Do you find yourself wanting to lose 5-10kg every single year and not knowing why you still haven't lost the weight? ⁣ ⁣ Chances are the goals you're setting are missing a piece that's stoping them from sticking. ⁣ ⁣ All too often we set goals thinking that we're setting them to better ourselves when in reality, we're setting them to prove to ourselves that we will never achieve them. We fail to realise how goal setting can often form part of a self sabotaging loop which continues to...
Published 12/25/23
Published 12/25/23
In this episode, I dive into the intricacies of calculating macros to aid weight management and health enhancement. I underscore the significance of meticulous caloric monitoring, macro comprehension (protein, carbs, fats), and creating a caloric deficit for weight loss. The process entails these steps: 1) Determine Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) using online calculators that consider factors like age, gender, height, weight, and body fat percentage. 2) Compute Total Daily Energy Expenditure...
Published 08/27/23
In this week’s episode of Real Talk, I wanted to unpack the tangible numbers you need in order to lose not just weight but fat and with these numbers in mind, it should be relatively easy to keep the weight off too. 

I get that weight and fat loss can become overwhelming and consuming. Where do you start when one day carbs are the devil and the next, intermittent fasting is all the rage. Do you fast and avoid carbs or only avoid carbs after 6 on days that you’re fasting and what do you...
Published 08/17/23
When it comes to moving the needle on your health and fitness, there is no shortage of places you can look to begin. From fad diets to HIIT classes and even intermittent fasting, the industry is nine too helpful on providing clues on where to start. Given the overwhelm that the abundance of fitness information (though often misinformation) and not to mention marketing, I wanted to break down what you can do that is not only simple, but super tangible too. Whether your goal is to...
Published 08/10/23
In this week’s episode of Real Talk, I get deep into detail on why people struggle to shift the needle on their goals for years (if not decades). ⁣ ⁣ This industry sees it time and time again, the whole January 1 New Years Resolutions who promise themselves that they will for sure this time get the results that they set out to achieve last year and the year before and the year before and usually the year before that too. Interestingly, what we also note is an increase in demand people put...
Published 08/03/23
In this week’s episode of real talk we are diving deep with a live training on the mindset shifts you need to make in order to not only shift the body fat but also to keep it off too. 

When I share these insights, I share it having been both myself. Not so long ago, I was nearer to 30% body fat. Now sitting closer to halve that amount, and having kept those 15kg of fat off, I can safely share the invaluable mindset shifts you need to make long term and sustainable change. 

It’s a...
Published 07/11/23
It’s all well and good to have a vision board and to want to use it to help you manifest the life of your dreams though I can’t help but feel that life doesn’t quite go according to said vision board because of how we choose to use it. 

If your relationship with your vision board and manifestation process ends at the ‘dreaming’ phase, chances are, you’re not going to move the needle on what you’re looking to create. 

My conversation with Shubhra Venneti who works as an astrologer-Akashic...
Published 07/04/23
In this week’s episode, we dive into pertaining to stubborn fat. It appears to be a topic of conversation lately “Laura, how do I get rid of this stubborn fat from my back/stomach/thighs? It just doesn’t seem to want to shift?!” I get it, fat from my inner thigh moves at a glacial pace and frustration doesn’t even cut it when I consider how many damn squats, deadlifts, lunges etc that I have done over the years and yet it’s still seemingly very comfortable there. 

Does stubborn fat...
Published 06/26/23
In this week’s episode I speak with, not gonna like she is a bit of a girl crush of mine, Dr Jay Lee Nair who is a renowned sport and performance psychologist in South East Asia. Her niece area is working with perfectionists, and she is the author of the book “Good Sport” - How to Support and talk to Young Athletes Before During and after the Game. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ It seems odd that until now there hasn’t been an episode on perfectionism and yet it is so super relatable with the Superstars I have a...
Published 06/20/23
In this weeks’ episode of Real Talk, I speak with psychologist Beata Justkowiak and it feels like a long overdue conversation given how long we have been in similar circles and following each other on social platforms. I wanted to catch up and speak on the topic of overwhelm after being inspired by one of her Instastories as I felt it captured what a lot of us experience on a regular basis - feeling that our emotional capacity to on the brink of collapse. 

It would seem that the faster...
Published 06/13/23
This week’s episode of Real Talk is audio used from a live training on how you can avoid that mid year summer weight gain which is a very common experience amongst most of us! Female founders, business owners and C Suite execs don't have time to be losing 5kg (often on top of the existing 5kg they are trying to lose) after their summer break especially when they have more than enough to deal with as it stands. ⁣ ⁣ One of my favourite ways to address and mitigate weight gain is to fill up at...
Published 06/06/23
In this week’s episode of Real Talk, I give you the nitty gritty details of what you can get to grab and go when you’re passing by your local convenience store that is going to fill you up without spilling into your caloric budget. I get that you’re always on the go and being able to meal prep or stop to perfectly plan your next meal or snack is not always a luxury that you have. When in a pinch, thankfully, there are several high protein, low calories options in your local corner shop. ...
Published 05/30/23
If your strategy going into a log haul flight is to chug down as much water as you possibly can before security confiscates all your liquids exceeding 100ml then you will want to listen up because in this week’s episode of Real Talk, we go in depth with regards to how you can properly prepare for long haul flights. Long haul flights are more taxing on the body than we realise and not only do we have to adjust to the change in time zone, we have to do our best to function with lower oxygen...
Published 05/17/23
In this week’s episode, I share my own weight and fat loss journey in audio form - this audio is from a live training sharing insights on how I created my own physical transformation. Though I’ve written ad nauseam about my own weight loss journey, I wanted to offer the opportunity to share more in a live format. It should be noted that I was not a personal trainer nor a sports nutritionist when this chapter of my journey began and finding the right health care professional to help me address...
Published 05/08/23
I get it, you are beyond stretched when it comes to your schedule. You work 14+ hour days often with 3 or more time zones combined with frequent travel thrown in there for good measure. When it comes to your health, it often feels like an afterthought and you know it cannot keep slipping to the bottom of your priority list because there will come a point when you know you will be forced to make it a priority but WHEN and HOW to slide this amongst everything else is a constant source of...
Published 05/01/23
I get it, you're probably not about to get more sleep in terms of duration of sleep and as it stands, it's already a push to get the 6 or so hours that you manage to squeeze into your already overflowing schedule. It may surprise you to know that whilst there are vitamins and minerals that are key in optimising energy levels, there are several mindset shifts we can create in order to feel more energised at the click of your fingers too. ⁣ ⁣ In this week's episode, we are again taking the...
Published 04/24/23
Part 2 episode - In this week’s episode of Real Talk, we talk about a very real and relatable experience many of us (if not all) have encountered at some point in the gym - feeling intimidated. It might surprise you to know that even health and fitness professionals and those who have spent 10s of 1000s of hours still find themselves feeling this way at times. There’s something about it which can lend itself to both nerves, excitement and a sense of “Holy hell, do I belong here?!” The grungy...
Published 04/17/23
In this week’s episode of Real Talk, we talk about a very real and relatable experience many of us (if not all) have encountered at some point in the gym - feeling intimidated. It might surprise you to know that even health and fitness professionals and those who have spent 10s of 1000s of hours still find themselves feeling this way at times. There’s something about it which can lend itself to both nerves, excitement and a sense of “Holy hell, do I belong here?!” The grungy music, the...
Published 04/10/23
In this week's episode of Real Talk, we have Ahmed Eideh back on the show to share some real insights on cholesterol! ⁣ This topic is super misunderstood - even for myself; it turns out that there are more important metrics to look at than just HDL and LDL in isolation. Who knew?! ⁣ Truly this has been another eye-opening episode from Ahmed and the age of question of whether egg yolks are good or bad for your cholesterol comes up for discussion. The final verdict on egg yolks may just...
Published 04/03/23
In this week’s episode of Real Talk, we speak with an incredibly intelligent powerhouse of a woman, Viktoriia Iakovleva, who is a Research Fellow at Cancer Science Institute of Singapore; she holds a MD (medical degree) and PhD degree in Medicine. Soon after encountering her account on Instagram, it became very clear that she really knows what she is talking about; and that is exactly why I wanted to get her take on a hot topic which is artificial sweeteners. ⁣ ⁣ It has been across all...
Published 03/27/23
In this week’s episode, of Real Talk I have the great pleasure of speaking with Will Khor who is a coach who helps helps people figure out why they hit the wall with their fitness and health goals. It really got me thinking, it’s a topic that is yet to be discussed on this podcast and yet a very relatable topic to cover - why people hit plateaus and stay stuck in a vicious yo-yo cycle. Whilst the answers are unlikely to surprise you, often people need to hear about how unaware they are of...
Published 03/20/23
In this week’s episode of Real Talk, I speak with clinical nutritionist Ahmed Eideh who came to my radar via Coach Christian Woodford and co.  It’s a rare occasion to encounter a well researched and reasonable health professional so when you find one, you record a podcast with them.  ⁣ ⁣ Given Singapore’s ridiculously hot and humid climate and how much sweat we lose through exercise (especially when performed outdoors), hydration has never been more important.  I wanted to capture just how...
Published 03/12/23
In this week’s episode of Real Talk, I have the pleasure and privilege of speaking with wholistic coach (and mentor and my former colleague) Jane Taylor. It could just be life’s greatest challenge - how to create self acceptance in every experience and moment in life.  Self acceptance first crossed my radar circa 2017/2018 and what a journey or adventure as Jane like’s to put it.  As challenging as building self acceptance has been, it’s been equally rewarding to uncover and unpack the parts...
Published 03/05/23
In this week’s episode of Real Talk, I speak with head of performance at Woodford Strength and Conditioning, Coach Chris Dikranis.  It was owner of Woodford SC Coach Christian himself who put me in touch with Coach Chris and I really wanted to dive deep on youth athletic development and performance following some questions my own Superstars had regarding their athlete children. You may be aware that I myself was a swimming from age 12 and up, having spent time in gymnastics and dance prior...
Published 02/26/23