Are you addicted to judgment when it comes to choosing a partner?  Do you normally go for someone who may be great looking but dismisses you or judges your body, etc.? On this show, your hosts speak about their past dating habits and the topic of ‘untyping’; a 2022 trend to ditch your usual dating ‘type’ and start looking beyond it. Until you start to explore outside your usual dating type, you won’t even be able to see the other people who are available for you; and who are possibly a lot...
Published 05/12/22
Have you ever had sex with someone where there was an expectation of performance; eg “You did this with my body so I need to do that with your body?” etc.  It's no fun and there is little to no benefit in it. On this show, your hosts speak about the topic of friends with benefits, beyond a transaction; both in the carnal connection sense and within other friendships where the benefits are more about contribution on a different level.   Keys points from this episode’s conversation Does It...
Published 04/14/22
There are many points of view around doing business with a partner you are in an intimate relationship with, ie your ‘Honey’, one of the most prevalent being that you should never do business with an intimate partner. What if nothing ever meant you should never do it again? What if instead, you asked a question and followed your awareness in each circumstance? The difference between a relationship and a creationship is that a creationship allows you to create greater, no matter what the...
Published 03/22/22
Have you ever said, or been told, “We need to talk, within your relationship” It’s that dreaded time when you just know something's wrong and, likely, the relationship breaks up soon after. On this show, your hosts speak about break ups. Break ups don't need to be messy. What if it could be as easy as knowing when you're done with your dinner? The tools you use to create a relationship that works for you can also be used to navigate a break up with ease. You don’t have to do messy and...
Published 03/15/22
  No matter what relationship you are in, there come times when you have to navigate different points of views. On this show, the hosts speak about mixed marriages.  A mixed marriage is anywhere you and your partner come from totally different points of view and background and are different in what you choose and value.    Whether you are in a mixed marriage or not, there is going to come a time where there will be a discrepancy in opinions; it's going to happen, what do you want to...
Published 03/08/22
If you make it about the money, it will never work. At the end of the day, you have to look at “Are you having fun?" Not only does that make for a greater relationship, money actually follows joy.  On this show, the hosts speak about contribution and gratitude in relationships as opposed to looking at who does and doesn’t earn what. If you go beyond the money, it becomes more about creationship. Listen to the hosts’ relationship examples to gain a greater awareness of having gratitude for...
Published 03/01/22
Having the 5 Elements of Intimacy, which are allowance, gratitude, vulnerability, trust and honor, with yourself and with others makes relationships so much easier.     On this show, the hosts speak more on two of the elements of intimacy, trust and honor, and how all of the elements intertwine and work together to create greater in relationships; rather than just ‘tick the box’ of having a relationship.   Once you go beyond how relationships ‘should’ look and how it ‘should’ be, it...
Published 02/22/22
 Different countries have different traditions for Valentine’s Day, nevertheless, it can be a contentious issue anywhere.  Is it a celebration of love or a day that highlights how single and miserable you are?   In this show, our four hosts discuss what Valentine’s day means for them and present you with some simple tools to enjoy Valentine’s day no matter what your relationship status. Keys points from this episode’s conversation What if nothing was wrong with you? Having gratitude for...
Published 02/15/22
What Does Relationships Done Different Mean?  Have you spent your whole life trying to figure out what relationship is all about? There actually is no right way, or ideal way, to do relationship. What if your relationship didn't have to look like anyone else's?  Relationships done different is about creating all your relationships in a way that works for you. Relationship Killers: Expectation, Judgment & Completion   A lot of time, people spend their life seeking relationships -...
Published 01/28/22