Everybody needs the formula to sell more and sell better. The problem is that is exactly what people lack.
Published 07/17/19
Everyday people get confused with the term account-based and what it means for them. No matter what you call it, strategically prospecting to your target accounts is an important part of marketing and sales and if you do it right, you can sell more. In this episode, Gabe Larsen talks about account-based marketing and the three steps you should focus on to be successful with this hot trend.
Published 07/15/19
Every sales person has conversations but not every sales person has mastered the art of the conversation. Most sales people don't even have the ability to listen to their own phone calls let alone analyze and break them down. That's now changing. With the introduction of conversational intelligence companies are now able to have systems record calls and analyze them for you. In this episode, Roy Raanani, CEO of Chorus.ai, talks about conversational intelligence and how companies are using...
Published 06/30/19
You might think the handoff between sales and sales development is working, right? I mean it might have a few problems but overall it's okay right? Wrong. It's totally broken and if it needs to be fixed ASAP. Sadly, there is no magic potion but there are a few things you can do to make it better. In today's episode, Gabe Larsen talks about the Discovery Score and how you can use it to make the discovery call better for your organization.
Published 06/28/19
The art of mapping accounts is just that, an art. It's something that sales people have done for decades and it's not an easy task. In this episode, SVP of sales at Lucid, Dan Cook, talks to us about how companies are mapping accounts to improve their pursuit strategies and ultimately their sales.
Published 06/24/19
Chat is a so hot right now it's crazy. The problem is most people are jumping on the bandwagon and buying chat but nobody knows what to do with these tools or how they are impacting the way we sell. In this episode, Billy Bateman from ChatFunnels talks to us about how chatbots are changing the way we sell and how you can be successful with them.
Published 06/17/19
Most sales and marketing leaders struggle to understand what ABM is and how they can do it effectively in their organization. In this episode, Shari Johnston talks about her ABM experience and the secrets every leader needs to master in order to win with ABM
Published 06/14/19
Every SDR team makes mistakes. Some make more than others. However, there are three mistakes almost every SDR team makes and they are killing the productivity and capability of SDR departments all over the world. In this episode, Becc Holland talks about these three mistakes and gives tips for companies to overcome them.
Published 06/11/19
Everybody wants to hire better people but most people don't spend the time to really think through a strategy on how they can hire better. In the recent months, we've sat down and built our own hiring model on a shoe-string budget. In this episode, we dive into that strategy and some of the early results.
Published 05/30/19
Everybody needs to hire great sales people but not everybody can. Sales hiring is not just about the art of sales it's also about the science of selling and great leaders understand they need a balance of both. In this episode, Brett Morris, CEO of PerceptionPredict discusses the how you can make your hiring process more objective to ensure you successfully hire super stars.
Published 05/20/19
How can inside sales leaders be better, faster, and cheaper to help their companies transform and successfully go-to-market? What is the next generation of sales organization bringing to the table to facilitate the ever-changing landscape? In this episode, Philip Andersen, Partner & Managing Director at BCG, discusses how sales teams can build an integrated sales & marketing engine using inside sales techniques and processes.
Published 05/06/19
If you’re in sales, it’s only a matter of time before someone tells you to “work harder” or “we need more activities (dials, emails, voicemails, social, mailers, etc).” But is this really the silver bullet to hitting your number in sales? Just work harder? If every sales reps works harder, will they crush their quota and hit their number? Or should sales work smarter by doing more research and having more insights on every lead they contact? Brandon Bornancin, Founder of Seamless.ai, and...
Published 05/02/19
Commitments are hard in every part of life and sales is no different. Committing people in the right way can make or break a deal so taking this principle lightly is a bad idea. In this episode, Michael Tuso talks about why commitments are not working and how they can.
Published 04/29/19
Every sales rep is looking to have more meaningful conversations. Whether it’s with a new lead they’re hoping to get in touch with, or with a potential buyer who has gone cold. There is a plethora of strategies on how to acquire more conversations. With terms such as: cadence, sequence, follow-up, and outreach being thrown around like a chopped salad, it’s difficult to know what methodologies actually deliver results. After reviewing 479,140 sales activities, we discovered the four laws that...
Published 04/25/19
What is AI and why is it important? Today there is a lot of talk about artificial intelligence but many people still struggle figure out how it can benefit their sales team. In this episode, we'll be addressing the mistrust in AI, how is AI being used in sales today, and what are real life examples of how it's benefitting us.
Published 04/22/19
Not sure how to tell your story? Look no further than this podcast episode. In today's episode, Amiet Director of Business Development at Digital Brew talks about how to tell your story using proven principles and best practices with video.
Published 04/01/19
Sales technology continues to advance and leaders are looking for the next thing that will provide the growth for their organizations. Some sales technology will become commoditized in the future but the thing that will differentiate tools is data. Data provides a differentiator but not just any data. Collective intelligence is data fueled by all all users for the greater good of the group. This type of data will be key in sales and marketing to continue to fuel the data economy.
Published 04/01/19
Sales Development is one of the biggest trends in sales and it is here to stay. To win at sales development you need to master five plays according to Dan Gottlieb from TOPO. Those plays are developing a repeatable and prescriptive live call framework, focus SDRs on multi-threading within target accounts, design SDR onboarding activities for their role, leverage sales engagement filters for time management, and try an offer that is 100% valuable to the prospect.
Published 03/28/19
We all know how to build an inside sales team right? Well maybe but not when it comes to running an inside sales team in EMEA. Do the same rules apply as they do in the US? Can reps prospect just like they do in in the US? What about GDPR? How does it work between countries? These are all good questions and topics we covered with Christian in this podcast about unique aspects of inside sales in EMEA.
Published 03/25/19
Sales activity consistently spikes at the end of the month, but what managers don’t know is that this is costing them money. While sales reps stuff any opportunity, no matter how bad in the pipeline at the end of the month, win rates drop over 51% (from InsideSales.com research). But how do you manage pipeline hygiene and wean sales reps off of bad behaviors like opportunity stuffing or sandbagging? Enter Artificial intelligence (AI) for forecasting and pipeline management tools. AI can...
Published 03/21/19
Don't pay your sales reps commission? You've got to be crazy! Well that's exactly what Mitch Little has been teaching and practicing for years and the funny thing is, he's seeing some pretty powerful results. Mitch has taken a non-traditional approach to sales by not paying his reps commissions but rather paying them a high base salary and letting the numbers take care of the rest. Although, somewhat controversial Mitch explains his ideas on the podcast and makes a case for everyone else to...
Published 03/18/19
When it comes to sales, most sales people think if they don't drop their price they won' win the deal. In this episode, we talk about sales differentiation and the 19 easy-to-implement concepts to help salespeople win deals while protecting margin.
Published 03/11/19
AI is here in full force and a lot of companies are talking about it but is it real and what can it do to help sales people sell more? In this episode, we talk about how AI is disrupting sales, how sales is being automated, and why sales people should care.
Published 03/07/19
Not every sales leader has the luxury of picking who he or she get's to work with and that can make things really difficult. If you inherit a sales team what should you do and how can you best perform? In this episode, we dive into how great leaders manage to be successful when they inherit a sales team that may or may not be the best.
Published 03/04/19
Sales is not going anywhere but it is changing. What does the future of sales look like and how can you get ahead of it? In this episode, we talk about the next generation of sales people and how they can be successful.
Published 02/28/19