Nir Eyal knows a thing or two about the power of technology and other distractions to suck us in. As the New York Times bestselling author of Hooked: How To Build Habit Forming Products, Nir began noticing how the very technology he admired for all the good it could do in the world also had the power to distract us from the things we valued. When a sweet and poignant exchange with his young daughter was something he couldn't even remember because of 'a ding' from his phone, he knew he had to...
Published 01/23/20
Acupuncture has been around for centuries but still evokes a 'this is woo woo' reaction from many. It turns out that the science is catching up to this ancient practice and even institutions like Harvard Medical School recognize it's utility as a healing tool.  In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Shari Auth to help demystify acupuncture and herbal medicine for us. And if you're in the NYC area, I HIGHLY recommend getting a session with her at her beautiful new spa WTHN. I felt completely...
Published 12/11/19
Madeleine Shaw became a health and wellness warrior when the word 'wellness' was barely a part of our lexicon. In fact, I started following Madeleine's blog back in the day in 2014 and was so inspired by her fresh and holistic approach to health and 'getting your glow'. In this heartfelt and fun chat, Madeleine opens up about her own early health challenges with IBS and how a mindful, 360 approach helped her heal. Now she is helping others do the same through her truly revolutionary 'Happy...
Published 11/17/19
Kimberly Snyder has worked with some of the most beautiful, A-list stars in Hollywood but knows that real beauty is anything but skin deep. In this rich episode packed with actionable tips and authentic, heartfelt wisdom, Kimberly shares her four pillars of wellness, why self-care is about going within (not about seeking pleasures outside of ourselves), how her #GGS smoothie saves her in #momlife, how to deconstruct and approach sugar and other unhealthy cravings and why difficulty losing...
Published 10/31/19
Amrit-Sadhana’s path to wellness started from a young age. She was raised in a yogic home where early mornings, meditation and cold showers were a part of her every day life. She went on to live her life, received her BA in Voice Performance from the University of Oregon and moved to Los Angeles. It was there that she worked for a holistic chiropractor and her passion for health and wellness was relit. She has found that no matter how much trauma you survive, how depressed or anxious you are,...
Published 10/18/19
Disclaimer: While this podcast episode was not sponsored by SEED, I am engaged in a paid partnership with the company whereby if you purchase their daily SYNBIOTIC (pro and pre-biotic combination) here, I make a commission at no extra cost to you. You can use the code MOMLIGHT for 15% off your first month's purchase. Now onto the show! This week I sat down with Ara Katz, mompreneur extraordinaire and a profoundly thoughtful and wise human to dive deep into the world of bacteria and...
Published 10/03/19
Dr. Stephan Guyenet is a world renowned expert on the neuroscience of obesity and author of the New York Times bestseller, The Hungry Brain. In this episode of Momlight, Stephan sheds light on why so many of us struggle with overeating, weight gain, and obesity in the modern day. Stephan explains that the hardwired, brain-derived impulses that allowed us to thrive in an ancestral environment of food scarcity backfire and cause us to eat too much of the wrong foods in modern times. This is not...
Published 09/08/19
In this information-packed episode, Dr. Christian Gonzalez popularly known as Doctor G shares his vast knowledge of diet and lifestyle changes that can profoundly lower your risk of developing cancer. Dr. Gonzalez subscribes to the belief that the body has an innate ability to heal itself when given favourable conditions to thrive. He completed his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2014. His doctorate work included a thesis...
Published 08/21/19
In this solo episode, I dive into the science and the basics of time restricted eating and intermittent fasting especially focused on mothers and busy #momlife. I suggest actionable steps you can take to implement these science-backed powerful practices in your life as a mom with potentially game changing health benefits. Hope you enjoy! 
Published 08/16/19
Nicole DeLeon is a surfer, yoga instructor and teacher who has battled anxiety before and after becoming a mother and is now creating a forum and safe space for other mamas to do the same. Through her platform and podcast ,SoulMamasPodcast, Nicole speaks to women navigating the challenges and changes that come with motherhood whether its a new identity, new body or new set of worries and anxieties. Nicole's journey and wisdom inspired me to soften into motherhood and let go a little because...
Published 08/01/19
Anu Sehgal was a successful, health conscious, busy mama in her 40s with no genetic predisposition to cancer when she was blindsided by a breast cancer diagnosis. In this episode of Momlight, Anu shares her journey from feeling utterly shell-shocked, helpless and afraid to going into 'warrior mode' to get the job done and get past the cancer. This conversation is incredibly inspiring and shows us how in the face of the most intense challenge, we all have an inner strength that helps us rise...
Published 07/17/19
In this episode of Momlight, Lisa Roberts Hurd, the founder of Food.Body.Soul and M.Phil in Classical Archeology from Oxford University, shares her journey to sobriety and vitality. Lisa used alcohol and prescription drugs to escape her reality where she wasn't living her truth. When she hit rock bottom and entered rehab, she finally had her metamorphosis and felt like she had been given a second chance at life. Her goal now is to inspire others to take care of themselves through food,...
Published 07/03/19
In this episode, I chatted with the lovely and wise Noelle Kovary, an Ayurveda practitioner, holistic health counselor and author of the powerful new book, 'The Self-Healing Revolution: Modern Day Ayurveda with Recipes and Tools for Intuitive Living'. Noelle's trajectory, like so many others in the health and wellness space who are here to serve and help others, began with her own debilitating illness as a teenager. Her journey led her to discover yoga and Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical...
Published 06/26/19
In this episode I pick the brain of the lovely Nicole Silber, registered pediatric dietician and nutritionist behind the new game-changing baby and kid food brand, FoodieKid. Nicole shares her tips for getting kids to eat well - her number one tip is to relax a little (phew) - and how not to forget about your own health in the process. You will learn about hydration training (yes it's a thing), how kids can have herbs and spices too (you know I LOVE that mantra) and how FoodieKid is helping...
Published 06/18/19
In this episode, our host Kanchan Koya, a PhD turned spice mama shares the science behind turmeric's health benefits and some important points to keep in mind when buying and using it. She also shares her 5 must have spices for health and flavor. More on the other 4 in future episodes! You can learn more about spices and feel inspired to cook with them at www.spicespicebaby.com or through Kanchan's book Spice Spice Baby.. 
Published 06/13/19
On this episode of Momlight, Registered Dietitian Noelle Martin describes her battle with endometriosis and how she turned to diet and movement to not just manage her condition but to thrive despite it. Noelle's faith in divine timing through her fertility challenges, her emphasis on self-care, and her tips for moms looking to find more health and vibrancy in simple and sustainable ways are going to uplift and inspire you. I love the actionable, sustainable and practical suggestions that...
Published 06/05/19
This week's guest, the lovely Taesha Butler, is the founder of www.thenaturalnurturer.com where she shares her passion for natural living, veggie loaded everything (for kids and adults!), delicious recipes, and wise parenting tips. Taesha is a truly conscious mama who is helping elevate the mom game in a light hearted and genuine way. In this episode, we chat about why she founded The Natural Nurturer, how she has a coffee date with her husband every morning 3, why mom comparison traps need...
Published 05/29/19
Melanie Darnell, the founder of www.fitmomma.com teaches us how byte-sized, mini workouts done daily (even while giving your kids a bath!) can transform your fitness and your life as a mother. Through her Instagram page @fitmomm4three, her website and youtube channel, Melanie shows us how Daily Doses of Movement even in busy momlife has transformational effects. She is  passionate about Veganism and raising a plant-based family for optimal health, wellness an vitality. Melanie also shares...
Published 05/21/19
Dan Pardi PhD is the founder and CEO of the cutting-edge platform, www.humanOS.me  which leverages a novel behavior model to promote health fluency, skill development, and lifestyle insights so people can master their health practice. He does research with the Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department at Stanford, and the Departments of Neurology and Endocrinology at Leiden University in the Netherlands where he investigates how lifestyle factors, like sleep, influence decision making,...
Published 05/14/19
Dr. Felice Gersh is a rare kind of medical doctor combining a top notch MD and Residency in OB/GYN with an Integrative Medicine specialization. Because of this unique combination of skill sets, Dr Gersh works with women with PCOS and other hormonal imbalances in a truly revolutionary way through her medical practice  and her incredibly informative and moving book where in seven simple but revolutionary steps, Dr Gersh shows women how to beat PCOS naturally, replacing pills with powerful and...
Published 05/05/19
Tyler Jean, founder of the wildly popular Instagram and Facebook communities, functional.foods and soon to be Naturopathic Doctor, is a wealth of knowledge, much of which he shares with us in this episode. Tyler's journey from junk food athlete to whole, real food focused educator and wellness warrior is packed with lessons for all of us seeking a more vibrant existence without the drudgery of dieting or unexciting exercise routines. Tyler says that if you want it badly enough, you will FIND...
Published 04/24/19
Tasha Rose was a plant-loving, vibrant little girl who developed a debilitating and mysterious set of symptoms in her 20s. She leaned into her intuition and healed herself from what was severe Candida overgrowth. This, together with her first yoga class, catapulted her on a journey as a wellness warrior where she learned to journey with plants and bow down to their medicinal magic. She now uses this connection with nature to create beautiful and effective herbal elixirs and remedies at...
Published 04/19/19
Dr. Vivian Chen was practicing conventional medicine in the UK when her own debilitating symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, and acne were dismissed as 'normal' by the medical community. She took matters into her own hands, became her own health detective, and uncovered a deep, holistic approach to understanding health at a whole body level and healed herself. She is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner and founder of www.platefulhealth.com through which she helps her clients...
Published 04/12/19
Kayla Mangione is a vibrant mother who radiates health and vitality but this wasn't always the case. In this episode, Kayla gets raw and real about her struggle with Crohn's disease and how she overcame her health challenges using food as medicine, helping us all see how sometimes our biggest difficulties can be our greatest gifts. You can follow Kayla for inspiring and delicious recipes and family food tips on instagram @thefamilyfoodproject
Published 04/10/19
Today on Momlight, I had the amazing opportunity to chat with Renee Jain, founder and Chief Storyteller at GoZen!. Renee is recognized as a pioneer in marrying technology and child psychology. Through her writing, product invention and development, masterclasses for parents, and children’s advocacy, she works to build the emotional intelligence of kids, including resilience, empathy, kindness, and critical thinking. Renee is a certified life coach, and holds a MA in Applied Positive...
Published 04/03/19