Ever felt the burnout creeping in after countless hours of dedicated nonprofit work? What if there was a way to channel your passion for change-making without sacrificing your mental health and job security? Join us to rethink your role in the nonprofit world with expert grant writer, podcast host, and coach, Holly Rustick, as we pull back the curtain on the often unacknowledged realities of toxic nonprofit jobs and explore the stability freelancing offers as an alternative path. Whether...
Published 01/02/24
I'm sharing a complete guide of 12 transformative lessons—to propel you forward into the coming year. We'll delve into what sets apart the most successful nonprofit leaders and changemakers.  Have you ever felt the weight of judgment while promoting your cause or felt frustrated by revenue plateaus or a failed campaign? Let's navigate through these hurdles together, exploring strategies and insights that pave the way for growth, resilience, and impactful change.  The Profit & Growth...
Published 12/26/23
Today I'm sharing an interview every mission-driven leader needs to hear. We dive into the hurdles leaders often face – juggling time constraints and securing vital funding. I'll share from my own experience how an entrepreneurial mindset and a positive approach help navigate these complexities. Thanks to our friends at Your Path Nonprofit Leadership Podcast for letting me share this conversation! Together, we'll uncover three key aspects crucial to effective leadership, focusing on practical...
Published 12/19/23
PSA: You're leaving money on the table by overlooking repeat customers, donors, or forgotten prospects!  We're breaking free from the myth that these groups have exhausted their ability to contribute and demonstrating how reaching out can unlock new revenue streams for your nonprofit.   Listen to find out the power of an abundance mindset, and the art of making your asks without apology.  Understand the significance of focusing on the 'yeses' and not getting discouraged by the 'nos'.   Think...
Published 12/12/23
 What if there was a proven method to prime your audience for a successful campaign or launch? In this episode, I share the difference (and simple change) to do before your next online campaign. You'll also hear what to do when things don't go as planned (pivot!) and how to find ways to improve and adapt. As I navigate the challenging world of fundraising, I cover everything from handling setbacks to tapping into creativity to attain your goals. The importance of a two-way dialogue with your...
Published 12/05/23
Picture burning dinner two nights in a row, not from distraction but due to negative mental chatter. In this episode, I share how our thoughts can shape our outcomes. We explore the hurdles of energy inertia that hinder our goals and offer simple ways to ease stress, like a mindful walk or uplifting music. Discover how to overcome resistance and savor the journey toward success.  We get candid about how you can unintentionally derail your success -- even when you're taking action!   Think...
Published 11/28/23
Do you ever find yourself shrinking to fit into the world around you? I'd like to share with you one of my personal stories, my journey through 'shrinking'. You'll hear me drawing parallels between the life of a hydrangea in my garden and our lives, especially as social impactors, revealing how we often shrink into the background, surrendering to the fear of judgement. Join me for an empowering conversation as I share my personal experiences of overcoming this fear, learning how to stand...
Published 11/21/23
Are you ready to shatter the glass ceiling of your comfort zone? Brace yourself as we take you on a riveting journey toward growth and success in our new episode. We explore the power of mindful self-talk and its incredible ability to shape our motivation. Be prepared to dissect that persistent voice that tells you 'I don't want to do this' and discover how to transform it into an energizing 'I want to do this.'  Ever wondered how setting boundaries can be an antidote to burnout? We tackle...
Published 11/14/23
Do you ever feel like selling has to be a high-pressure, uncomfortable interaction? What if I told you it could be more like an inviting conversation?   Today I'm sharing my interview with my good friend, Holly Rustick from the Grant Writing and Funding Podcast where we dismantle the traditional notions of marketing and selling. We share our personal tales from the entrepreneurial trenches. From coping with rejection to the mysteries of online course building, and handling your inner...
Published 11/07/23
Ever wondered what separates successful nonprofits from the rest when it comes to retaining volunteers and donors? Join me as we unravel the secrets behind their success in the world of nonprofits. In this candid conversation, we delve deep into the motivations that drive volunteers, donors, clients, customers, and members to take action, renew their commitments, and become enthusiastic supporters. We reveal the art of understanding their 'why,' nurturing trust, fostering loyalty, and...
Published 10/31/23
Picture this - you're standing in front of a freshly painted front door. It might not seem like a big deal at first glance, but today, we're going to shatter those expectations. We're diving deep into the surprising power of taking small actions that yield huge results. In this episode, we'll explore the fascinating philosophy of high impact, low effort, and how it can revolutionize both your personal and business life. You'll be astounded by how simple changes, even seemingly mundane ones,...
Published 10/24/23
What if you could discover how to craft experiences that leave your supporters, donors, and attendees more connected, more engaged with your mission?  In this captivating discussion, I unveil the secrets to creating events that deeply resonate with your audience. I explore the art of infusing the heart and meaning of your event into every aspect, from captivating programming to vibrant lineups. I share valuable tips on igniting anticipation even before the event kicks off and stress the...
Published 10/17/23
Do you ever find yourself wondering how to define a major gift, or how to identify potential donors? We're demystifying major gifts, discussing the criteria to identify prospects, and how to cultivate these into significant contributions for your organization. Notably, we will address common misconceptions about major donors and emphasize the importance of building meaningful relationships before making the ask. We will also share some invaluable data tips and strategies to help you navigate...
Published 10/10/23
Ready to boost your nonprofit's funding? Feeling a bit stuck? Join us for a practical journey where we explore effective strategies to enhance your organization's growth. We'll dive into donor relationships, peer-to-peer fundraising, and leveraging virtual events in today's digital landscape. Gain valuable insights to personalize donor experiences, improve your online fundraising, and plan successful virtual gatherings You'll also hear about how to uncover the potential of Giving Tuesday and...
Published 10/03/23
Navigating social entrepreneurship can be as tough as finding your way through a maze. Together, we'll explore the world of nonprofits, uncovering the emotions that hold us back—fear, stress, and pride. But it's not all gloom; we'll also emphasize cherishing the journey, not just the destination. It's time to face those fears because success awaits. Imagine boosting your funding with a simple, powerful strategy: digital advocacy. We'll build a digital team of influencers and ambassadors,...
Published 09/26/23
Are you ready to tap into the power of human connections and cold outreach to fuel your fundraising efforts? You've landed in the right place. In this enlightening conversation, we unravel the psychology behind why people give to charities, fundraisers, and causes. We share how harnessing the concept of reciprocity can significantly boost your fundraising efforts and how to build a 'Social Street Team' to amplify your social impact. Not only do we guide you through setting up a scalable and...
Published 09/19/23
In today's conversation, we introduce you to Andi Kay, the founder of the Bloom Foundation, an organization dedicated to offering hope and support for victims of bullying. Andi shares her experience in Amplify Social Impact, creating a Social Street Team to amplify her mission, and the importance for leaders to step into the spotlight. Andi discusses the strategies and resources utilized by Bloom Foundation, such as an interactive curriculum and journal workbook designed for healing and...
Published 09/12/23
Are you letting the Facebook fundraising panic sweep you off your feet? Hold tight, as we dig deep into why you shouldn't let this be your main fundraising platform and how to craft a more reliable and sustainable fundraising strategy. We give you the skinny on donor stewardship, key insights on building a hard-hitting donor welcome series, and we'll even let you in on our top two donation tools to amplify your online fundraising game. Let's not forget about the recent Facebook updates that...
Published 09/08/23
I wasn't planning on seeing the Barbie movie, but a huge shift happened... Wouldn't you like to know the secret behind the phenomenal marketing campaign of the Barbie movie, and how it managed to generate buzz well beyond its release date? Join us as we unwrap this fascinating case study, exploring the power of social proof, user-generated content, influencer marketing, and how all these elements conspired to create a personal FOMO, that led ME to the theater for a girl's night out. But it's...
Published 09/05/23
Picture this: you've just nailed a great job, a promotion, or a personal achievement. You should be on top of the world, right? But instead, you're plagued with a nagging voice telling you that you're not good enough, that you don't belong here, and that your success is a fluke. Welcome to the world of the imposter complex. Today, we sit down with leadership coach Tanya Geisler, who sheds light on our inner imposters. As we unravel the complexities of the imposter complex versus imposter...
Published 08/29/23
Imagine clocking out of work at noon on Thursday, knowing you've accomplished all your tasks efficiently and ahead of schedule. This isn't some utopian fantasy, but a reality we'll sketch out for you in this episode. We'll take the traditional work week and flip it on its head, suggesting why you might want to take Wednesdays or other mid-week days off, and how to make 'No Meeting Wednesdays' a norm at your workplace. We'll also challenge you to avoid pushing important tasks to Fridays, to...
Published 08/22/23
Discover how honesty and imperfection can make your brand more relatable, how fostering a two-way conversation can deeply engage your clients, donors, and fans, and an inspiring vision can elevate the know-like-trust factor. Whether you're a brand, an entrepreneur, or an organization, this episode will guide you in crafting messages that resonate and forge meaningful connections.  This episode promises to transform your understanding of relatability, providing insights drawn from successful...
Published 08/15/23
Are we the masters of our digital devices, or have they masterfully ensnared us into a relentless cycle of mindless scrolling?  Challenge your relationship with technology as we unravel the intriguing concept of "Sewing the Pockets Shut," a practice inspired by a spa resort in Arizona. This episode delves into the heart of our digital obsession and how a simple change can impact our ability to truly be present in the moment. We dissect an idea that may seem radical, but holds the potential...
Published 08/08/23
Are you caught in the paradox of wanting to be seen yet afraid to be different? This week, we hit the big 5-0 with our podcast episodes and we're marking it with an exploration of this conundrum. As we unpack the struggle of being conspicuous versus blending in, we spotlight Threads, a platform that champions uniqueness and authenticity. We also share insights from Sarah Ashman about the universal challenge of standing out while fitting in. Then, we take a deep breath and plunge into...
Published 08/01/23
Can you differentiate between building an audience and building a community? If you're curious to learn more and unlock the power of brand communities, you're in the right place. Join me as I sit down with the phenomenal Carrie Melissa Jones, community expert and founder of the CMJ Group. Together, we dissect the magic and serendipity that goes into creating a strong community, a realm far beyond one-way communication. Managing a brand community, especially for nonprofits, can be...
Published 07/25/23