I'm excited to have special guest, Dave Taylor, on the show this week to share his inspiring story of overcoming addiction and losing 300 lbs to set his life back on track in a purposeful way. It's a must listen out there for anyone who's feeling helpless or like they're 'too far gone' to make a change - Dave's story is proof that change IS always possible, one brave step at a time. Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time? Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students...
Published 10/30/23
One thing school didn't teach me was what the heck it really meant to take care of yourself mentally and keep your brain healthy! So tune into this episode to learn about the 4 main chemicals your brain needs to thrive & keep you in a better mood, even when life gets tough! Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time? Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching
Published 10/23/23
Friendships can be the most rewarding and meaningful part of life, and sometimes also the most challenging! Tune into this episode to learn the most common mistakes people make in friendships that often cause unnecessary drama or misunderstandings - and then tips to try out instead to build friendships that last! Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time? Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching
Published 10/16/23
In celebration of 5 years of "Okay. Now What?", I'm excited to do a flashback to my first ever episode of this podcast! If the fear of rejection or failure holds you back from what you really want to do in life, then this episode is definitely a must listen! Thank you to my amazing podcast family for all your support over the years, I am so grateful for you and look forward to many more years to come! 3 
Published 10/09/23
Do you have every intention to get up early to workout, only to roll over because it's too hard to get up? Or do you keep putting off breaking up with your boyfriend because you don't want to hurt his feelings? I know that in the moment, some decisions or actions can be really hard to do - but long term, they're even harder to not do. Every time we choose comfort over our goals and wellbeing, we actually suffer more in the big picture. So if you're someone who struggles to follow through on...
Published 10/02/23
Struggle to stay strong and positive when times get tough? Tune into this episode for an eye opening yet empowering pep talk on all things resilience. Want to feel more confident and less anxious? Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching
Published 09/25/23
Feeling guilty over something you've done? Whether it's talking behind a friend's back, lying to your parents or not showing up to your cousins championship game, tune into this episode to learn how to turn your guilt into something good for your growth! Want to feel more confident and happier in your own skin? Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching
Published 09/18/23
"Hopefully I make new friends" "I'm hoping my study plan works out" "Hopefully I get a job this summer" Hope sounds like such a positive and helpful thing to believe in - which it certainly can be in some contexts - but in other situations, especially when it comes to achieving a goal, hope may be the exact thing that's blocking your progress. Tune into this episode to find out why and what to do about it!
Published 09/11/23
From forgetting what to say, to laughing awkwardly or hiding away in the corner, social anxiety is something that gets the better of many of us - I know it used to for me. But not anymore!  So this episode I share with you the BEST question to ask to feel less awkward when meeting new people - so your anxiety doesn't hold you back from the opportunities and relationships you really want in life!  Want help putting all these tips and tools into practice? Learn more about my personalised...
Published 09/04/23
Break ups can be so hard and messy. So many feelings and mixed emotions can lead to lots of confusion and overwhelm - and worry that might you shouldn't have broken up after all. So if you're in the middle of your first break up, or considering breaking up with someone for the first time, this episode shares with you my best tips on how to make the break up less messy and easier to move on from in healthy way.  Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time? Learn more about my...
Published 08/28/23
Do some people at school, work or sports get under your skin? Maybe it's how loud they are or the way they talk badly about others behind their backs? Whatever their behavior is that ticks you off, I know it's easy to get frustrated and wish you didn't have to be around them at all. However, often that's not an option - BUT it doesn't mean you have to stay annoyed and helpless every time you're around them. Instead, let me teach you another option you have that gives you all your power back...
Published 08/21/23
There's nothing worse than the anxious tossing and turning when you can't sleep at night. If you struggle with falling asleep, tune into this episode! I share my best tips on how to calm the anxiety that's keeping you awake so you can get yourself a better night's rest.  Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time? Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching
Published 08/14/23
Whether it's trying to choose what pizza topping to order through which major to study at college, sometimes we'll have mixed feelings about making a decision. The problem is, that often we let that ambivalence suck us into a spiral of overthinking, ruminating and procrastinating that costs us TONNE of time and sanity. So if you tend to put off making a decision when you feel torn between different options or trade offs, give this episode a listen! Decision making doesn't have to be so hard...
Published 08/07/23
Going after our goals in life can be filled with unexpected challenges that make it tempting to quit or give up before we really get momentum going. So in this episode, I share with you the 5 most powerful truths that I've accepted to help me become more successful in my life, so you can create the same success in your life too! Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time? Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching
Published 07/31/23
Welcome to another episode in our FLASHBACK series of the podcast, to ensure you don't miss any nuggets of gold from previous episodes! Many of us take on the perfectionist ''All or nothing'' mentality as if it's a badge of honour and something really empowering - ‘’I either do it 100% or not at all’’. But in this episode I reveal why this mentality is actually robbing you of your dreams and keeping you stuck in a cycle of underachieving towards whatever your goal is - whether it’s to stick...
Published 07/24/23
This week as I began clearing out my wardrobe to move to Wyoming, I realized that our brains and our closets have a lot in common. What do I mean by that? Tune in to find out and learn why we need to be as intentional about what we leave in our brains as we do our wardrobes! Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time? Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching
Published 07/17/23
Just going with whatever your friend wants you to do feels easy in the moment, but long term it can erode away your self esteem. While it's nice to be considerate of others, when you're constantly saying 'no' and 'yes' to others just to please them, it can leave you riddle with even more anxiety and emptiness. So tune into this episode to learn about the solution to 'people pleasing' and tips to help you practice it, so you can build more meaningful friendships that aren't costing you your...
Published 07/10/23
This episode my husband, Nate, joins me on the show to discuss our favorite quote by tennis Legend, Billie Jean King - "Pressure is a privilege". Find out how you can use this perspective on pressure to help you rise to the occassion and learn from the times you don't.  Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time? Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching
Published 07/03/23
Surprise! I'm posting up a short bonus episode to make an exciting announcement!!! Wanna know what it is?? You better tune in! :)))
Published 06/28/23
Today's episode is in tribute to a friend who I tragically lost last week. She was an earth angel to me and someone I wanted to take a moment to honour for the love and resilience she brought to my life when I needed it most. This episode is about the power of being there for loved ones during dark days, prioritizing what really matters most and reflecting on what you want your 'dash' to one day stand for... Rest in peace, my beautiful friend. 3 
Published 06/26/23
Are you skipping meals or counting calories? Do you ever feel guilty after you eat or use working out as a punishment? If so, then PLEASE listen up to everything today's special guest, Lauren Dorman, has to share. Lauren Dorman is a Nutrition Therapist who has 20 years of experience working with young people who are struggling with body image and self-esteem, as well as disordered and emotional eating. There's SO many amazing nuggets of gold in this episode to help heal your relationship with...
Published 06/19/23
Thanks to the filtered world of social media and everything we see in the movies and TV, our brains have subconsciously been conditioned to think of beauty looking one particular way. Unfortunately that can lead to a lot of nasty thoughts spiraling about our own bodies when we look in the mirror or try on our clothes. If you're having one of those days - where your insecurities are loud and you're fearing "I'm not enough" - tune into this episode. I share my favourite quotes and inspiration...
Published 06/12/23
Do you sometimes get overwhelmed with how much you have to do that you run late or forget to do the thing entirely? Workload anxiety is a real thing, but there's a daily habit that can help make it a WHOLE lot better and create more of the results you want in less time - and less stress! Tune in to learn more about what this mini habit is and how you can make it work best for you and your goals! Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time? Learn more about my personalised coaching...
Published 06/05/23
If you could go back 12 months ago today, what words of wisdom would you tell your past self? What would you thank them for? What would you forgive them for? This is what we'll be exploring together in today's episode to practice self appreciation for growth that you mighn't noticed and so you can make peace with any past mistakes that may be weighing you down. A healthier relationship with your past self, means a healthier relationship with your now self - and soon to be, future self. Want...
Published 05/29/23
If you hate small talk because of how uncomfortable it is and you feel like you never know what to say, check out this episode! I give you my 5 best tips on how to better start conversations with strangers and people you don't know well yet so the whole exchange is way less awkward and more engaging for you both! Because you never know where one simple conversation could lead you.. Listen in to find out how one small talk conversation changed my life! Want to speak in person at your...
Published 05/25/23