The eating disorder always makes out how hard recovery is. But the reality is, that living with an eating disorder is harder than recovery.
Published 06/21/24
Published 06/21/24
In this episode I speak with Sheri Segal Glick, author of The Skinny: My messy, hopeful fight for full recovery from anorexia. We cover calorie counting, compulsive exercise, shame and secrecy, quasi recovery versus full recovery, commitment in recovery and sitting with discomfort.
Published 06/13/24
This week on the podcast I am looking at Adam Grant's book Hidden Potential and the ideas from it that can be applied to recovery.
Published 06/04/24
Today's guest is Livia Sara. In this episode, we chat about the overlap between autism and eating disorders, existential loneliness, metabolism, body image, eating variety and its place in recovery, the fear of weight gain, hunger signals, interoceptive awareness, and how intuitive eating does or doesn’t work with autism.
Published 05/28/24
Cognitive distortions are patterns of thought that distort our perception of reality, cause us to misinterpret situations, magnify negative emotions, and hold unrealistic expectations of ourselves, others and the world. This can lead to increased misery, anxiety, and self-doubt, ultimately impacting our overall well-being. In this episode, I look at a number of cognitive distortions that you can be on the look out for.
Published 05/21/24
On this episode of Real Health Radio, I'm chatting with Michelle Viña-Baltsas. We speak about Michelle's decades-long struggles with food and body and how she healed her relationship with both of them. We also talk about body image, ageism, menopause, hormonal and physical changes, exercise, self-worth, and some of the positives that Michelle has experienced through ageing.
Published 05/15/24
This week I'm speaking with Jo, a client I've recently finished working with. We cover her recovery journey from the depths of anorexia and now back to health.
Published 04/22/24
Today on the show I'm chatting with Victoria Kleinsman. We cover her 20 year battle with an eating disorder, escaping an abusive relationship, reaching a place of full recovery, how she went from body hate to body love and so much more.
Published 04/12/24
It's very common with eating disorders to put off eating, both while active in the eating disorder and even in recovery. In this episode, I explain a few of the problems with this strategy.
Published 03/30/24
Today on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Dr. Sasha Gorrell. We talk about the question of is anorexia nervosa an anxiety disorder. We spend a lot of time speaking about the brain and other topics like anxiety, compulsive exercise, the microbiome, and reward and fear circuitry.
Published 03/20/24
Eating disorders seemingly use logic to convince you of why you should or shouldn't do certain behaviours or why something is or isn't important. But in reality, eating disorder are actually illogical and this becomes obvious when we look at them more closely.
Published 03/13/24
Today on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Alissa Rumsey. We talk about her book Unapologetic Eating: Make Peace With Food and Transform Your Life. We go through the four sections the book contains - fixing, allowing, feeling and growing – and cover some of the ideas and practical suggestions that are offered.
Published 02/27/24
This episode features an interview with my past client Kate Ely, discussing her journey to recovery from an eating disorder. It's an incredibly vulnerable and open interview as Kate discusses many of the family struggles that led to the eating disorder and kept it going for over a decade.
Published 02/14/24
This episode features an interview with past client Jayne Cudia, discussing her journey to recovery from an eating disorder with my guidance. Over two and a half years, they worked closely, transitioning from intensive consultations to a maintenance phase, leading to Jayne's remarkable progress in overcoming her disorder.
Published 02/12/24
This episode was inspired by a recent client conversation (in fact, a conversation I've had many times before). I cover a common fear that comes up connected to making changes and weight gain, something that can stop you in your tracks just as you're getting started.
Published 02/10/24
Full recovery is a term often used in recovery circles, but what does it mean? In this episode, I cover some definitions and different aspects of full recovery and how you can reflect on your own experience to gauge where you are in your recovery.
Published 02/05/24
This week on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Ragen Chastain. We cover many topics from her book Fat: The Owner's Manual including Health At Every Size, weight stigma, weight bias in eating disorder recovery, and much more.
Published 01/29/24
This week's guest on the podcast is Louise Adams. Louise Adams is a clinical psychologist who works in private practice from her home in Sydney, Australia and has been practising in this field for more than 20 years. She has written two books, Mindful Moments and The Non-Diet Approach Handbook for Psychologist and Counsellors (with Fiona Willer, APD). She is also the founder of UNTRAPPED, a masterclass for those who desire freedom from diet prison. Louise is Vice President of Health At...
Published 01/22/24
Eating disorders can have serious and sometimes fatal consequences. In this episode I talk about the recent death of a past client and what I hope people can take from this tragedy.
Published 01/15/24
On this week's episode of Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Emily Troscianko. We talk about her recovery from anorexia and then many of the topics that she has written about, like eating meat in recovery, anorexia and sex, and then research she is doing looking at reading habits and their connection with eating disorders.
Published 01/08/24
Goal setting is an essential part of the recovery process from eating disorders. In this episode I look at different types of goals, when they are applicable and how to best use goals in support of action taking.
Published 01/02/24
There can be a misconception that when you start recovery, all symptoms immediately improve. This is unfortunately not the case, and it is common for symptoms to arise as part of recovery. In this episode, I go through some of these symptoms and why they occur.
Published 12/27/23
Binges while recovering are a common occurrence, despite the fear that they create. As part of this episode, I look at why binges occur in recovery, how to think differently about them and suggestions for what to do after a binge happens.
Published 12/18/23
Today on the show I'm speaking with Dr. Adele Lafrance. We cover Emotion-Focused Family Therapy, which she co-developed, as well as the research and practice of psychedelic medicine, where we cover ayahuasca, MDMA, psilocybin and ketamine.
Published 11/20/23