Today on the show I'm speaking with Dr. Adele Lafrance. We cover Emotion-Focused Family Therapy, which she co-developed, as well as the research and practice of psychedelic medicine, where we cover ayahuasca, MDMA, psilocybin and ketamine.
Published 11/20/23
On this week's episode Real Health Radio, Chris is chatting with Nicola Salmon. Nicola is a fat-positive fertility coach and author of “Fat and Fertile” and the conversation focuses on all things fertility, conception and pregnancy.
Published 11/06/23
This week it's a solo episode and I'm talking about four lies the eating disorder tells you that stop recovery in its tracks and prevent it from even getting started.
Published 10/30/23
On this week's episode of Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Denise Bossarte. We talk about her book, Thriving After Sexual Abuse: Break Your Bondage To The Past And Live A Life You Love. As part of the conversation, we cover many of the activities and practices Denise has done as part of her healing journey.
Published 10/13/23
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Published 09/21/23
I'm hosting a three-part live virtual training all about developing resilience in recovery and it starts this Thursday 21st.
Published 09/19/23
This week it's a solo episode and I'm talking about stopping to try to convince yourself.
Published 09/08/23
This week it's another solo episode and I'm covering two common mistakes that people make when approaching recovery.
Published 08/18/23
This week I'm looking at prolonged exposure therapy and its use in treating PTSD while also in recovery from an eating disorder. This is a discussion with an anonymous listener, who shares their journey through 11 weeks of prolonged exposure therapy.
Published 08/11/23
This week it's a solo episode and I'm talking about what's the healthiest way to recover. I explain why we need to rethink our ideas about health, why understanding context is so important and the reason the fear of "I need to do recovery in the healthiest possible way" arises.
Published 08/04/23
This week's guest on the podcast is Deb Dana. As part of the show, we talk about all things polyvagal theory and how eating disorders can impact this.
Published 07/28/23
I'm sharing a solo episode this week and I'm covering six crucial areas in recovery. If you are trying to recover, these are ideas you want to be aware of.
Published 07/24/23
This week it's another interview with a past client. I'm chatting with Alexis who was stuck in a pattern of using dieting as a coping mechanism. Hear how her life has changed through our work together.
Published 07/14/23
This week on the show I'm interviewing a past client called Sam. We worked together for just under a year and it’s incredible the changes that occurred over this time.
Published 07/07/23
This week it's a solo episode and I'm talking about what's been going on in my life over the last year.
Published 06/30/23
My guest this week is Sarah Salmon. Sarah is a Coach, introvert, homebody, INFJ, brain tumour survivor, Nutritionist, TED talker, and highly sensitive person (HSP). Sarah specialises in helping overwhelmed introverts get their energy back. As part of the episode, we cover Sarah surviving a brain tumour, introversion, Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP), boundaries and creating a life that is aligned with who you are.
Published 06/23/23
This week's guest on the podcast is Dr. Lauren Muhlheim. Dr. Muhlheim, is a psychologist, certified eating disorder specialist (CEDS), and IAEDP (International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals) - approved supervisor who provides evidence-based treatment for eating disorders in the outpatient setting. She works with people of all ages and all eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder (BED), Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder...
Published 06/02/23
I'm chatting with Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Justin Sunseri on the podcast this week. This is a deep dive into all things polyvagal: looking at what it is and all the component ideas, how to build safety anchors, getting unstuck from being in a defensive state and dealing with trauma.
Published 05/26/23
This week I'm sharing the details for my new program The Fundamentals Of Full Recovery. If you're interested in joining The Fundamentals Of Full Recovery email [email protected] with the subject line GROUP PROGRAM.  
Published 05/15/23
On this week's episode I talk with former US National Team swimmer Eva Merrell from The Hidden Opponent.
Published 04/28/23
This week I chat with fat dietician Kimmie Singh. We discuss Kimmie’s relationship with food and her body, body image and fat acceptance in recovery, the importance of community, mindful eating, redefining health, reframing beauty ideals and much more.
Published 04/14/23
This is a solo episode looking at how restriction and eating disorders affect the brain. I look at how the structure and function of the brain changes, the phenomenon of anosognosia and how long it takes for repair to occur.
Published 04/07/23
This week Aaron Flores returns to the podcast. We discuss anxiety, Aaron’s appearance on the Ten Percent Happier podcast, binge eating disorder and some of the misconceptions with it, feeling comfortable in your body, self-compassion, grief, anxiety and much more.
Published 03/31/23
This week it's a solo episode looking at the many causes of irregular periods, anovulatory cycles and missing periods (hypothalamic amenorrhea).
Published 03/24/23
This week I speak with Naureen Hunani, the founder of RD's For Neurodiversity.
Published 03/17/23