic and often the reason they are so successful.   In the second part of the episode we will enjoy a full hypnosis...
Published 04/11/24
Create your own unique healing program and book your FREE discovery call now by visiting me at nuyuhealing.com. Stress is a killer! No two ways about it.  It can ruin our immune system, play havoc with our heart and cause a whole range of health issues.  But you can trake control of it.  On this episode we will dive into the wonderfully simple solution of anchoring. A technique I have used for many years for all sorts of situatuons, and I want to share it with you today. And of course...
Published 03/28/24
You can download the Yoga Nidra App here, so you can enhoy even more personal healing and self transformation, just folllow this link. On this episode from NuYu, join me on a journey of self-discovery and transformation through the darkness of challenges to find the light that we know is there.   Not only will I offer you pracitical suggestion so you might handle challenges in a more positive light, but I also invite you to join me on a full length Yoga Nidra guided meditation so you can...
Published 03/21/24
Transform your life today with the Yoga Nidra App - download it here.    Have you ever felt the weight of shyness tethering you to the sidelines of life? Shyness can be an invisible barrier, one that I break down as we explore the power of yoga nidra meditation to release its grip and foster meaningful human connections. Together, we take a profound journey through the art of listening and speaking, as I guide you through a specialized meditation. It's designed to gently shift your...
Published 03/14/24
You enjoy even more self-transformation and being your journey to a life of abundance with the NuYu Yoga Nidra App available at: Apple App Store Google Playstore Have you ever caught yourself passing judgment on others, only to realize that it's a mirror reflecting your own insecurities? That's where our latest episode steps in, guiding you through the murky waters of judgment to arrive at a place of sincere authenticity. We delve into why we judge and how it can falsely inflate our...
Published 03/06/24
Enjoy deeper meditations, self transformation and every day manifestation with Yoga Nidra App from Nuyu. Download it for iPhone here and android here. Have you ever felt like you're carrying the weight of the world's negativity on your shoulders? Imagine if there were simple, yet profound tools at your disposal to shed that weight and protect your spirit. Join me as we journey through the art of mental and spiritual self-defense, exploring the transformative powers of meditation, the...
Published 02/28/24
Take your journey of Self-improvement further and download the Yoga Nidra App so you can enjoy a life of abundance. iPhone Andoid Ever felt lost amidst your own aspirations, questioning the authenticity of the path you're treading? You're not alone. In our latest episode, I lead you on an introspective quest to align your life's ambitions with the profound fulfillment you crave. We strip away the superficial layers, revealing the bedrock of your true desires, as I share practical...
Published 02/20/24
You enjoy even more self-transformation and being your journey to a life of abundace with the NuYu Yoga Nidra App avialble at: Apple App Store Google Playstore Have you ever felt engulfed by negative thoughts, as if your own mind is against you? I sure have. That's why I'm thrilled to share with you the life-changing practice of positive self-talk and self-awareness. Picture your mind as a vibrant garden where weeds of doubt can be uprooted and replaced with affirmations that blossom...
Published 02/13/24
You enjoy even more healing meditation and transformtion on the NuYu Yoga Nidra App by downloading it at Apple Google Have you ever become exasperated while waiting in line or felt your blood boil in a traffic jam? It's time for a perspective shift. Join me as we meander through the art of patience and the serenity it brings to our chaotic lives. Today's episode is a meditative journey through the virtues of taking a slow breath, unclenching our fists, and learning to savor the present....
Published 02/06/24
To enjoy even more journey of healing and transformation along with the Manifestation 5 Day Challenge for free, grab the Yoga Nidra App at Apple Play Store Ever felt the weight of self-doubt crushing your spirits? You're not alone. Journey with us as we unravel the complexities of building self-confidence, a skill that you can indeed master with a bit of insight and practice. Together, we'll explore the transformative power of affirmations, the bravery required to step outside comfort...
Published 01/30/24
You can download the new Yoga Nidra App, including the free 5-day manifestation challenge from Apple Google The crushing weight of grief can make even the simplest tasks feel insurmountable, a truth I, Damian, came face to face with after a personal loss that left my world dimmer. On NuYu, we venture into this tender landscape of sorrow, exploring how Yoga Nidra meditation can serve as a beacon of hope, guiding us through the fog of pain towards a place of peace. We peel back the layers...
Published 01/23/24
Exclusively on the new Yoga Nidra Meditation and Manifestation App, the free manifestation challenge, just download the app and begin to transform your life today. Apple Store Google Play Store I look forward to seeing you in the app.
Published 01/21/24
You can enjoy even more meditation, even more healing and manifestation on the NuYu Yoga Nidra Meditation and Manifestation app... Click: Apple App Store Android Play Store Join us on a soulful journey where we reconnect with our spiritual core through the art of meditation and relaxation. Amidst life's relentless pace, we often lose touch with our inner selves, leaving us with a sense of longing and unfulfillment. In this session, listen in as I guide you toward rediscovering your...
Published 01/16/24
You can enjoy even more meditation, even more healing and manifestation on the NuYu Yoga Nidra Meditation and Manifestation app... Click: Apple App Store Android Play Store The echoes of my mother's voice often lingered, shaping my self-perception in ways I couldn't articulate until I embraced meditation. It was this transformative practice that uncovered the limiting beliefs I carried, and now, I'm here to share this journey with you. Together, in this episode of 'NuYu,' we explore the...
Published 01/09/24