There’s something insanely impressive about the perseverance and dedication needed to lose 160lbs… (an entire person!) but that’s exactly what Serena did. No fad dieting, just tiny habits, lots of potatoes, and radical responsibility for her environment. (And a ton of hard conversations with family and friends.) We dive into motivation… how to keep going when you’ve got a long road ahead. Communicating with family… how to get your kids and partner on board with changes. Vacations… how to stay...
Published 10/23/23
What I'm teaching my daughters about body image and food... lots of nuggets, and some controversial opinions, I believe this is going to be helpful whether you're a parent or not... Here’s a sneak peek of what to expect: I DON'T hold beauty as a value metric. I don't call my kids pretty or cute. I don't call myself beautiful or believe I need to I don't think stretch marks or loose skin or rolls are beautiful or that it matters. I don't think every woman has to be beautiful because beauty is...
Published 10/16/23
Kezia lost 75lbs in Lean with Plants and then became a coach! In this episode we talk about her journey, the game changers that got her losing weight after years of dieting, and how she’s translated that knowledge into solid action steps for Lean with Plants Clients. We highlight the top mindsets and habits of our best clients and how you can get the same results. This is not a quick fix, but when you apply these behaviours lasting change follows. Buckle up for a value-packed episode and...
Published 09/25/23
Imagine going from years of weight fluctuations, dieting, negative self talk and feeling like a ‘failure’ to confidently maintaining despite stress and constant challenges. That’s Nikki’s story, and in this episode we dive into how she lost 10lbs and knows she’ll never diet again. From not being able to brush her teeth every day, to creating a planking habit every time her son does. From never being able to maintain any of the weight she’d loose from years of different diets, to now being ‘in...
Published 09/18/23
Routines are the foundation of who we are today and will be tomorrow. Unsexy but INFINITELY powerful in changing our behaviour. We must develop habits and routines that are not swayed by motivation if we want to succeed. Listen in for how to build routines that are satisfying, easier and that we can do consistently. 100% of the time. I mentioned the podcast episode Identity, which you can listen to here! 📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇...
Published 09/11/23
Janelle shares how she found food freedom, build simple and easy habits as a busy mum, stopped beating herself up about failure and found peace at last. 📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework 🤙 Find me on: My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/ Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae Subscribe and see you next week.
Published 09/04/23
No one is coming to save you. No one is going to pick up a fork and put broccoli in your mouth or say no your mother in law for you. Change is HARD, so we MUST be the hero of our own story and face the fight head on if we want to succeed in weight loss, habit change, fitness, or really anything. Unfortunately we’ve been condition to be passive victims… mere side characters rather than the protagonist we were destined to be. All this can change when we adopt a heroes mindset and know how to...
Published 08/28/23
As we mark Joanna’s one-year milestone with Lean with Plants, I wanted to share how she’s lost the 30lbs and now can KEEP it off after starting dieting at just 7 years old.  In this episode we dive into escaping decades of yo yo diets and fads, gaining confidence and building habits and becoming yourself again after motherhood and weight gain   It is truly an honour to see someone transform before you eyes like Joanna has, and her story is sure to encourage you too. 📚 Join the FREE mini...
Published 08/22/23
Isn’t it weird how kids learn so fast while having FUN, and yet adults try and struggle while HATING the process? It’s time we explore a new way of learning and building habits. The formula for success is always repetition and play makes it easier to get your reps in because it’s fun and rewarding. Tune in to learn about gamifying your habit building. 📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework 📆 Get a FREE 1:1...
Published 08/14/23
My life get’s really darn hard. There are so many days I don’t feel like I can cope and yet somehow I’ve maintained 40lbs of weight loss, while running a business, being a busy mama and having a husband with a disability. 10 years ago I did NOT have the toolkit to make that happen and it’s been trial and error and many books on behavioural science later that I have a toolkit of 6 habits/mindsets that keep me going on my worst days. They are: I know that 100% effort isn’t required to see...
Published 07/30/23
At the beginning of the year, I said my goal for this year was to be mediocre, however even though I believe there are times when mediocrity can be helpful, it can also be a hinderance. Success requires effort and perseverance, for there is no gain without pain. Hard work serves as the key that unlocks the door to triumph. The things truly worth having in life are not obtained effortlessly; they demand dedication and resilience.  Weight loss is one of those things, it doesn't come easy, it...
Published 07/21/23
Let’s talk about the 3 weight loss rules to live by. We'll be exploring the concept of calorie density and three key principles to keep in mind as you’re choosing what foods are optimal (and harmful) for fat loss. So if you're looking for some practical tips and tricks to help you on your weight loss journey, stick around and let's get started! 📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework 📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight...
Published 07/04/23
Take a leap, embrace the unknown, and ask yourself, "What's the worst that could happen if I don't try a new approach to weight loss? What have I got to lose by going all in? Inaction and fear means there's a real cost to our overall health and mindset. This week I dive into Callie's story, which is what inspired me to do this episode. It's important to remember the immediate benefits of consistent action, even without immediate results. Failure often stems from a lack of action, so remove...
Published 06/26/23
Weight loss is often surrounded by a cloud of mystery and perceived complexity. There are many fad diets promoting quick weight loss and so much conflicting information online, it's hard to know what is true and what isn't.  The diet industry thrives on exploiting people's desires to lose weight quickly and effortlessly, often resorting to misleading claims.  Many people believe that there must be some secret formula to shedding pounds and getting in shape. They tend to think of themselves...
Published 06/20/23
Should you Incorporate cheat meals into your diet? Indulging in meals that deviate from your usual eating routine raises the question of whether it is a beneficial practice. The concept of "cheating" on your diet often carries negative connotations, suggesting that you are engaging in something forbidden or naughty. It can lead you to make choices that conflict with your long-term objectives. But what exactly is the ultimate goal? When faced with choices, what is the best option for you in...
Published 06/12/23
Weight gain and loss are responses to changes in calorie intake, which are not mystical occurrences but rather predictable outcomes. These changes can be influenced by internal and external factors related to our environment and behavior. Understanding these factors is attainable. To achieve desired changes in weight, it is important to modify both internal and external aspects of your current environment. The traditional approach, which relies solely on willpower and the belief that enduring...
Published 06/07/23
Winners, often exhibit certain mindset traits and thinking patterns that contribute to their success. It's so important to cultivate a winners mindset because when it comes to losing weight you need to look past obstacles and see the opportunity for change so you can take action. Winners  believe in their ability to overcome obstacles.  They view setbacks and failures as learning opportunities rather than roadblocks. Instead of dwelling on problems, they actively seek solutions and stay...
Published 05/29/23
People who lose weight and keep it off have 12 traits in common. In this episode we’ll go over the last 6 of these traits. Keeping things simple and easy.Understanding the power of tiny habits.Seeking accountability.Cultivating patienceViewing success on a longer timelineFocus on fast, messy action rather than perfectionism.Tune in to hear how to becoming an action taker, not an excuse maker, and start seeing results. 📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇...
Published 05/21/23
In this episode I'm going to be talking about the character traits  that makes people successful when it comes to dieting and losing weight.  The attributes I  will be talking about are shared by successful people everywhere, but they don’t happen by accident or luck. They originate in habits, built a day at a time. My team and I have identified 12 key traits that all successful dieters have in common. This is a 2 part episode, I will be talking about the first 6 in this episode, so  don't...
Published 03/29/23
Consistency is harder for overachievers because they go from 100 miles an hour to zero very quickly as they rely on their willpower rather than creating habits. If we set ambitious goals that we can't reach, we often lose heart and abandon them altogether. However, the "1% better daily" principle advocates for making small daily improvements that can eventually result in substantial progress. By concentrating on making consistent 1% improvements every day, individuals who are overachievers...
Published 03/20/23
in this episode, we talks about how to prioritise health even when you’re going through a crisis and just surviving. We’ll talk about the benefits of losing weight in a healthy way, which includes gaining confidence and self-discipline, having more energy, and being equipped to deal with the stresses and difficulties of life. We also dive into practical ways to deal with a crisis, such as eliminating distractions and decision fatigue, accepting discomfort, saying "no" more often, and...
Published 03/06/23
In this episode, we’ll discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) is set to change the weight loss industry forever. We explore the potential uses of AI in coaching, customising meal plans and workout routines, and making complex information more accessible to the public that has previously relied on industry ‘guru’s’ to translate. I predicts that as AI becomes more prevalent in diagnosis, health professions such as nutritionists, dieticians, and doctors will become less valued. Instead,...
Published 02/27/23
When it comes to tracking your progress on a weight loss journey, the number on the scales can be both encouraging and demoralizing.  While it's natural to want to see the number go down as you make progress, it's important to remember that there are many factors that can influence the number on the scale in the short term.   In this episode I'll discuss why it's always important to focus on fat loss rather than just the number on the scales as there are many reasons why your weight can...
Published 02/14/23
In this podcast, I'll be sharing with you how systems and environment can change our behavior, and why even when we want it most, we still can’t seem to change! I'll be discussing 5 subtle changes in our systems that can greatly affect our behavior and prevent consistency, and sharing tips and strategies on how to combat these changes in order to develop unshakeable default behaviors that lead to long-term habit change, and ultimately, weight loss!! We’re constantly being pulled towards the...
Published 01/25/23
Hey and Happy New Year! If you've been a long time listener of this podcast you will know I love James Clear and his book 'Atomic Habits'. It's been my bible of habit change for such a long time now. James Clear suggests that the most effective way to create lasting change and form new habits is to shift our identity and focus on becoming the type of person who embodies the habits we want to cultivate, as apposed to focusing on outcomes. Lately I've realized I have been extremely focused on...
Published 01/17/23