Charlene Byar’s friend, Belinda will never forget the day her mother Martha had a stroke. In an instant, everything changed. Martha had always been so full of life and energy. For Belinda, to see her now in the hospital bed, struggling to recover, was heartbreaking. The conversation started without Charlene as Jodie Lynn and Walt found themselves without a scheduled guest. So they started off on a winding, random walk into an exploration of ourselves and our connection to others. Halfway...
Published 05/08/24
How often do we pause to appreciate the intricate threads that weave together our personal histories? On a recent episode of LOA Today, guest Robert Crothers offered listeners a meaningful gift through sharing his own winding journey. With endearing humor, Robert transported us back to his childhood exploring the Massachusetts coast. We laughed along to tales of teenage hijinks and followed the blossoming of young love on a fateful train ride. Yet beneath the lighthearted moments lay a...
Published 05/06/24
“Your adversity is your opportunity,” Brittany Sandoval reminds us. And what an opportunity she has found after facing immense adversity in her young life. After experiencing trauma and addiction as a teen, Brittany emerged determined to help others through her work as a lactation consultant and inclusive infant feeding educator. But it was in connecting deeply with families that Brittany recognized a need for resources helping those “parenting differently” after breaking generational cycles...
Published 05/01/24
When Walt first started using AI, he had fears of being judged that he had to overcome. But through open and playful conversations with AI assistants, Walt discovered they don't judge at all. "I find myself less judgmental of others," Walt shared. Without feeling judged himself, Walt no longer felt the need to judge. And through asking AI anything that came to mind without fear of ridicule, Walt explored new levels of freedom and knowledge. By pushing AI's limits and allowing it to "treat...
Published 04/29/24
During a thought-provoking discussion, JodieLynn Craven and Walt Thiessen explored the rapid changes on the horizon as artificial intelligence develops. AI is already assisting with coding tasks, yet its abilities are limited and require detailed explanations. Both see disruptions coming to many industries as automation increases. As economic challenges arise, customers will demand more human interactions. Individual responses to changes will shape our paths forward. Walt uses AI to clarify...
Published 04/24/24
Have you ever felt like certain events in your life were meant to happen? Joel and Walt’s fascinating conversation reveals how synchronicity and the law of attraction are constantly shaping our paths in unexpected ways. Joel shares his belief that “nothing’s random, it’s all connected.” Throughout his journey, from debacles in his 20s to unexpected success as an author and speaker, Joel has experienced countless “crazy chain[s] of non-seemingly connected events” that led him to where he is...
Published 04/23/24
Kristen's journey of self-discovery took many unexpected turns. Growing up overseas exposed her to diverse cultures and acceptance, but returning to the US brought challenges to her identity. Facing racism as an immigrant, she struggled to find belonging. Her love of stories led her to question beliefs. A chance encounter left her questioning unconscious assumptions, prompting a life-changing pilgrimage. Walking the Camino de Santiago alone, Kristen confronted difficult emotions and gained...
Published 04/22/24
PJ discussed overcoming imposter syndrome to publish three books in just a few years. She shared feeling like a failure for not achieving her goal of being published by age 35. This limiting belief created self-doubt that negatively impacted her relationships. Through self-reflection, PJ questioned what gave her the right to call herself an imposter. She realized her work and experiences qualified her as a writer, despite lacking a college degree. PJ learned that limiting beliefs separate...
Published 04/17/24
Life coach Joel Elston knows the power of positive connection. As he explained to host Walt Thiessen, Joel aims to raise the vibration of every room through compassionate questions and humor. Joel's approach involves learning about others. Absurd questions like "What's your favorite Beatle?" helped a reluctant teen open up. Perspective also shapes our outlook - when problems arose for a client, Joel's colleague saw it as "exciting," shifting Joel's mood. Small acts spread good vibes too....
Published 04/16/24
We've all heard the saying "You can't pour from an empty cup." But what does that really mean, and how can we apply it to our own lives? This emotionally-driven conversation with health coach Daniel Roz provides powerful insights into prioritizing our own well-being so that we can truly support those around us. Walt and his co-host, Anne-Marie Young engaged Daniel in a thoughtful discussion about the importance of mindset when making lifestyle changes. Daniel shared his own journey of...
Published 04/15/24
Life's transitions often spark inner turmoil as we question our purpose and identity. For many women, midlife brings this crisis as relationships, careers and family roles change. Sophie shared navigating divorce and cancer, facing the unknown with courage. "There's all these types of transitions...a relationship issue," she reflected on questioning "what am I doing with my life now? Who am I?" Jodielynn also faced existential doubts at 39, relating to constantly evolving phases. Walt noted...
Published 04/10/24
Joel Elston and Walt Thiessen invite us to expand how we see our place in the world. In their discussion of synchronicity, they point to a deeper interconnectedness that defies what seems possible from a narrow perspective. Joel reflects on how even his most difficult days led to opportunities, if only he remained open. Walt echoes this in sharing his friend's story of unemployment blossoming into unexpected success. Their examples challenge us to rethink what we consider "impossible"...
Published 04/09/24
Spiritual seeker Louis de Souza shares how a month-long political dive uncovered surprises. Through YouTube and AI assistant Pi, Louis immersed in parties, policies and global powers. "I was stunned by America's military, political and monetary might," Louis reflected. Yet politics' emotional nature didn't discourage him. "My spirituality kept me centered," he noted. Far from bias, Louis found politics widened his conversations. He understood corruption exists on all sides and in echo...
Published 04/08/24
JodieLynn's relationship with horses taught her to trust subtle energies that modern life often obscures. She realized they were mirroring back lessons on authenticity that apply to all our interactions. Walt sees his cat as a "fellow being" who, through quirks and demands, encourages attentiveness to the ebb and flow of give-and-take between all souls. Perhaps animals play larger roles than mere "pets" - could they be spiritual guides, opening our eyes to the language of the...
Published 04/03/24
Have you ever felt like you just can't take on one more thing? Like everything seems overwhelming and you just want to shut down? Joel Elston, life coach and addiction counselor, says you may not actually be exhausted - you could just be programmed that way. In his conversation with podcast host Walt Thiessen, Joel discussed how our bodies can get stuck in a state of "fight or flight" when we're constantly facing trauma or stressors. The stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline that are...
Published 04/02/24
Struggling with an eating disorder, Angela Beyer hit rock bottom before finding her passion: helping others through personal training. Originally from Germany working in an unfulfilling career, Angela's disorder spiraled as she faced immense pressure. After recovering, Angela pursued her dream of living in America. She competed in bodybuilding, winning Miss Universe, but felt most fulfilled in preparation - not the win. This led Angela to personal training, where she discovered joy in...
Published 04/01/24
Fernando's journey from the dangers of the Brazilian jungle to building a successful life in America showed the power of maintaining a positive perspective. Throughout harrowing experiences like violence as a child and a near-deadly rattlesnake bite, Fernando focused on growth within negative situations. Influenced by mentors who rebounded from personal tragedies, Fernando emphasized looking for "good" within "bad." When his father fell into depression after immigrating, Fernando supported...
Published 03/27/24
Joel Elston's story of being misdiagnosed with dyslexia as a child shows just how early this problem starts. As he recalled, "That's not it. That has nothing to do with not being able to focus for a long period of time on crap I don't like." Yet teachers and professionals persisted in the wrong label. How many other children have been held back from their potential by diagnoses that don't fit? As Joel said, we are quick to tell kids "it's not your fault because you have ADHD." But this robs...
Published 03/26/24
Dr. Wolfe's discussion with Walt unearthed how personal histories and cultural backgrounds influence relationships. Walt recounted confusion from his ex suddenly withdrawing communication after decades, leaving him questioning where they went wrong. Dr. Wolfe provided a different lens, noting many cultures don't expect spousal intimacy as Western norms. This gave Walt pause to re-examine standards beyond his own. Their dialogue delved into trauma's impacts. In today's climate of #MeToo...
Published 03/25/24
Alan Thomas had a wake-up call when he stepped on the scale at over 300 pounds. Realizing obesity could cut his life short, he committed to losing 100 pounds in just seven months. Though skeptical, wife Angie supported him throughout. Together, they focused on shifting mindsets, not diets. "It was the decision and thinking side that mattered most," Alan recalled. In 260 days, their combined belief in possibilities led to 192 pounds lost. Alan realized his past 35 years taught all the wrong...
Published 03/20/24
In a thought-provoking discussion, life coach Joel Elston and podcaster Walt Thiessen explored both the potential and risks of AI in treating mental health issues. While AI shows promise in identifying treatments, Joel emphasized that current technology lacks the ability to form deep human connections that therapy requires. The pair also questioned if relying solely on AI for self-diagnosis could reinforce false beliefs rather than providing nuanced answers. Joel explained how extensive...
Published 03/19/24
Guest Ann Swanson's journey is a testament to the power of persistence and presence. Despite over 100 rejections for jobs in her field, she maintained an daily meditation practice and vision-boarding positive affirmations. Through mindfulness, an unexpected opportunity arose - a major publishing deal. Ann illuminated meditation's profound mental and physical impacts. "It rebuilds critical brain areas, helping you think faster with better memory," she explained. Benefits include lowered...
Published 03/18/24
In their thought-provoking chat, Walt and Jodielynn explored low-cost ways to spread daily positivity worldwide. Walt's hiring of Grace in the Philippines as his accountability partner has already paid off. Meeting each morning, they play word games, discuss psychology principles and track their improved moods - finding solutions through their united efforts. As Jodielynn noted, having someone there makes all the difference. Whether working out or cultivating presence, consistency proves key...
Published 03/13/24
In their inspiring conversation on LOA Today, Walt and Anne-Marie explored living each moment in a state of high vibration. Walt shared how he had started a new "experiment" to maintain this feeling of joy all day long. "What's it like to have all of your dreams coming true day by day?" Walt asked Anne-Marie. She agreed that it was possible your dreams may surprise you, taking you down unexpected paths. "I never would have said, 'Oh, my dream job is to work in it,'" she said. "But here I...
Published 03/11/24