As a people pleaser, do you bury your anger deep within, fearing it might erupt, shattering your relationships? If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.   Today, we’re diving into the shadows where suppressed emotions lurk, and we’re cutting through the fog of approval-seeking patterns, so you can embrace the sunshine of self-acceptance. I’m giving you examples of how people pleasing might be showing up for you as you navigate life after loss, and you’ll learn practical tips and...
Published 01/11/24
After loss, we need to embrace a new life, and embodying unconditional love is a powerful step toward real transformation.   If you're feeling numb from grief and you don’t know how you can move forward, today’s episode is for you. I’m showing you what unconditional love during the grieving process looks like, and how to allow unconditional love to support you as you navigate your life after loss.   Get full show notes and more information here: https://sandylinda.com/21
Published 01/04/24
Are you setting goals or intentions as you navigate the delicate landscape of grief? You might think goals and intentions are the same thing, but today, we’re diving into the nuanced world of setting intentions in the early stages of grief.   During grief, we can feel rushed to set goals while still in the thick of difficult emotions. However, intentions are powerful and they hold valuable lessons. Tune in this week to discover how to start deciding on your intentions as you navigate...
Published 12/28/23
Does grief feel like a silent barrier that, over time, causes friendships to fade away? You’re not alone in this experience. The deep, complex emotions that accompany grief often leave those around us at a loss for words or actions.    Tune in this week to explore how to navigate friendship and grief. I’m showing you how to start fostering understanding in your friendships, ways to deal with the complex dynamics of friendship during grief, and how to find support and understanding within...
Published 12/21/23
Is it possible to find Holiday joy when dealing with the loss of a loved one?   As we navigate the festive season, I invite you to join me on a journey, unwrapping the complexities of grief, and finding the path to rediscover joy and leave the Holiday blues behind.   Tune in to learn how to rediscover Holiday joy after the heartbreaking loss of a loved one. I’m sharing the painful journey of my Holiday grief, and if this is your first experience of loneliness during the festive season,...
Published 12/14/23
Have you ever felt stuck in the cloudy waters of grief, desperately searching for an escape route?   If this sounds familiar, get ready to redefine your grief journey and give yourself permission to grieve. This week I’m unpacking the lessons from Megan Devine’s book It’s OK That You’re Not OK, discussing why this book is a lifeline for anyone deep in the throes of grief, and I’m giving you my tips for normalizing and validating your emotional experience of grief.   Get full show notes...
Published 12/07/23
Self-care isn’t all about mud baths and facial treatments. Today, we’re focusing on money self-care. It’s time to break down the myths about self-care and start redefining this topic in a way that serves us as we navigate grief and loss in our lives.   Tune in this week for strategies and tips to reclaim your financial empowerment after heartbreak. You’ll learn why your wallet needs some TLC, and I’m sharing how to start indulging in financial mindfulness, so you can ensure your financial...
Published 11/30/23
When you’re experiencing heavy emotions in your life, the last thing you want to do is talk about it. What if I told you that writing could be your secret weapon for navigating stormy emotions like grief, turning your grief into gratitude?    Tune in this week to discover my favorite coping strategy for turning grief into gratitude: journaling. I’m sharing how journaling can be a healing companion during times of grief, and giving you three tips to start working through the deep emotions of...
Published 11/23/23
To all of you mourning a loss at this difficult time, it’s okay not to feel thankful when the world is expecting you to. The truth is, your journey is filled with strength and resilience. Spotting the silver lining is tough. However, I’m giving you permission to grieve and seek gratitude in your own time.    Tune in this week and meet me at the powerful intersection of gratitude and grief. I’m giving you some advice that has the potential to entirely change how you view your grief journey,...
Published 11/16/23
Studies reveal that the economic impact of divorce can endure for five years after divorce, particularly affecting women. If you want to understand how to build financial resilience as you journey through divorce grief or the grief that accompanies any life-altering transition, today’s episode is for you.   Discover how to get ready for the financial grief that comes with divorce, and how to cope with the grief that tags along. I share how to navigate the stormy waters of post-divorce...
Published 11/09/23
Have you ever received an unexpected financial jackpot when you least expected it? How do you handle this sudden financial gain without the weight of grief complicating things? Building financial strength with confidence and clarity after a loss is possible, and I’m here to show you how.   Tune in this week for valuable insights and actionable steps you can take to start building financial strength with confidence and clarity after a loss. I’m exploring some ways to embrace these financial...
Published 11/02/23
Grief messes with us in countless ways, especially our eating habits. However, the food you consume during grief plays a pivotal role in your emotional well-being. Healthy eating is a crucial part of self-care after experiencing a loss, so if you’re ready to give your body and brain what it needs to start healing, you’re in the right place.   Tune in this week to discover the role of healthy eating as a form of self-care while grieving. I’m showing you how to balance the delicate art of...
Published 10/26/23
Dealing with the loss of someone close, the end of a relationship, or grieving the loss of a life not lived can be a mountain to climb. Staying positive feels like a distant dream. But what if I told you there’s one secret that will help you navigate the rollercoaster of emotions that accompany grief, so you can regain your strength in the face of loss?      If you’re ready to unlock the transformative healing power of exercise in your grief journey, this episode is for you. Learn how to...
Published 10/19/23
Have you ever turned to a pint of ice cream when you’re feeling down, only to be hit with the sickening realization that eating can’t fix what’s making you sad? Emotional eating is a go-to coping strategy during times of grief or loneliness for too many people, so it’s time to explore the deep and complex connection between grief and emotional eating.   Tune in this week to untangle and understand the complex relationship between grief and emotional eating. I’m showing you why we...
Published 10/12/23
Has your grief left you feeling physically exhausted? Well, it’s time to explore a powerful connection that is too often overlooked: the impact of grief on our physical well-being. If you’re ready to start healing from the emotional and physiological impacts of loss, this episode is for you.   Tune in this week as I give you the tools to start understanding the everyday challenges you face as a result of grief and loss. I’m exploring the complex relationship between your mind and your body,...
Published 10/05/23
There’s something about grief that doesn’t make it into the textbooks or therapy sessions, and that is guilt. Guilt is a consistent, nagging companion during grief. If you’re feeling guilt weighing on you as you try to move through grief, you’re not alone. But you’re in the right place, because I'm here to help.   Tune in this week to begin understanding the complex web of emotions that comprise guilt, and get some insight into why guilt accompanies us on our grief journey. I discuss the...
Published 09/28/23
We often think of grief and mourning interchangeably, however, they refer to different experiences. Understanding the difference between grief and mourning is one of the secrets to growing from your current experience of loss. But why does this distinction matter?    Discover the difference between grief and mourning and why it is so important. I discuss how culture has influenced our perception of the mourning process, and give you three essential parts of mourning that we need to take the...
Published 09/21/23
In the midst of heartache and pain, striking a balance between maintaining relationships with others and self-preservation is incredibly tough. If you’re grappling with unresolved grief and wondering how to set healthy and appropriate boundaries, this episode is for you.   Discover why setting boundaries for yourself is crucial as you move through unresolved grief. I show you how to set guidelines and limits for yourself that protect your mind, body, and soul after experiencing a...
Published 09/14/23
Sometimes, we experience a loss that feels profound beyond description, like talking through your feelings will never make it feel better. So, how do you grieve effectively in these situations without everything else in your life falling to pieces?    Discover how to grieve while still functioning by using creative rituals. I’m sharing creative practices that are backed by scientific research, and showing you how to implement them so you can find comfort and begin moving forward with your...
Published 09/07/23
Have you ever considered that you can turn a period of loneliness into an opportunity for self-improvement? Learning to be alone after significant life changes has been an incredible journey toward enhancing my personal growth, and this can be your reality too.   Tune in this week to unravel the differences between being alone and feeling lonely. I show you how to see where grieving in solitude might be causing you even more emotional pain than you’re already dealing with, share my tips to...
Published 08/31/23
Have you ever felt that wave of anger in the midst of grief? If so, you’re not alone. Anger is a natural response to loss. Whether you've lost someone close to you or find yourself in the depths of a life-altering divorce, it's time to rewrite the narrative around anger.    Discover how to start understanding and acknowledging the fiery side of your emotions during grief, and why acknowledging your anger is a vital part of healing from loss. You’ll learn why we think anger needs to be...
Published 08/31/23
If you’re currently drowning in feelings of uncertainty, shock, and disconnection, you’re in the right place. This podcast is a journey of healing, strength, and courage, that will teach you the practical tools and strategies that you need to heal, grow, and become fearless after experiencing profound grief.   This week, discover how to deal with grief overload. I’m sharing three strategies for engaging with the thoughts and feelings you have around the loss you’ve experienced, so you can...
Published 08/31/23
Hi, I’m Sandy Linda. I am a Master Grief and Life Coach and I’m on a mission to teach women who have experienced devastating loss to move beyond grief and develop a purposeful life. I created this podcast for women who are tired of feeling isolated and angry in their grief and are looking for a way to heal and move forward with their lives. Feeling lost, alone, and unsupported with a lack of direction takes its toll on your health and well-being, both mentally and physically. I know because...
Published 08/25/23