Billy Gene is Marketing helps business owners & entrepreneurs turn clicks on Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube into customers. Key Points: Billy Gene discusses why he thinks so many small business owners are misinformed. Learn the importance of asking for help as opposed to just “googling your way through it.” Hear the dangers of outsourcing. Billy Gene breaks down how you can stand out from the crowd with a good marketing strategy. Find out why a fifth grader should be your...
Published 06/01/20
Doug Winter is the co-founder and CEO of Seismic, a unicorn SaaS company valued at over $1B based out of San Diego, CA. Prior to Seismic, Doug also successfully built and sold his last company, Objectiva Software Solutions, for $90M.  Key Points: How Doug decided that Seismic was an idea worth going "all in" on.  How to build a foundation that scales How Doug and his co-founders approached built a high performing company culture The most important keys to raising capital (and if...
Published 05/04/20
Doug Winter is the co-founder and CEO of Seismic. Doug also co-founded Objectiva Software Solutions. Doug served as Chief Operations Officer and general manager at EMC Document Sciences until founding Seismic in 2010. In 2019, Doug was named one of the 10 Best CEOs of Small/Mid-Size Companies in the U.S. by Comparably. Key Takeaways: Don't overthink the trajectory of what you want to accomplish. Get customer validation early and often. You've got to stay emotionally...
Published 05/04/20
Published 04/27/20
  About Cole Hatter: I am a husband, father, entrepreneur, and car fanatic. I love investing in people and in companies that make me a better person and the world a better place. Thrive: Make Money Matter, is an annual conference I founded that teaches entrepreneurs how to dominate in business and in life, while making the world a better place. Looking to Sponsor an event that’s? ✔ Filled with enthusiastic entrepreneurs who are some of the most serious and success-oriented...
Published 04/27/20
  Trevor Moawad is a renowned Mental Conditioning expert and strategic advisor to some of the world’s most elite performers. In 2017, Trevor was named the “Sports World’s Best Brain Trainer” by Sports Illustrated. From Ft. Bragg to Harvard Business School, from elite Quarterbacks to top level CEOs. Moawad’s mission is clear – to motivate the motivated. Trevor Moawad recently partnered with Russell Wilson to form Limitless Minds whose mission is to both optimize performance and...
Published 04/06/20
For over 15 years, Craig Clemens has been an eCommerce innovator, brand storyteller, and visionary builder of category-leading brands. As a copywriter, he has written many of the biggest digital ad campaigns in history, generating hundreds of millions of video views and upwards of 1 billion dollars in sales. Presently, Craig is Co-founder of Golden Hippo, America’s largest digitally native brand incubator, which under his leadership has become one of the fastest-growing companies in the...
Published 04/01/20
Over the past decade, Joe has privately coached over 300 sales teams in person. His primary industries in order of highest activity include Mortgage/Loan Officers, business lending, consumer debt assistance, law firms, medical/cosmetic surgery centers, insurance, marketing firms, and several others. This includes keynotes for giants like Microsoft, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Equinox, and dozens of other leaders in the financial, professional service verticals. During this time, he has...
Published 03/23/20
Michael’s TEDx Nashville YouTube video “Great Leaders Do What Drug Addicts Do” is the number one talk in the history of TEDx Nashville. It has been seen by over one million people in over twenty-five countries and provides insight into his seventeen-year journey from addiction and near homelessness to CEO and co-founder of an Inc. 500 startup that he sold to a publicly-traded company. This talk sparked the #MaskFreeMovement and brought awareness to Michael’s Mask-Free Program, built on three...
Published 03/16/20
Jordan Harbinger, often referred to as “The Larry King of podcasting,” is a Wall Street lawyer turned interview talk show host, and a communications and social dynamics expert. Jordan has hosted a top 50 iTunes podcast for over 12 years and receives over six million downloads per month, making The Jordan Harbinger Show one of the most popular podcasts in the world. The show was awarded Apple’s “Best of 2018” and is one of the most downloaded shows of the year. On The Jordan Harbinger Show,...
Published 03/09/20
Ed struggled through challenges and pain. After two decades of drug addiction—including 11 devastating years of addiction to methamphetamine—Ed had thrown away his life savings, biotech career, home…even his dog. He’d spent months in jail, and four years in meth psychosis. He heard disembodied voices, believed vast conspiracies targeted him, and estranged himself from everyone who’d tried to help him. After getting clean in 2008, Ed discovered: Just because you’re done with drugs, doesn’t...
Published 02/24/20
About Akshay: After moving to Austin, Texas from Bombay, Bangalore and Singapore, I overcame a lifestyle of drug addiction that killed two of my friends in high school. When I then decided to join the United States Marine Corps, two doctors told me that boot camp would kill me, thanks to a blood disorder I was born with. But I wasn’t about to let that stop me. Not only did I complete boot camp (with a twisted ankle, no less), but I was chosen as the honor graduate in Infantry school and went...
Published 02/10/20
Louisa Nicola applies the best ideas in neuroscience to coach some of the worlds’ best athletes, investors, and executives – the top 001%. She aims to help people live fearlessly, strategize deliberately, and apply effort consistently to push themselves to ever higher peaks. Louisa aims to live between the intersection of neuroscience and mindset to drive results year after year. Neuro Athletics is a full-service neuroscience and medical-grade diagnostic testing company that delivers data...
Published 02/03/20
Iman Gadzhi is a 20-year-old businessman and digital marketer who came into the spotlight as the CEO of IAG Media. He posts videos sharing tips and tricks on how to succeed on his YouTube channel for more than 100,000 subscribers. On this episode: Discover how Iman overcame a feeling of desperation. Iman reveals his biggest source of inspiration. Learn how to change your self-identity. Iman explains why public victories are not the most important things. Find out how you can rid...
Published 01/28/20
Burt is both INTENSE and POSITIVE and many like his authentic nature and pure coaching skills of packaging and delivering content in ways that get people to take action and get results. Coach Micheal Burt is considered “America’s Coach,” a unique blend of a former championship basketball coach combined with a deep methodology of inner-engineering people to produce at a higher level in the business world. Coach Burt found his unique voice early in life at the age of 15 by starting his...
Published 01/13/20
From a thriving Software Engineering career, yet struggling with anxiety and panic, to leaving it all and building a successful High-Performance Coaching and Consulting company. His name is Mike Szczesniak, and he is a life-long student of high performance, productivity, and entrepreneurship. On this show, he shares the tactics that can help you get next-level results in life and business. On this episode: Learn how to perform at a high level. Discover how to build high-performance...
Published 01/06/20
Darren Prince is a prominent sports and celebrity agent and global advocate for addiction and recovery. Through his agency, Prince Marketing Group, he represents icons such as Magic Johnson, Hulk Hogan, Charlie Sheen, Dennis Rodman, Chevy Chase, and the late Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali to name a few. As a leading authority in this space, his insights have been featured in WSJ, NYT, USA Today, CNN and Dr. OZ. From selling his first business at 19 to building a multimillion-dollar talent...
Published 12/23/19
Evan Carmichael built and sold his first company at 19 years old. He currently owns Toronto's largest salsa dancing franchise and is best known for his Youtube channel for entrepreneurs that has over 2 million subscribers and hundreds of millions of collective views.
Published 12/09/19
Bobby Castro is a business mogul who recently sold his company for $1 billion dollars. He also boasts a real estate portfolio of over $300m. Having dropped out of school in the 9th grade, Bobby is a complete self-made success and an incredibly generous soul.
Published 12/03/19
Anthony Trucks is a former NFL Player and American Ninja Warrior, and is currently an entrepreneur, coach, and highly sought after motivational speaker. Anthony came from a broken home and was introduced to the foster home system at just 3 years old. After beating the statistics and graduating college and playing in the NFL, he plunged into entrepreneurship. He found himself broke and completely desperate, but after changing his mindset, he built several 6 and 7 figure businesses.
Published 11/26/19
Paul Getter is the CEO of the Internet Marketing Nerds. He's worked with superstars from Grant Cardone to Tai Lopez and Les Brown. He's amassed more than 1 million followers and he's leveraged his personal brand to create a lavish lifestyle but also to create a massive impact through his philanthropic ventures.
Published 11/25/19
Brittany Michalchuk is an expert in social media marketing and branding. She works with CEOs and coaches to help them scale and monetize their businesses online. She has built an incredible personal brand with hundreds of thousands of followers. She has shared stages with legends like Ed Mylett and Andy Frisella. She also has a top-rated podcast called The Vitamin B show.
Published 11/18/19
Mikhail Kuznetsov is the current CMO of Real Social Dynamics and former copywriter for Tai Lopez.
Published 11/11/19
Travis Chappell is a direct sales expert, podcaster, real estate investor, and super-connector. He is the creator and host of the Top 25 business podcast, Build Your Network, a podcast dedicated to helping professionals cultivate genuine relationships, grow their inner circle, and leverage a powerful network the right way.
Published 11/11/19
Zander Fryer started his career as an engineer at CISCO. Even though he was making hundreds of thousands of dollars as one of their top sales engineers in his early twenties, he chose to leave everything behind to follow his dreams.   He is now the CEO of High Impact Coaches – which he scaled to a staggering seven figures in his first year of business.
Published 11/04/19