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Hurts So Good
Hurts So Good
Welcome to Hurts So Good, the podcast where we review bad movies that hurt so good (and some that just hurt). Hosted by unqualified movie experts; TJ, Diesel, and Gwen.
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Recent Episodes
When we were kids, we loved the idea of a smart house with TV screen walls that could make us endless smoothies and throw us awesome house parties. Then we watched Smart House as adults and realized it's a fat-shaming movie about a jerk kid who stops at nothing to cock block his lonely, horny...
Published 09/18/20
It's the classic tale of two long lost brothers that were made from a mixture of DNA from several athletes and scientists, who find each other and search for their mother while falling in love, dodging loan sharks, and going toe-to-toe with a dangerous criminal. Needless to say, there's a lot of...
Published 09/02/20
We excluded the movie "The Room" from this discussion because that would take up our entire list and then some. So, we put aside our gold standard film and counted down the top 5 best bad-movie characters out of all the other movies we've reviewed over the last few years. Enjoy! -- Instagram:...
Published 08/17/20
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