In this episode top UK divorce lawyer Karin Walker and Narcissism expert Dr Supriya McKenna talk with Deputy District Judge Rachael Oakes and her colleague mediator, Claire Colbert, about why classic, traditional mediation and shuttle mediation do not work with narcissists. They discuss the benefits of using 'Hybrid Mediation' instead, where a narcissist is involved. They explain why Hybrid Mediation is best used for parties that have legal representation for the duration of the process, and...
Published 12/01/21
In this episode, London family law barrister Nicholas Anderson, top UK family lawyer Karin Walker and Narcissism expert Dr Supriya McKenna  discuss the issue of parental alienation - and how it is used by narcissistic parents as a means to punish their former spouse. Nick explains why the court is not the best place to deal with cases such as these, and Karin explains why arbitration is a much safer method to use where a narcissist is involved, where an adjudicative decision has to made...
Published 11/21/21
In this episode, top UK family lawyer Karin Walker and Narcissism expert Dr Supriya McKenna discuss how to approach child inclusive mediation  with DDJ Rachel Oakes and lawyer mediator Claire Colbert when a narcissist is involved. They discuss balancing the benefits of hearing the voice of the child with the possible repercussions for the child from the narcissistic parent. They also discuss the difficulties lawyers face when dealing with narcissistic clients, and how this can affect their...
Published 11/20/21
In this episode Nicholas Anderson, an experienced London barrister,  Dr Supriya McKenna and top UK lawyer Karin Walker discuss why it is still unwise to use the term 'Narcissism' in the family court. They talk about the discrepancies in recognition of NPD between the medical profession in the UK and the USA, and the issues that arise when a narcissist triangulates their barrister with their solicitor. They also discuss the importance of the legal team drafting watertight consent orders to...
Published 11/11/21
In this episode, Top UK lawyer Karin Walker and Dr Supriya McKenna talk with Nicholas Anderson, a highly experienced barrister from 1KBW Chambers in London. They discuss the misunderstandings surrounding Narcissism among many barristers and judges, and how this can lead to judgements which fail to be in the children's best interests. They talk about the dangers of the charming and plausible presentation of the narcissist and the believable victim-playing of the closet narcissist - and how...
Published 11/01/21
In this episode Dr Supriya McKenna explains 'gaslighting' - one the most used narcissistic tactics of psychological abuse. She explains how it leaves the victim feeling unable to trust themselves or their perceptions, and how the resulting confusion keeps them 'in play' as a source of narcissistic supply for the narcissist. 
Published 10/21/21
In this podcast episode, Dr Supriya McKenna and top UK lawyer Karin Walker talk to the UK and USA branches of the parenting app 'OurFamilyWizard.' They find out why exactly it is that this communication tool is so effective with narcissists, and James and Racheal address  concerns regarding whether it can be used as a further tool of abuse by a narcissistic co-parent. They delve into the specific features available, and explain in detail how they work to limit instant back and forth...
Published 10/13/21
In this episode Dr Supriya McKenna, Top UK lawyer Karin Walker and Clinical psychologist Dr Daksha Hirani discuss how common Narcissistic Personality Disorder is in the population, and why it might be on the increase. They talk about whether Narcissism is more prevalent in certain cultures and whether Narcissists can be 'cured' of their NPD. Dr Hirani cautions how some narcissists use therapy as a means to learn how to change their behaviour in order to escape detection. Finally, they discuss...
Published 09/10/21
In this episode Dr Supriya McKenna and Dr Daksha Hirani discuss the ins and outs of  'complex PTSD' - a consequence of narcissistic abuse. Dr Hirani explains what treatments are available, including EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprogramming) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. They talk about how Mindfulness Meditation is a excellent way for the victims of narcissistic abuse to rewire their brains, and how it is scientifically validated. Dr Hirani also explains why it is that...
Published 09/09/21
In this episode Dr Supriya McKenna and top UK lawyer Karin Walker discuss with Clinical Psychologist Dr Daksha Hirani why it is that NPD is not well recognised in the UK and why mental health professional and lawyers are not being trained in NPD. They talk about the  issue of the family members of narcissists 'diagnosing' the narcissists and why getting a formal diagnosis of narcissism is unlikely to be helpful. Dr Hirani explains why victims of narcissistic abuse should never 'name and...
Published 09/08/21
In this episode Dr Supriya McKenna and Karin Walker talk to UK Clinical Psychologist Dr Daksha Hirani, who explains why it's so important to be able to recognise (as a victim of a narcissistic relationship) your own telltale gut feelings and responses. We discuss how the narcissist is able to show you your own wounds, and how it is that narcissistic abuse is so infrequently recognised, even within the area of domestic abuse - and why that matters. 
Published 08/30/21
In this episode Dr Supriya McKenna explains why couples therapy, or marriage guidance counselling, won't work if one of the couple is a narcissist. She explains how (even when the narcissistic individual seems keen to have therapy) this is a toxic dynamic of triangulation, playing the victim and blameshifting, and why a  narcissist won't seek to evolve or learn from couples therapy - but instead will see it as an opportunity to punish their spouse, and 'win' at it.
Published 08/20/21
In this episode Dr Supriya McKenna and top family lawyer Karin Walker discuss the difficulties in spotting the so-called 'closet narcissist' - both for the partner of the narcissist and for the divorce lawyer when the closet narcissist is their client. They describe type of narcissist in detail, and explain why they so often fly under the radar.
Published 08/11/21
In this episode, Narcissism expert Dr Supriya McKenna and top UK lawyer Karin Walker discuss why people become narcissists. They outline the main types of parenting that can cause a child to develop narcissistic defences, and, when a parent is narcissistic themselves, they highlight the role of the other parent (who might otherwise be an enabler of the abuse) in limiting the damage to the children. 
Published 08/02/21
In this, the first episode of Season 2, Dr Supriya McKenna and  top UK lawyer Karin Walker discuss the concept of 'Shared Care',  in particular with regards to a narcissistic parent. 
Published 07/21/21
In this episode, top UK lawyer Karin Walker and Dr Supriya McKenna talk about the financial issues one needs to consider when cohabiting, whether you are currently cohabiting with a narcissist or whether you have left a narcissistic relationship and are looking to live with a new partner. They discuss the concept of 'common law', and how one might protect themselves when it comes to buying property with a cohabitee. 
Published 06/24/21
In this episode, Dr Supriya McKenna and top UK divorce lawyer Karin Walker discuss the communication issues that occur in narcissistic divorces as a result of the narcissist's narcissistic injury and rage. They talk about the highly effective Grey Rock Technique, and how hard it can be at first. At the end of the podcast, Karin explains the importance for the lawyer of maintaining good boundaries with narcissistic clients, and how support staff may bear the brunt of the narcissist's poor...
Published 06/09/21
In this episode Dr Supriya McKenna asks Karin Walker how she expects the new UK 'no fault divorce' to impact upon divorces where one of the spouses is a narcissist. Karin also clarifies why it is that in the eyes of the law it does not matter what ground is cited as a ground for divorce, as this will not affect the outcome of the financial or child arrangements. They discuss why it is not necessary to cite all narcissistic behaviours in full detail in an 'unreasonable behaviour' divorce...
Published 05/25/21
In this episode, Dr Supriya McKenna and top UK family lawyer Karin Walker explain why it is that narcissists move so quickly from one partner to the next, without needing to grieve from the loss of the relationship. They also discuss why the former partner of a narcissist should refrain from trying to save the narcissist's new partner from the narcissist. 
Published 05/25/21
Dr Supriya McKenna and UK family lawyer Karin Walker discuss one of the hallmarks of a narcissistic relationship - the addictive cycle of idealise and devalue, and how that can present. They explain that this is one of the key things to look out for for anyone trying to determine whether their partner is a narcissist. 
Published 05/24/21
In this episode Dr Supriya McKenna and Karin Walker discuss the delays in the family court and how best to get out of the system. They talk about how moving over to the private system will yield a faster, fairer and cheaper resolution, if the narcissist can be persuaded to agree. They explain how to do this, and why it is that your lawyer might not yet be aware of these better options for your case. 
Published 05/20/21
In this episode Dr Supriya McKenna explains the complicated relationship that a narcissist has with their children. She delves into the concept of how the narcissist sees their children as extensions of themselves and how this manifests. She also discusses the idea of parental love from a narcissistic parent, the effect that a narcissistic parent can have on a child and the recommended method of 'parallel parenting'. 
Published 05/13/21
In this episode, originally broadcast by BBC Radio, top UK family lawyer Karin Walker discusses the difficulties faced when one is divorcing a narcissist. She explains why it is so important to raise awareness of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and how a narcissist will not be different with their new partner, regardless of how things may seem. 
Published 05/05/21
In this episode Dr Supriya McKenna talks about 'narcissistic supply', what it is and how it lies behind all narcissistic behaviours in a person suffering from NPD. She explains why it is so important to understand, and how empowering this understanding...
Published 04/27/21