Published 05/22/23
Your Action Item from this episode: Write down the following words  and post them wherever you need a reminder: "When I am doing a task of mothering, it is the most important work I will ever do and I have no reason to feel guilty, no matter what else is happening around me." __________________________________________________________________________ Frances Verbeek is the designer & founder of The Happi Empire, offering guided journals, books, affirmation cards and online courses to help...
Published 05/22/23
Here are the links you need: To reach out and let me know what season you're in: Instagram, Facebook, Email ([email protected]) To join our free Facebook Community, click here. To schedule your free Micro-Coaching Session, click here. Connect with Lynn on instagram @HappyMamaWellness. Looking for more support with parenting and motherhood? Check out the Happy Mama Wellness Community here!
Published 05/06/23
I'll never forget the day I brought my daughter home. I was super excited, super scared and really overwhelmed all at once. As the hours went by and the days started melding together, I struggled to get sleep, to feed her and to take care of myself. I felt so alone in the world and unsure of how to navigate this whole new season of my life. If I had only known then about Postapartum Doulas and all the support they can offer, things might have been different. That's why, even though I love...
Published 04/21/23
This Facebook Live with Jessica Larson of Mama-Be Self Care was recorded during the lockdown at the beginning of COVID but the insight we share about connecting with our kids applies no matter what season we are in. I have always seen parenting as a relationship, not a strategy. That's why I don't practice or preach any particular parenting style. Each of us, as Moms, is different and each of our children is different. In my opinion, being  successful as a parent means understanding your...
Published 04/08/23
As busy moms, we all know how overwhelming life can get. Between work, family, and everything else, it's easy to get bogged down and feel like we're constantly playing catch-up. But what happens when the things that used to feel important to us no longer align with who we are or what we want in life? It may not be easy to let go of the things that no longer serve us, but it's essential for our mental and emotional wellbeing. In today's episode, we're going to dive into the topic of letting go...
Published 03/24/23
Even when you're juggling kids and laundry and dinner and cleaning and social media posts and coaching calls and writing blogs...and...and...and...you may still feel like you're not doing enough because you're a driven, ambitious Mamapreneur. And even worse, you may feel like everything you do needs to be perfect. The truth is, no one is perfect...and you ARE doing enough. And today, we're going to talk about the importance of giving yourself permission to be human. More specifically, I am...
Published 03/10/23
Alright, Mamas, let's talk about something we all know but rarely discuss – our menstrual cycles. We all have different experiences when it comes to (what my Mom used to call Aunt Flo's monthly visit) but one thing we can all agree on is the ups and downs that come with it. What if I told you that you could use those energy changes to your advantage? Yes, you heard me right – your menstrual cycle can actually help you be more productive!  Having been a Childbirth Educator educator for the...
Published 02/25/23
The Ambitious Coach Podcast helps online coaches build a wildly profitable online coaching business all through using social media platforms. It’s hosted by Allison Henderson, a 6-figure online business coach and founder of Social Media Sales Blueprint. Allison went from a 9 to 5 stressful corporate job to helping hundreds of coaches live freedom-based lifestyles. If you are struggling with getting clients or understanding how to grow your online coaching business, this show will help you...
Published 02/10/23
Kate Smith is a mother, early childhood educator, Certified Children's Yoga Teacher, and founder of the Conscious Mamas Movement, an educational platform that empowers caregivers with mindful tools to raise the next generation of conscious humans. Her work guides parents to do their inner healing work, build their emotional literacy skills, and show up as the present parents they want to be. She combines her decades worth of experience in holistic health to model a way of living well in...
Published 01/27/23
Kathleen Fordyce is a copywriter who harnesses the power of storytelling to help health, wellness and creative business owners level up their website copy and marketing so they can grow their business and make an impact in the lives of those they serve. She’s also a book addict, wife, and mom of two living in New York.  What we discuss in this episode: Kathleen shares her story of entering motherhood and finding her path after the death of her husbandHow to figure out what our message is and...
Published 01/13/23
On-air Coaching Call time! We love these episodes because they are real-life and unscripted. Today I am chatting with Megan and her main question initially was "How do I react when my daughter does something that's really unacceptable?"...but the real question was "How do I regulate my emotions enough to do what I know I should be doing?" In this episode you'll find: How to respond to toddlers who are doing their work (biting, kicking, etc).How to respond to our kids when they have done...
Published 12/17/22
Shannon is an RN by trade who became a SAHM to 4 kids and entrepreneur with an ecommerce business to  encourage other moms to live with courage in whole body wellness.   What we discuss in this episode: Shannon shares her journey from being an RN to being a Mama of four who chose to stay home with her children but also wanted to honor who she is.The issue with defining motherhood with the "doing" rather than the "being".What Whole Body Wellness is and why we should be paying attention to...
Published 11/20/22
Amelia Kriss is a Drama Therapist and Certified Coach in private practice in the Bay Area, California, where she lives with her husband and two powerhouse daughters. She works primarily with recovering people-pleasers and "Nice" girls who are ready to deconstruct self-shrinking patterns, and find more ease & joy.  Amelia is also deeply committed to Birth Story Medicine work; helping birthing parents integrate, and move forward from, unresolved issues connected to the experience of giving...
Published 11/04/22
The truth of matrescence, or the transition to motherhood, is that it's messy. It's overwhelming. It's a period of intense transition where you your mind, body and spirit feel out of control and you don't recognize the person in the mirror. You lose your confidence. You're caught between two worlds. You're stumbling to figure out who this new person is. What she likes. What she fears. What she needs. When you listen to your inner voice and go against the grain, you get Mom-Shamed and...
Published 10/21/22
Dr Orlena trained as a pediatric doctor. She now works as a health coach, teaching busy women to lead their most healthy life in a way they love. So they can feel amazing, lead a long life and teach their kids healthy living habits. What we discuss in this episode: Dr. Orlena shares her journey about how she wasn't showing up like she wanted to for her kids and in life and what she did to change that.How parenting is hard, but when we show up for ourselves first then we can show up for our...
Published 10/07/22
After spending 20 years in Corporate America helping Fortune 500 companies manage multi-million dollar growth strategies, Jennie left her partnership in a global consulting firm to launch her own company. Besides her role as CEO, she also serves as a professional speaker, an Adjunct Professor in Strategy, a Board member, and the author of Corporate Rehab: Ditch the Hustle Culture and Thrive Again. Her coaching and speaking business focuses on female executives looking to reach the next level...
Published 09/23/22
Final week of the Ripple Effect Workshop replay. This week we pull it all together with some mindset shifts.
Published 07/15/22
All about keeping our cups full...for ourselves and our kids.
Published 07/08/22
All about triggers.
Published 07/01/22
I know this a sensitive topic and I might lose some of you, but please hear me out. I am sharing this IG Live replay in hopes that: - If you are FOR upholding Roe v. Wade and feeling defeated, saddened, enraged right now...I hope this can bring things back into perspective that the MAJORITY of this country are rational human beings that we can have positive and productive discourse with - If you are AGAINST Roe v. Wade being upheld and are celebrating right now, I hope that this helps you...
Published 06/26/22
I could not be more excited about today's guest. Not only is she one of the Mentors inside the Happy Mama Wellness Community, but she is the expert I never knew I needed in my life. And her name is Eliza Martel. Welcome back to another episode of Redefining Supermom where we are breaking down the myth and redefining what it means to be a super awesome Mama. Eliza helps her clients create intentional spaces for intentional living and today, she shares her journey as a Mamapreneur, the...
Published 06/17/22
I came across the words of Iain S Thomas and it struck a chord. Here is what he wrote: Before your children came, they were told you would love them. So whatever you do, however you treat them, to them, it is love. If you are cruel to them, they will think it is love. If you yell at them, they will think it is love. If you ignore them, they will think it is love. If you walk away from them, they will think it is love.  And if you are kind to them, they will think it is love. And if you are...
Published 06/06/22
"Comparison is the thief of joy." That was one of the things that stuck with me when our guest today, Gina Nicole, and I did our prep session a few weeks ago. I wasn't sure she could drop any better wisdom...but she did. With one conversation, Gina took me to school and to church in less than 30 minutes...and I am so grateful for it. I can't wait to hear what your big takeaways are. Head on over to the Instagram DMs after this episode and let me know! If you enjoyed this episode of the...
Published 05/31/22
Last week a founding member of the Happy Mama Wellness Community and amazing Mama reached out to me over a DM. She wrote: "So this Mama needs some advice. My daughter is 2.5 (will be 3 in Auguust) and holy tantrums lately. It always seems to be over the littlest things like the wrong water cup, making her wash the soap off her hands or wiping after going to the bathroom. I've tried time-outs, gentle talking, preparing her like 'Ok Mommy is going to get water and you will get whatever cup I...
Published 05/23/22