The stress of a cancer diagnosis is huge.  One in two people get cancer and the most common form of cancer is breast cancer.   But did you know that men get breast cancer too?  In this episode I am in conversation with writer and director of comedy drama, Neil Ben, who was diagnosed in the midst of the pandemic.  Neil is a single dad, owns his own business and has had to navigate his cancer journey too:  is that enough stress for one person?     Find out how he coped and what lessons you...
Published 08/30/22
Being a parent is one of the most stressful jobs in the world.  But not as stressful or complicated as parenting someone with an eating disorder.  I treat people with eating disorders and it is by far the most complicated and challenging condition I treat.  When it's your own child, and you are living with the consequences of the eating disorder, it takes the stress to a whole new level.  It requires a completely different type of parenting.   In this video I am in conversation with Jenny...
Published 05/19/22
A health scare is bad enough at the best of times.  But when you find out that alcohol - something you enjoy too much of and too often, is the cause?  Denial almost killed my guest Angus Grady who speaks honestly about how an emergency visit to A&E resulted in a 3 week stay in hospital with a life-threatening case of artrial fibrilation.  This caused his abuse of alcohol.  This made him face the truth about his problem with alcohol.  It affected his business and his relationships. And of...
Published 05/12/22
I don't need to tell you how hard depression is.  Left untreated, you can start to develop thoughts about suicide.  But it does seem to be a long-term solution to a short-term problem.   Suffering in silence may seem like an option but that just makes it worse and drives the depression deeper.  If that's the case, what CAN you do to get your life back on track?   In this episode I am in conversation with life coach, international public speaker, actress, and multi-award winning...
Published 05/05/22
Grief is both an emotion and a process.  Grief affects us all at some time or another.  That much is predictable.  But what is not predictable is how it will impact us.   We are all different and it is important to honour our own grief and in this conversation with Sue O'Brien who has worked with Cruse and has a lot of experience in this area, we will explore the complexities of grief and how you can help yourself - or someone you care about - through it.   In this conversation we discuss:...
Published 04/28/22
Wild swiming has become so popular, and I wanted to understand how it helps you manage stress.  In this video I am in conversation with business coach and creative director Simon Jordan about the many benefits of wild swimming.   In this episode:   - What makes wild swimming so popular  - How it helps manage stress  - How to do it safely  - The problem with The Secret  - How to get more out of life   Do subscribe if you haven't already and forward to anyone you think may benefit. In...
Published 04/21/22
Using your intuition can help you navigate stress more effectively.  But what is it?  How does it work?  And can you develop it?  I am in conversation with Stuart Kerslake who helps people development their intuition to find out more about it and how it can help you reduce stress.  Do subscribe if you haven't already and forward to anyone you think may benefit.  In the meantime, here are some useful resources for you. The first two are my own websites where you can find out how I help people...
Published 04/14/22
Eyes are our window the the world.  But when we are stress, our eyesight can deteriorate.  I am in conversation with opthaologist Sharon Ritchie about why this is and what you can do about it. Do subscribe if you haven't already and forward to anyone you think may benefit. In the meantime, here are some useful resources for you. The first two are my own websites where you can find out how I help people in their personal life and in their business life, with lots of useful articles to help...
Published 04/07/22
When you separate from the parent of your child, you are still in a relationship because you are both still parents.  This means you have to stay in contact on a regular basis.  This can often cause tremendous conflict in what is an already stressful situation.  And the impact on the children are there whether you notice it or not.  So finding out how to co-parent with less stress is beneficial for everyone.  I am in conversation with expert Suzy Miller to discover some techniques to help you...
Published 03/31/22
Everybody knows that exercise is good for you, but did you know it helps to reduce stress too?  In fact it is an excellent part of your stress management strategy.  Today I am in conversation with personal trainer Rochelle Butler to find out how and what you can do to get motivated to do more so that it is something you actually want to do.  Sound good?  And at the end Rochelle shares a counter-intuitive tip on how to deal with rejection.     Do subscribe if you haven't already and forward...
Published 03/17/22
Did you know that stress can either worsen stress levels or help support you through stressful times?  Yes, that means there are stressful foods (often the ones we crave the most) and calming foods.  Today I am in conversation with nutritional therapist Nicola Shubrook to get her top tips on tweaks you can make to your diet that can help you manage stress better without feeling deprived.   Do subscribe if you haven't already and forward to anyone you think may benefit. In the meantime, here...
Published 03/10/22
Insomnia affects all of us from time to time and there is a strong link between stress and not being able to sleep. I notice with my clients, no matter what they come to see me for, stress and insomnia often feature too.  Although there are many factors which can affect sleep, this interview deals with stress, and worry in particular, and how you can help yourself using principes of neuroscience.  I am in conversation with Doctor of Psychology Marcelle Crinean for this engaging and useful...
Published 03/03/22
When you are "too much in your head" or going through a stressful time, craniosacral therapy is brilliant as a way to calm the nervous system and reduce stress and other symptoms linked to stress such as IBS, grinding your teeth at night, and migraines too.   In this interview I explore the subject with therapist Amal Alaoui.   Do subscribe if you haven't already and forward to anyone you think may benefit. In the meantime, here are some useful resources for you. The first two are my own...
Published 02/24/22
Can you really get stress relief in 30 seconds?  In this video refloxogist Siobhan Elliot demonstrates a particular form of facial reflexology that helps you do that.  Just 30 seconds to feel more relaxed: now that sounds good!  Normally reflexology is done on pressure points in the feet: a therapeutic technique which has been an important part of my self-care protocol over the years.  It is both relaxing and effective.  It works on various pressure points of the feet, and can help relieve a...
Published 02/17/22
Everyone marries with the expectation that they will stay together for life.  But for one in three couples, it ends in divorce.  Is it possible to reduce the stress of divorce?  In this interview, I am speaking to Suzanne Todd who heads up the divorce and family team in a city firmof solicitors about her approach to divorcing wihout tears.   Do subscribe if you haven't already and forward to anyone you think may benefit. In the meantime, here are some useful resources for you. The first two...
Published 02/10/22
Redundancy, whether expected or out of the blue, can be a huge dent to your confidence and cause tremendous stress for all concerned.  It's hard not to take it personally, even when it's not about you but a decision made in challenging economic conditions, or following a merger and acquisition.  But it doesn't have to mean the end of the world.  In this interview I am talking to career transitions coach Ollie Holloway about how to come through it, not just in one piece, but having it work in...
Published 02/03/22
Learn about a simple technique using the acupressure points to help you in moments of stress from highly experienced acupuncturist Bernie Nolan.  He talks to us about the origins, theory and practicalities of acupuncture and how it can help you manage your stress.  And, what's more, in the hands of an experienced acupuncturist, it doesn't hurt.  Do take a look:  it is rich with information about stress manifests in the body emotionally and physically. Do subscribe if you haven't already and...
Published 01/20/22
Do you have an inner critic that picks you up on everything you do?  Most of us suffer from how the inner critic can impact our stress, confidence and progress.  And for some it is a constant and negative compaion.  In this interview I discuss the inner critic with psychologist Jess Baker to find out what it is, what makes us vulnerable to it and how we can tame it.   Do subscribe if you haven't already and forward to anyone you think may benefit. In the meantime, here are some useful...
Published 01/13/22
Moving house is one of life's biggest stressors. So today I am talking to expert Liz Hunt about why and what you can do to make it less stressful - because nobody wants a stressful situation to be worse than it needs to be :)   When we moved ourselves once, I packed cups, kettle, tea and coffees with sandwiches and snacks in one box, towels, soap and loo roll in another, and all bedding in another.  We made sure the bed and the sofa were offloaded first and were able to sit down with a...
Published 01/06/22
We all get stressed - it's a natural part of life.  And the more ways we have of managing it, the better.  But not many people know the soothing effects of art on stress levels.  Not only that but it is a wonderful way to access mindfulness.  It also fosters more self-insight and helps you to express yourself in ways that words don't always achieve, connecting you to your deeper self.  Art can be considered a respite from whatever is stressing you out.  And, if, like me, you want your art to...
Published 12/30/21
If you have ever been to the doctor with pain, or some other medical condition, and they have said there's nothing wrong with you, all the tests are clear, you can be forgiven for feeling that it's all in the mind.  It can be very stressful to know there is something wrong and be told that you are fine.  So, is it all in the mind?  Yes and no.  I talk with therapist Carole Randell about the stress of having unexplained symptoms and how body and mind are completely linked:  your body can speak...
Published 12/23/21
We all have parts of ourselves that we don't like, or worse, don't admit to having.  This is called our shadow self.  But it is a valid and important part of who we are.  In this insightful interview I am talking to therapist Su Winsbury about this and the role it has to play in our lives.  From the interview you will learn what it is, why we try to hide it, the consequences of hiding it and the role of our shadow in our mental health and our ability to flourish.   Do subscribe if you...
Published 12/16/21
Life is easy when it's going your way, but what do you do when life deals you a huge curveball?  Paralympian, gold-medallist, adventurer, mind-design coach and author Karen Darke talks to us about how she sees everyday stress and how she has managed the stress of six near-death experiences, failure as well as her definition and management of pain.   Do subscribe if you haven't already and forward to anyone you think may benefit. In the meantime, here are some useful resources for you. The...
Published 12/09/21
Addictions can start as a way of dealing with stress but they cause an awful lot more - not just for the user but for those they live with, work with and for those who love them.  Why do they start?  Why are they so hard to stop?  And what can you do if you are suffering?  In this interview I talk with fellow therapist and expert Noel McDermott.   Do subscribe if you haven't already and forward to anyone you think may benefit.  In the meantime, here are some useful resources for you.  The...
Published 12/02/21