Fall in love with your work: The Secret to Business success and Personal Vitality
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Would you say that you’re in love with your work?  A lot of people start their careers and businesses fuelled by enthusiasm but then life happens, they hit hard times, and the passion is gone.  Maybe you’re struggling financially, you feel like you’re always putting out fires or you simply don’t find joy in what you do.  If you can relate to this sense of trudging through your day, I’m putting out a challenge today to take a look at your thinking and how this impacts the way you feel about your work and the direct impact it has on your success and vitality.  A piece of research conducted by the Mayo Clinic revealed fascinating insights about how we perceive our work. People generally fall into three categories: those who see their work as a job, those who view it as a career, and those who consider their work a calling. If your motivation is mainly the financial reward, you see your work as a job. If you're driven by recognition and status, it's your career. And if you find deeper meaning and use your natural gifts, you view your work as a calling. What aspect of your business, work, or life could you fall in love with? What stories and habitual thoughts are holding you back? Imagine the impact if you fell in love with it and how it would transform your results and the level of joy you experience in life. LINKS: Website: vesnahrsto.com Double Your Energy Masterclass: https://peak-revival.captivate.fm/yt-masterclass Mentioned in this episode: Buh-Bye Burnout
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