If your partner has cheated or behaved in a way that goes against your expectations of them in your relationship - it is bound to be extremely painful. And we can often feel unsure about what to do next... Whether we want to stay and give them another chance or choose to leave. In this episode, I'm going to help you make sense of your mind and emotions and come to a decision that feels right for YOU. Mentioned in this episode: Processing Emotions MeditationMYRMD group coaching programme...
Published 12/08/23
Feeling a sense of dread about the Christmas season as we enter December? And a looming feeling of pressure about the expectations of your loved ones?  Or do you find the behaviour of some relatives pretty tough to deal with? Then this podcast is for YOU. I'm talking about people pleasing, why saying no is so hard for us, AND how to set boundaries in a way that never fails. Mentioned in this episode MYRMD group coaching programme - info and waitlist
Published 12/01/23
Do you ever find yourself in decision paralysis? Unsure what the 'right' thing to do is? And wishing you could just know for sure everything would be okay, before making that next move? Whether it be choosing to stay or leave a relationship, taking the next step with your partner, or something totally different - this episode is going to help you make decisions confidently - knowing you have no idea how they will pan out. Mentioned in this episode MYRMD group coaching programme - info and...
Published 11/23/23
Ever find yourself saying, 'If they really loved me then they'd.... [insert thing]' Maybe it's - they'd take out the recycling when I asked. Or maybe it's - they'd tell me they loved me every morning when we woke up. Whatever it is, your brain likely has a manual for how the people in your life should show they love and care about you. And when you don't notice this, you might be creating a lot of unnecessary disconnection. Mentioned in this episode MYRMD group coaching programme - info...
Published 11/16/23
Are you having a lot of anxiety or frustration about your partner's ex? Whether they're in the picture in some way, or you're just obsessively stalking and comparing yourself to them... this episode is for YOU. It's going to cover: Where our insecurity comes fromHow to handle itAnd where boundaries come into playMentioned in this episode: MYRMD group programme info and waitlist. Self Esteem Building Kit.
Published 11/09/23
In today's episode - I talk about some of the most important aspects of thought work and the biggest errors I see my clients making when learning to manage their minds. Listen to find out the key DO's and DON'Ts - and how to take your self-coaching to the next level. Mentioned in this episode: MYRMD group programme info and waitlist. Processing emotions meditation.
Published 11/03/23
Are you guilty of acting out and rejecting other people when you feel hurt and rejected yourself? Do you often feel like simple misunderstandings or disagreements can escalate into full-blown arguments - where both people are just continuously rejecting the other? I came up with the term 'Knee-jerk rejecting' to describe what I see so many of my clients doing in their relationships. And it creates so much unnecessary disconnection. Tune in to find out what knee-jerk rejecting is and the...
Published 10/27/23
Ever feel like it doesn't matter how much 'love' you receive from others, you just can't help but feel unworthy and unloveable? Like no amount of reassurance, affection, or acts of kindness would convince your brain you are in fact cared about by your friends, family, or romantic partner? If so - this episode is for YOU. In this episode, I'm going to share an idea called 'Love intolerance' and talk about how your subconscious mind may be acting against you within your...
Published 10/20/23
Going through a breakup? Or have you struggled a lot with them in the past? This episode is for YOU! We're going to discuss: The one thing that makes breakups so much worseClean vs dirty pain - and how to clean up your own thinking around your breakupStepping into your future selfAnd why you don't need closure Mentioned in the episode: Processing Emotions Meditation. MYRMD group coaching waitlist.
Published 10/06/23
Currently dating and getting fed up? This episode is for YOU! We will be looking at why managing our thoughts around dating is so important, and the shifts we need to make to create the results we want. And whether you're currently single and dating, single and not dating, or in a committed relationship - this podcast is going to be useful for you! Because you can apply these teachings to any goal you're struggling to achieve and any situation in your life that currently fills you with...
Published 09/29/23
Struggling in one of your relationships right now? I can guarantee, whoever the person is, your brain likely has a story about them. A narrative about them, the situation, the past - that's impacting the way you think, feel and respond to them in the present.  Tune into this episode to find out: Why our brains create stories about other peopleThe impact these stories may be having in your relationshipsHow to challenge and change them to help YOU create the experience you wantAs mentioned in...
Published 09/22/23
Do you want to show up as a trusting, present partner - but feel this urgent need to check your partner's phone? Or maybe it's in their Instagram followers list... or the likes they're getting on their pictures... Whatever it is - there is a reason your brain is doing this, and there is a way to handle it that allows YOU to be back in control.  Listen to find out: Why we get the urge to checkWhat we're really trying to escapeHow to overcome the urge AND how to face and tackle the...
Published 09/15/23
So in this week's episode - I have asked people on my email list to send in questions and relationship problems for me to answer and coach on. If you're not on my email list - WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR. Click here to subscribe. Topics include: Whether we can 'make' someone feel insecureThinking about your exDealing with your partner's ex fiancé and co-parentingAnger at partner over splitting parental rolesStaying married for the sake of a childHow long thought work takes to 'work'AND what...
Published 09/08/23
Ever get called needy? I used to as well! And the truth was... I was needy. I needed other people's attention, approval, and affection so badly - that I felt I couldn't feel secure and okay without it. So in this episode, I'm going to talk about what's really happening in our brains when we feel NEEDY and how to coach our minds out of that place of lack - and to a place of confidence and security. UPDATE ON GROUP PROGRAMME: The are no longer any spaces left in Master Your Relationship...
Published 08/25/23
How we show up in our relationships is pretty damn important. And yet, when we're operating from an unmanaged mind - we end up acting in ways we don't like very much, and in ways that often create so much unnecessary disconnection. Tune into this episode to find out: How to take responsibility for your actionsQuestions to ask yourself before you take an actionHow to stop reacting to emotions that tend to get you in troubleMentioned in the episode: SIGN UP to MYRMD (group coaching...
Published 08/18/23
Do you spend a lot of your time worrying about other people's thoughts about you? What if they're mad at me?! What will they think of me?! What are they going to say about me if I don't [XYZ] As humans, we're wired to worry about what other people think about us. And in this episode, we're going to talk about why that is and how to finally shift your brain's focus to what you CAN control. Which is always your thoughts about YOURSELF. Mentioned in the episode: FREE taster session - Facing...
Published 08/11/23
Ever feel like you and your partner just see things differently? And can't seem to get on the same page? Ever find yourself feeling hurt, offended or rejected because your loved ones didn't something in the way YOU predicted they would or the way YOU would have done it? We each have a unique brain with it's own beliefs, assumptions and default thought patterns. And we can often create so much unnecessary pain and suffering from what we make other people's ways of operating mean. Mentioned...
Published 08/04/23
Feeling like you just WISH your partner or friends or family members would behave differently? Do you wish they'd give you more affection, or text you more, or show more support, or be more open about their feelings? Or maybe you wish they'd be more committed or do the things you'd enjoy doing? Whatever it is - this episode is for YOU! Mentioned in the episode: Link to join the MYRMD group coaching waitlist - HERE. Information about the programme - click here.
Published 07/28/23
Are you going through a tough time right now? And feeling like you're struggling to deal with all the negative emotion you're experiencing? Maybe it's a break-up, some bad news, or or a situation coming up you just never wanted to have to deal with... Whatever it is, in this episode I'm talking about how we can handle these challenging periods - making space for the negative AND challenging some of the unhelpful thoughts that may be making things 10x worse. Mentioned in the episode: FREE...
Published 07/21/23
Ever feel really justified in feeling angry or hurt by something someone has said or done? Sometimes we can feel justified in thinking about things in a way that creates so much pain and suffering. So in this podcast episode, I'm going to talk about the quesiton 'Am I justified in feeling this way?' AND suggest a better question for you to ask yourself instead. Mentioned in the episode: FREE processing emotions meditation - click here. Link to join the MYRMD group coaching waitlist -...
Published 07/14/23
In today's episode, I'm talking about my journey being alcohol-free for 3 years and the lessons I've learnt while giving up alcohol. If you have no interest in giving up alcohol - DON'T SKIP THIS EPISODE. The lessons are still valuable and important for everyone, and really tie into my journey with this work and the tools and concepts I teach you. Mentioned in the episode: Link to join the MYRMD group coaching waitlist - HERE. Information about the programme - click here.
Published 07/07/23
Feel like you can feel totally calm and secure when around certain people - but then that one slightly more avoidant partner or friend sends your anxiety into overdrive? You are not alone. In this episode, we're going to look at the real reason why that is and talk about how to overcome it so that you can create calmness and security, regardless of what other people are doing. Mentioned in the episode: FREE processing emotions meditation - click here. FREE Self Esteem Building Kit - click...
Published 06/30/23
We are often told that compromising is important in any healthy relationship. But what does that really mean? Is it always true? When is it okay to not compromise and how do we make that decision? In this episode we're going to be talking about the reasons we choose to compromise and what we make it mean when other people won't compromise for us. As discussed in the episode, here's the link to sign up to my group coaching programme, Master Your Relationship Mind Drama, waitlist. And...
Published 06/23/23
Do you find yourself thinking about things in the past and feeling a lot of regret? Or do you find yourself trying to make a decision and feeling paralysed with fear about making the 'wrong' one and regretting it? Then this episode is for you! And as mentioned in the episode, here is the link to sign up to the MYRMD group coaching programme waitlist. And here's a link to all the programme details.
Published 06/16/23
What is your relationship like with yourself? Do you find yourself loveable? Likeable? Do you not like yourself very much? In this episode - I'm going to teach you a concept taught to me by one of my all time favourite teachers which is going to change the way you think about your loveability. AND I'm going to tell you how you can create more love for yourself and those around you. Here's the freebies mentioned in the episode: 5 steps for when you're spiralling master class - CLICK...
Published 06/09/23