As Regional Marketing Manager - Asia Pacific Hotelbeds, Chris moved to Singapore last year from London. In this episode we chat not only about how to manage remote teams and cultivate organisational culture when you have a staff compromising multiple cultures, but also the challenges of living and working in foreign countries. His top travel tip - never stop being a tourist!
Published 11/14/19
Emma is a senior marketing and business leader who is currently head of Virgin Mobile in Australia which is owned by Optus. In this episode we delve into a heap of areas around managing through times of change, the traits of a really effective leader, and why she can’t stand unreliable people! Emma has some fascinating insights on leading through times of uncertainty, doing the opposite to what you would intuitively think; doing less, having a narrow focus and actively leaning out not in.
Published 10/30/19
Having left a long career in heavy hitting corporates like Kellogg, Nestle and Sara Lee, Chelsea had her ‘eat, pray, love’ moment before Elizabeth Gilbert had written the book and ran off to a Peruvian mediation retreat to ‘find herself’. Now Chelsea runs Females in Food, an international business coaching and membership group for female ‘foodpreneurs’. We talk about aligning head and heart in business and what personality traits it takes to really ‘make it’ in business (and in life).
Published 10/23/19
This trilingual Cuban New Yorker who originally wanted to be a psychologist, has worked in the financial services industry for many years, starting out on the trading floor. But don’t be fooled, he is definitely not your typical ‘corporate suit’ and has also been an actor, and made it on to Australian Ninja Warrior. A great episode where we dive into mindset, self-sabotage and what it takes to 'make it'.
Published 10/16/19
He’s the National Business Development Manager at The Entourage, a childhood cancer survivor, marathon runner and he has 280 items on his bucket list. In this episode, I chat with Grant Purcell, a true example of a ‘momentum maker’ and someone who is living his version of his best life every single day.
Published 10/09/19
In this episode Kerry D chats to Ricky Chanana, Managing Director of AUNZ Unruly, the global ad-tech agency which brings unique EQ testing to targeted ad campaigns and was bought by News Corp for 215 million pounds! Ricky talks about how the biggest success in his organisation is tracking projects not humans. He is on a mission to disrupt traditional HR practices and empower his people through a culture that is curated and cultivated by each and every member of the team.
Published 10/02/19
In this episode Kerry D chats to Steven Ziebowski. Steve is an Area Leader of Operations and Administration at Wyndham City. As a client of The Momentum Architects, Steve and his team at Wyndham City have embraced a strengths-based approach and implemented the key pillars of The Momentum Architects’ model of life / stress / strengths set. Find out how discovering his CliftonStrengths profile has not only enabled him to lead his team more effectively, but also to communicate better with his...
Published 09/25/19
Showpo is one of the fastest growing fashion e-commerce retailers in Australia and a true startup success story. In this episode Kerry D chats to Nick Rodrigues, the People & Culture Manager about all things culture, values and having rose on tap. In 2018 Showpo was awarded the highly coveted Australian Online Retailer of the Year Award, which sits comfortably among recent wins of Top Social Retailer and Best Marketing Initiative at the Power Retail All Star Bash.
Published 09/18/19
The Momentum Life Project podcast is back and season 4 is shifting up a gear with interviews and ‘fireside’ chats with key momentum makers. To kick things off, we’ve got a cracker of a guest with serial entrepreneur and ‘over achiever’ Julian Van der Waal. Julian talks all things performance and productivity, cold showers and getting the ‘f’ out of your own way.
Published 09/11/19
It’s the last episode of Season 3 of the Momentum Life Project, the Momentum Architects look back over what they’ve been discussing for the past 13 episodes. The key theme is self-awareness because once you know yourself better and those around you, great things can happen. If you missed any of the episodes in the season, check them out now and the Momentum Life Project will be back after a short break for more tips, tools and ideas to gain maximum momentum in work, life and play.
Published 07/17/19
In this episode, The Momentum Architects' Kerry D and Dr M talk about accomplishment vs potential and the difference between. To define these terms: An accomplishment is something that has been successfully achieved whereas potential is the capacity to develop something in the future. The gaps between these is where our growth and personal development happens but this gap can also sometimes create disharmony and sometimes we need to be a little kinder to ourselves.
Published 07/10/19
In this episode The Momentum Architects discuss how to build great habits, and in particular how to set up the day for success. Both Kerry D and Dr M agree that getting a great start to the day makes everything else flow more easily for them. They both have habits / routines / rituals - whatever word you’d like to use to ensure that they are in the right mindset and the right setup for maximum momentum. They do differ on their definition of morning though!
Published 07/03/19
In this episode we're unpacking energy awareness for maximum productivity. You’ve probably been asked ‘are you a morning person, or night owl?’ but this misses which part of the day our energy levels are best suited to specific activities. Kerry D likes mornings for ‘deep work’, but at a breakfast meeting she’ll be tapping the table, anything to do with people, best from lunchtime. In a team environment, thinking about energy levels for meetings can create huge shifts in productivity, and in
Published 06/26/19
On today’s episode Kerry D and Dr M battle out as to who is right when it comes to how to use the Steven Covey / Eisenhower Decision Matrix. They largely agree on the use of ‘urgent but not important’ and ‘not urgent, not important’ but differ where Dr M doesn’t really believe that ‘not urgent but important’ exists at all. When she has something important to do she simply makes it urgent. Kerry D argues that for a lot of us this is actually the space where the real gold lies. Who is ri
Published 06/20/19
In this episode Dr M discusses how she is always right. The issue is, Kerry D is always right too! There are few of us who would say we’re wrong, so it stands a chance that we’re right too!? The issue is that the way we’re wired means we often have the assumption that we’re right, and everyone should think the same way as us therefore why can’t they just agree! In workplaces this can cause conflict but on the flipside becoming aware of our own biases can create phenomenal shifts in momentum as
Published 06/12/19
In this episode Kerry D and Dr M talk about connection and in particular, how over-connected we are in today’s fast-paced ‘always on’ world. We are accessible 24/7 but are we plugged in and have connections in the right places? Work used to be done at work. Think about how different it is nowadays. Is it time we brought back some barriers so we can actually be more present, more in tune and have a greater connection with the moment and the people right in front of us?
Published 06/05/19
In this episode Kerry D and Dr M tackle the topic of negative self-talk. Our thoughts impact our feelings which impact our actions or behaviour which in turn reinforce our thoughts. So if our thoughts are full of negative self talk we can create a feedback loop that can reinforce this negativity. As humans, we are the only species who are able to think about our thoughts! But are we setting ourselves up for success?
Published 05/29/19
In the latest episode we talk about your circle of influence. Whether situations at work at home there are really only 3 outcomes to an issue or challenge: 1. It’s something you can control 2. It’s something you can’t control 3. It’s something that you need more information about. Most of us spend too much time worrying about things that we can’t change. If it can’t be changed then often it is best to come to this acceptance, sometimes the ultimate control is letting go of control.
Published 05/22/19
Often people think that all stress must be bad. In this episode The Momentum Architects unpack the key types of stress and how to recognise the difference between good and bad stress. We all have stressors placed on us in the form of emotional stress, chemical stress or physical stress. The key is having an awareness and being able to identify when we’ve created a toxic load vs a healthy balance. Remember diamonds are only created under pressure so a certain amount of stress is actually good!
Published 05/15/19
In this episode the Momentum Architects talk about the importance of aligning the ‘heart and head’. If your heart and head are not aligned it can cause much internal wrangling and stress and impact how you show up in the workplace. The head is really the process and the heart is the ‘what’s the point’ piece. Ultimately it all comes back to self-awareness and knowing that alignment of these key areas is vital in order to enable you to create momentum.
Published 05/08/19
In the last episode (S3E1) The Momentum Architects delved into purpose, meaning and why you get out of bed in the morning. There is a lot of talk about this nowadays - finding your ‘why’ and often people get frustrated when they don’t have an exact answer. In this episode Dr M and Kerry D take a step back and look at values alignment and more importantly values mismatching - understanding this can be a key first step in uncovering purpose.
Published 05/01/19
Back for another season the Momentum Architects are going to be talking all things stress, productivity, mindset and general ‘life’ over the next 13 episodes. To kick it all off we'll be revisiting the question of ‘why’. It’s something that flows through everything we do both personally and professionally. A key element of achievement is alignment in work, life and play. Knowing what lights you up and what gets you out of bed really sets you on the right track and helps you keep on the right d
Published 04/24/19
Season wrap! This season, the focus was on strengths - one of the key pillars used by The Momentum Architects in their work with organisations to enhance team performance, culture and motivation (with the others being ‘life set’ and stress set’). Dr M and Kerry D believe that in coming years the change we will see in our workplaces will be phenomenal and the key will be focusing on potential and a growth mindset to build momentum. The Momentum Life Project will be back with a new season on...
Published 03/27/19
In this episode, the Momentum Architects revisit their favourite topic the CliftonStrengths assessment. Previously they’ve discussed the value of this from an individual perspective and now they’re delving into why it is so great for organisational teams. The research shows there is increasing employee disengagement as the pressure to perform keeps growing. However, if you embrace a strengths based approach this not only positively impacts the individual, but also productivity, performance...
Published 03/20/19
In today’s episode the Momentum Architects talk through the pros and cons of the Enneagram assessment. A little different from some of the other assessments we’ve been delving into this season - this particular test is a modern synthesis of ancient traditions and takes its philosophies from places such as greek mythology, Buddhism and Judaism.
Published 03/13/19