My guest today is my great friend and fabulous business woman - Doreen - or Dorz Brown. She runs Doreen Brown Consulting - providing accessible Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) services and affordable web design to small business owners and solopreneurs. With programs, challenges, and full consulting options all available - Dorz brings an infectious energy to what can usually be a very data-driven and heavy area of marketing. In this episode we chat about: How she got started in her...
Published 09/28/20
Published 09/28/20
Are you a list person? Anyone who has listened to this podcast for a while will know I’m a little bit obsessed with to do lists and with how to maximise productivity and cram as much as possible into this thing we call life. On today’s show I’m chatting with Natalie Cartwright and Executive and Wellness Coach who is the founder of the To Day List. Natalie founded To Day list to help her fellow humans to simplify their day, boost productivity and create a sense of calm amidst the...
Published 09/18/20
Now today’s episode is a little different to normal, because I’m recording this just after the weekend where I turned 40. Yes the big 4-0 And a lot of people have asked me ‘oh how do you feel, do you feel old, are you freaking out’ - and you know what… no. I’m really not. I feel great! Ask me this a year ago and the answer wouldn’t have been the same so in this episode, I talk through some of the reasons why I feel so great but I also introduce (or re-introduce for those who have been...
Published 09/10/20
Go on, be honest? How much of an honest person do you think you really are? On today’s show I’m going to be talking all about honesty as my guest is an expert in the topic having just released a book called Honest to Greatness. Peter Kozodoy is a keynote and TedX speaker, the CEO of Stradeso and Chief Strategy Office of GEM advertising and his articles have been featured in Inc. Forbes and The Huffington Post. In our chat, Peter and I talk about…. What honesty actually means and we...
Published 09/02/20
Hands up if you consider yourself a creative person? My guest this week certainly does - his name is Firdaus Kharas - he is social innovator, speaker, activist and humanitarian. He’s been named as one of the world’s 50 most talented social innovators, visited over 146 countries, and met Mother Teresa - multiple times. Through his creative media company Chocolate Moose Media his work focuses on creating innovative solutions for some of the world’s toughest issues by affecting societal and...
Published 08/27/20
Do you have find yourself with too much on the to-do list? Like you’re drowning in a sea of tasks and errands and projects and it doesn’t matter how hard you work - you can never fit it all in? If so, whether you’re a business owner or simply someone who wants to build more structure and organisation into your life to reduce that overwhelm - you’re going to love this episode. Michelle Broadbent is a business manager and strategist. She is the woman behind the woman - helping female...
Published 08/20/20
Welcome back to Season 6 of the Momentum Life Project and for the first episode of the new season I have a very special guest who is a great friend of mine and who is the BEST person I know in getting people to change their behaviour. Rebecca McPhee is a dietitcian, nutritionist, health coach and an expert in behaviour change. We first met a number of years ago when we worked together at the same consultancy and have been friends ever since. Bec has worked as both a private practising...
Published 08/10/20
Do you ever get in your own way? Do you ever find yourself self-sabotaging and letting those limiting beliefs, voices of self-doubt, and crippling lack of confidence stop you from achieving that next level of success? It happens all too often! And you’re certainly not alone. I recently ran a webinar with a great friend and mentor of mine Andrew Morello, winner of the first Australian Apprentice titled ‘getting the hell out of your own way’. So this is a bonus episode of the Momentum Life...
Published 07/07/20
**NEWSFLASH: have you signed up to the free, live and exclusive webinar on June 30th titled: Getting the hell out of your own way - 3 secrets to stop the self-sabotage and start living your best life? Places are filling quickly and this one’s going to be a goodie as I’ve got an incredible co-host Andrew Morello joining me for this jam-packed 60 minutes! Sign up here to reserve your spot: https://www.themomentumarchitects.com/webinar/ Okay…so, if you’re reading this, you’re alive and you’re...
Published 06/23/20
Hands up - who likes to live a full and meaningful life? We all do right. So now, hands up who wants to live a life of stress and overwhelm and always feel like there’s just too much to do? It’s a really fine line isn’t it between having a lot on on then feeling like you are slipping into overwhelm. The first can leave us energised, and satisfied with a great sense of accomplishment, of kicking goals and of moving forward. The second, foggy, exhausted, snappy and generally not a great joy to...
Published 05/20/20
Are you the type of person who prefers to fly under the radar? Trying to simply stay out of trouble, towing the line and following the rules? Or do you prefer to follow a different path? A path that is not always easy and can often attract criticism but that you’re certain is a better way? On today’s show I chat with Mark LeBusque, he’s commonly called The Human Manager, has written a couple of books about robots and starts each morning completing the statement ‘today I choose to be….’ He’s...
Published 05/13/20
Discovering my superpowers changed my life. Quite literally. It gave me greater understanding of why I approach certain things in certain ways, why some approaches will simply never work for me, and how to have a much greater appreciation for the differences in all of us and start to celebrate these rather than view them as sources of frustration. When I’m talking about superpowers, I’m talking about knowing my CliftonStrengths. I value this information so much that I became an accredited...
Published 05/06/20
Ask me 10 years ago if I’d be running a business (let alone on my second business) and I’d have looked at you as if you had gone mad. Ask me 2 years ago if I’d have a weekly podcast and I would have I’d have laughed in your face. Ask me 6 months ago if my bubbling dream of creating a membership community to inspire and to support people to take back control and design the life they truly want to be living would be launched by now - I’d have given you all of the reasons why it couldn’t be. ...
Published 04/29/20
What would your answer be if someone broke into your house at 3am, put a gun to your head and asked you the ‘why’ (as in ’why do you do what you do’) question? Andrew Morello has used his answer to the ‘3am gun to your head question’ for many years now to really shape his life and all of his decisions. Morello is best known for winning the very first Australian Apprentice with Mark Bouris but since then has gone on to be an award-winning entrepreneur, investor and author. He is also a...
Published 04/19/20
You know those people who always seem to be at the top of their game, always have everything together and don’t ever seem to be sitting still? Today’s guest is one of those… she’s what I call a true momentum maker. She knows what she wants and she sure as hell goes and makes it happen. Lauren Beaufils is the founder of Attention Marketing, a subscription-based marketing agency that delivers done for you packages for small and medium sized business. She is also the founder of the Illawarra...
Published 04/09/20
The last few weeks have seen all of us scrambling to deal with the ‘new norm’. Whether faced with losing our job or business, whether trying to work out how on earth to teach children from the dining room table, or being left with feelings of anger or frustration or simply bewilderment at the increasing measures of restriction imposed - no-one has been left unaffected. In trying to work out how best to support people during this time, I approached psychotherapist, strengths coach and...
Published 04/02/20
‘Momentum’ is one of my favourite words (you’d never have guessed right!?) but when I talk about momentum I’m usually talking about it in the positive sense…gaining momentum to build great habits, gaining momentum on getting stuff done, gaining momentum on building a life that you love. The last few weeks has seen the momentum around the COVID19 Pandemic explode. What was seen to start with as ‘a bit of a cold’ has escalated at an incredible rate to see the near-on collapse of the global...
Published 03/25/20
For many years, okay my whole life really, I have thought playing down compliments was a sign of humility, a sign of ‘not thinking too much of yourself’ of being a non-arrogant human. But recently I’ve had a massive wakeup call and realised that I’ve been approaching this all wrong. Like SO wrong. On the latest episode of the Momentum Life Project I outline how this wake up call happened and what I’ve now realised is not me being humble, or ensuring that I do not come across as arrogant or...
Published 03/16/20
Finding herself standing in the Centrelink line, an unemployed single mum of two very small boys, Lisa Burling decided there and then to start a business. A hugely successful career PR, her world had come crashing down around her in 2013 but as she regularly says - when life throws you lemons, you make lemonade. And make lemonade she did by going on to launch award-winning PR consultancy LBPR, becoming an ambassador for global women’s networks Rare Birds and Ausmumpreneur and now, a...
Published 03/04/20
How many teams are you on? Well for starters, what do you even class as a team? Keegan reckons that if we really think about it, we will discover we’re on at least 5-10 teams. Everything from our family teams, sporting teams, work departments and organising committees. Known as the ‘team guy’ Keegan has helped some of the largest organisations in Australia and he’s on a mission to put the ‘I’ back in team that we’re so often told to take out! This episode is all about how we can be more...
Published 02/27/20
It’s back! Season 5 of the Momentum Life Project is here! …and yes, it’s a little later than originally planned - but does that really matter? This episode tackles: - An apology, and some reasoning as to why the season has been a little delayed! - Why we should be a little easier on ourselves when we don’t get everything done - What’s coming up for 2020 and how you can play along at home - 3 key ‘rules’ of goal setting (and why I don’t follow the SMART principle)
Published 02/13/20
You may remember Will Mateu from the beginning of Season 4 talking about his bid to become the next Australian Ninja Warrior. Since then, things haven’t gone quite to plan, so he’s back talking about setbacks, resilience and how to find the strength to keep going when everything seems against you. Having had to withdraw from the show a previous year because of an injury he had come back fitter, stronger and more ready than ever. That was, until he got the same injury, training on the same...
Published 12/12/19
Is work ethic dead? How do we ‘find’ our passion? Is discipline the key to everything in life? Does eating fake meat really allow you to recover quicker? I chat to David Knight, Risk and Compliance Management Consultant by day and BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) devotee by night. We delve into a number of areas of personal performance and what we think are the key components to success in life. He believes that many of the excuses we make are coping mechanisms for not meeting our own expectations.
Published 12/05/19
Prepare to have your mind blown. This weeks’ guest Dr Sumant ‘Monty’ Badami is an Anthropologist and Ethnographer who runs an organisation called Habitus. Some of the things we’ll delve into in this episode include: what is anthropology, what is ethnography and why are they different to psychology. How anthropology is leading the way in predictive technology and AI applications. What it means to be human and what has made humans not only survive but also thrive.
Published 11/25/19