Published 06/11/24
Rosh Chodesh Nissan is a great gift! In order that you value this present and receive it with great joy, like the joy of the first day of creation...... Please listen to this Podcast  THE GREAT RESET
Published 03/31/22
After regaining consciousness from a near death experience, the son Rebbe Yehosua ben Levi related to his father that he saw an Upside Down World! The Creator's wisdom is beyond the normal logic of most people. One of the most fascinating aspects of his Cosmic ways is the secret of Tikun Rectification....
Published 03/24/22
Many people mistakenly believe that the greater the Tzadik is, the more removed from the physical world. In the story of Purim, we see the expansive wisdom of Mordechai, who knows both the infinitly lofty mercy of Hashem as well as the diabolical plans of the wicked! He teaches us an important lesson on how to "turn around" calamity into Redemption!
Published 03/16/22
Behind the mask, there's a hidden CONNECTION between the Golden Calf and Purim! A hint to help you..... Who was the first person in history to be exceedingly happy about the month of Adar?!?!
Published 03/10/22
The Golden Calf was one of the greatest tragedies of Jewish history. The people temporarily lost their connection with Moshe who represents Daas, the Wisdom of Unity. Nevertheless, Moshe's proper response turned this calamity into higher consciousness and he brought down to the world the 13 Character Traits of Mercy one of the greatest heavenly gifts of all time. Daily this cosmic pattern repeats itself, and especially now, today, the world is going through a very dark challenge.  With...
Published 02/24/22
All problems, personal or even world problems are a lack of clarity. The test is not to react and transgress but rather to respond with the Wisdom of Unity and reveal higher levels of consciousness!
Published 02/20/22
As we begin once again to read the Holy Torah from the story of Creation there are new opportunities on how we define life! What's a Day? Most people live in a mode of survival, trying to accomplish as much as possible in the 24 hours..... When Hashem saw the Light he called it DAY! This is a revolutionary way of looking at life!
Published 10/01/21
Fear is real teaches the Holy Or HaChaim, don't ignore it. It's a Divine message that you're out of balance. Don't go out to war with fear in your heart, turn around, and get help from someone that can help you elevate the fallen fear to Awe of Hashem. That's why so many people choose to be by Rebbe Nachman for Rosh Hashanah, he said about himself "I'm a treasure of Awe of Heaven"
Published 09/02/21
If you're apprehensive about eating too much on Shabbos....  Here's a story for you in honor of the Yartzeit of the great Tzadik Reb Pinchas of Koretz, today the 10th of Elul. When one eats in the mode of a Mitzvah, Holy eating, then there is no need for clarification of the food and one can experience Awe of Hashem just through eating!
Published 08/17/21
The great Tzadik Moshe Kobryner was known for his outstanding character trait of AWE of Hashem from a very early age. He's the story of how he attained it and how you too can in these 40 Days of Will!
Published 08/09/21
Recently devastating flooding hit Western Europe as well as China. The news makes relevant more than ever a story about the Chofetz Chaim, through which one can learn the proper Torah response when calamity strikes.
Published 08/05/21
Across the board, all of the great masters teach that the climax of human existence is Love of God. Equally excepted is that to arrive at the summit on must travel via Fear of Hashem. This is the first in a series of podcasts on Love and Fear that will give us the keys to understand the deeper meaning of Matan Torah, the Shema and why Adam chose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge instead of the Tree of Life.
Published 07/30/21
Rebbe Nachman teaches that all suffering is due to a lack of Daas, acquired wisdom. Questions about life surface when we try to push beyond the limitations of what we think we know. WHY is this happening? This is the cry from the heart that doesn't yet understand. Ask questions in order to give birth to higher levels of consciousness, which according to Rebbe Nachman is the essential consolation.
Published 07/22/21
The Gemora teaches, One only learns what the heart desires. The Kabbalist go even further and reveal that desire is a sign that here lies your soul rectification! Great! But what does one do when Tisha B'Av comes and he can't relate to something that he never experienced?
Published 07/15/21
For many it's hard to feel the lose for something we never experienced. Rebbe Nachman gives us an image of how Hashem manifest himself into a building, the Holy Temple. In doing so he explains how it was destroyed and also how we can once again rebuild it!
Published 07/01/21
Our inner void is a true reflection of the reality of Exile. The Maharal teaches that the secret place where Hashem cries is inside the inner chamber of the soul. By feeling that pain one can transmute it into true JOY!
Published 06/27/21
Rebbe Nachman teaches that there are levels of consciousness where the past, present and future merge. In reality time is a product of the imagination. Nevertheless by living in time and experiencing the difficulties of life we can transform our suffering into this expansive consciousness.
Published 06/10/21
Rebbe Nachman once said "If you believe you can mess up, believe you can fix!" But what does he mean? It's easy to mess up and it's hard to fix?! The answer lies in the ancient science of Alchemy and the Man of Faith!
Published 06/03/21
We are witnessing a dangerous and drastic surge in antisemitism, attacks in real life on real people targeted for no other reason than they are Jewish! Everyone needs to ask himself, Instead of Re-Acting to the violence, what is the Godly Response to the present situation? To hear MY PERSON RESPONSE please try to listen to the end!
Published 05/26/21
Just as the encampment of the twelve tribes encircled the Tabernacle, so too Matan Torah Shavuot is always celebrated between Parshas Bamidbar and Naso. The Sfas Emes connects the two with Midrashic imagery of Hashem riding on 12,000 legions of angels aligned with Flags!
Published 05/20/21
The Chazon Ish was once asked, Where was Hashem in the Holocaust? He answered with a parable about a Boy who loved jam and a Bear. The story aligns well with a teaching from Rebbe Nachman that explains why people often stand at a distance from Hashem and how someone with wisdom can overcome the barrier of the Bear and receiving the Torah on Shavuot.
Published 05/13/21