Do you truly believe you can heal from your pain? Or are you more comfortable sitting with the pain because it's too hard to step into your healing? Let's talk about the core beliefs that may keep us from healing. Youtube: https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthYoutube Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.growth/?hl=en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/traumahealingandgrowth Healing Daughters' Facebook Group:...
Published 05/18/23
Published 05/18/23
At its very essence, Mother’s Day is the day to celebrate the bond between Mother and Child. If for any reason this bond is severed, struggling or missing, this makes it a very hard day. Wherever you find yourself, lets celebrate together and encourage one another. Youtube: https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthYoutube Spotify: https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthSpotify Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3AmQQVQ Google Podcasts: https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthGooglePods Stitcher: https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthStitcher
Published 05/11/23
Losses hit harder than gains. We struggle with change because we often associate it with losing out. What if your best life lies on the other side of choosing change? Youtube:  https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthYoutube Spotify: https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthSpotify Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3AmQQVQ Google Podcasts: https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthGooglePods Stitcher: https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthStitcher
Published 05/04/23
Why do we idolize hyper independence so much? Is being alone that much more appealing than asking for help? Let's examine how we can heal from the trauma that's at the root of this. Youtube:  https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthYoutube Spotify: https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthSpotify Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3AmQQVQ Google Podcasts: https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthGooglePods Stitcher: https://bit.ly/HealingGrowthStitcher
Published 04/27/23
TRIGGER WARNING: Symptoms may include perfectionism, forgetting to be a child, strong self criticism, being afraid to fail, assuming the “Deputy Parent” role and excessive people pleasing. You can listen/watch to the Healing Growth Podcast on Spotify, Edifi, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and Youtube Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.growth/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/traumahealingandgrowth
Published 04/20/23
We continue our discussion on Parentification, it's effects in our adulthood and how to heal and grow beyond its negative effects. You can listen/watch to the Healing Growth Podcast on Spotify, Edifi, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and Youtube Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.growth/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/traumahealingandgrowth
Published 04/13/23
A parent is the one meant to care for their child emotionally, physically, spiritually, psychologically and financially. The difficult thing about Parentification is that so many of us have experienced it so much so that it is normalised in many cultures and societies. As highly efficient children and teens it seems like we have it all together and then we become adults and things feel like they are falling apart in certain areas of our lives yet we do not have a reference to the reasons...
Published 04/06/23
It’s hard to wait for something you want so much when everywhere you look there are people who are celebrating that very thing. Yet this is so many of us. There are hopes we have some we are loud about, others reside in the depths of our hearts that we can’t share and with each passing day we struggle to wait. Too often in the anxiety or sadness, we try to take control to force the thing even while we know deep down that this isn’t the way to do it. Why is waiting so hard? What can we do to...
Published 03/30/23
What does Creativity have to do with trauma and healing? You’d be surprised at how integral it is to healing your trauma and rediscovering the parts of yourself hidden or frozen by the trauma. What’s the intersection between creativity, healing and faith? This is what I discuss in this Episode of Healing Growth. This one isn’t just for the creatives but for everyone! Listen in and let us know what your thoughts are via email on [email protected] You can listen/watch to the Healing...
Published 03/23/23
We live in a world of masks, perfection, glitz, glamour and filters. All good but fleeting. We learn to present a carefully curated image but it doesn’t allow us to get too close to people lest they see through the smoke and mirrors. Yet many of us deep down want to be in relationships or have safe, authentic relationships where we can be truly seen, heard and known. To get this we need to allow ourselves to be vulnerable. To be vulnerable with others we need to start being vulnerable with...
Published 03/09/23
Has your own reaction to an incident surprised you? Have you been surprised at your capacity for anger in a situation that shouldn't really warrant that much anger? Or do you convince yourself that your reaction was completely justified? Or do you slink away in shame and pretend it did not happen? Anger is one of those emotions that we feel needs to be expressed in a particular way too many times though we suppress our anger and then it explodes at the most inopportune time. So how do we...
Published 03/01/23
We are 9 episodes in and I would love to hear your feedback and stories on healing. Next week I would like to read them out on the podcast so do send them to our email which is [email protected] on Instagram we are Healing.Growth and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/traumahealingandgrowth Bitterness comes from intense emotional pain and injury that makes a person freeze in the place of hurt and not be able to move on from it. Bitterness can feel worse than anger because we...
Published 02/21/23
Last week’s podcast was on Pregnancy and Mental Health. We continue on the topic today as we talk about Birth Trauma and Postnatal Mental Health. This is something I am extremely passionate about because when you talk to many Kenyan women chances are they have had either birth trauma, pregnancy-related complications, a child in NICU or in prolonged sickness, lost a child or suffered mental health issues triggered by pregnancy-related things. When you also talk to older women you find that...
Published 02/15/23
Hi everyone, Welcome back to this week's Healing Growth episode. Thank you for listening to and sharing the podcast across your networks and for all the comments.   When we talk about pregnancy and mental health most people are familiar with post-partum mental health conditions. The research shows that it can occur in up to one in five women during pregnancy. I talk about the many situations that cause it and the ways to support the pregnant women in our midst. I truly believe that if we...
Published 02/09/23
Hey everyone, Joy is one of those things we don’t really think about. Too many times we assume its for others or expect that it will come to our lives automatically. We don’t even really talk about it or understand what it adds to our lives. Joy gives us emotional resilience and creates a storehouse of memories that remind us things can get better. Joy is based on vulnerability the first thing that disappears when we go through trauma and are not able to heal after. I feel like there’s been...
Published 02/02/23
Your mother is your first female relationship. It sets the stage for so much in your life. Still, basically, it is the template for how you see yourself, what you believe about how you should be treated, what you require and demand from relationships with women, how you carry yourself in those relationships and what you tolerate. We discuss how this template shows up for those of us who have Mother Wounds and what we can do. Here are the segments covered: Definition of a Mother Wound How...
Published 01/19/23
Happy New Year Everyone!  This is Saiton and I am glad to be back on and to have you listen to this Episode of the Healing Growth Podcast where I talk about healing trauma in an African Faith context. This is The One About Starting Over. What does it look like when what you know isn't working and you have to take stock and figure out a new direction, plan and path? I share about reexamining the shame we carry for what hasn't worked out and turned it into an appreciation of ourselves for...
Published 01/12/23
Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Healing Growth Podcast This is the podcast where we talk about healing trauma in an African context. Today’s episode is The One about Christmas where we talk about navigating loneliness, family dynamics and scheduling joy. African Christmases are about family and congregating together, whether in the village or city or a holiday town. What does this mean when you are on a healing journey? How do you navigate this time? Saiton shares a few ideas you can...
Published 12/15/22
Hi Everyone, Welcome to Episode 2 of the Healing Growth Podcast! This episode talks about What comes next after realizing that you need to heal from wounds in your past. Saiton discusses ways she's found that have helped her and considers some impulses normal for Kenyans in avoiding dealing with emotional pain. If you've been wondering where to start this is the podcast to listen to.   As always we would love to hear your feedback. Please share it on this form...
Published 12/08/22
Hi! Welcome to the Healing Growth Podcast where I talk about Healing from Trauma in an African context. My name is Saiton Righa and I am sharing my journey on healing and faith. In this episode, I share my story and learn about C-PTSD ( Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)  and what management of emotional flashbacks can be. Welcome! Here's our feedback form for any thoughts and comments: https://forms.gle/duooN7PYdv5mAgPXA
Published 12/01/22