[video available on YouTube] Today on the pod I talk about turning 31 and unpack all the complicated and contradictory things I feel about my birthday. Then, around 15 minutes in, I do a rapid fire Q+A of some of YOUR questions about birthdays, including (but not limited to): Is it fair to expect my partner to throw me a birthday party? Why am I always disappointed even though I expect NOTHING on my birthday? How do you (me, Hayes) feel about physically aging? AND MORE! There's no longform...
Published 03/28/24
Published 03/28/24
In this episode, Hayes writes a letter to IMPENDING 50-YEAR-OLD-VIRGIN, who is in her mid-20s and feels embarrassed...about everything. We talk about shame and how to wrangle it, and model what a truly loving conversation with yourself feels like. Thanks for listening!
Published 02/13/24
This week on the show, for the very first time, Hayes sits down to get advice from her dear friend and author of NEW HAPPY, Stephanie Harrison. We talk about everything from how to support friends during a tough season of their life to Hayes's very personal (and hopefully relatable!) struggle with work. Pre-order Stephanie's book here. Follow The New Happy here. Follow Stephanie here.
Published 01/30/24
In this week's episode, Hayes dives into a subset of emotions we're usually too ashamed to talk about: jealousy. And envy. Because apparently they're two different things?? Up until last week, Hayes was using the words synonymously...but not anymore. Hayes gets personal in this episode, sharing her contradicting feelings about her 2020 wedding to how her relationship with "beauty" has evolved over time. We have letter writers, too, all in tough situations: First we have Third Wheel, who has...
Published 01/23/24
Hello Hayeselnuts! In this week's (shorter) episode, we're talking about money. Specifically...how to handle sensitive, awkward, and sometimes painful conversations about it. Send your advice letters to [email protected] Follow Hayes on Instagram and TikTok. Watch the episode on YouTube.
Published 01/16/24
[Video only on YouTube.] In this week's episode of Hello Hayes, we're talking about friendship break-ups: what leads to them, how we process them, and if we can prevent them from happening. Hayes explains the differences between friendship break-ups and friendship shifts, and why it's so important we understand the nuances of our feelings (and the situations that cause them!). Plus we set the record straight once and for all: friendship break-ups are just as painful and real as romantic...
Published 01/09/24
In the first episode of 2024, Hayes answers three advice column submissions about feeling inadequate. In the first letter, we hear from someone who has yet to find a lasting love…all the relationships ended amicably, but they can't help but wonder if there’s something wrong with them? In the second letter, a high school student notices a change in their friendships, and asks me: how do I stop comparing myself to other people and start putting effort into things that give effort back to me?...
Published 01/02/24
In today’s episode of Hello Hayes we’re talking about how romantic relationships can impact our friendships, for better….or for worse. We get a refresher on the often overlooked but essential archetype in the six bestie theory: the seasonal bestie. We learn from a single person and a partnered person, and even though we all come to this conversation from a different view point, I hope we leave it feeling like we understand each other a little bit better.  Send your advice letters to...
Published 12/26/23
(VIDEO ONLY ON YOUTUBE) it's HOLIDAY SZN and with it comes a whole lotta feelings. who better to talk about them with than Hayes? (your therapist. your therapist is probably a good person to talk about them with, too.) in this episode of hello hayes, we hear from three letter writers who have specific concerns about the week ahead: there's a sister who's navigating a major conflict within her family, a girlfriend who wonders why her boyfriend doesn't want to celebrate the holidays together,...
Published 12/19/23
(VIDEO ONLY ON YOUTUBE) in our season one premiere of Hello Hayes, we hear from three letter writers who are all struggling in some way with expectations of their friendships. whether it's a close friend who doesn't talk about their *personal life* (ahem, i'm talking PERSONAL) or an old friend who doesn't seem as invested in the friendship, Hayes shows us how the six besties framework can help us process and reframe our relationships. plus, she corrects a misconception about north star...
Published 12/12/23
starting tuesday, december 12, TikTok's favorite advice column Hello Hayes is finally available as a weekly podcast. each week, Hayes responds to three letters from the community of Hayeselnuts...these are the stories that are too complex for a 3-minute TikTok — they’re surpising, heart wrenching, and deeply human. video available on YouTube!
Published 12/04/23