In the episode we aim to discuss things affecting sleep and settling. Aaaand, we actually kind of stay on topic! We discuss milk/feed refusal and possible causes. The effects of a feed too close to 7 am (for example 5 am). Tips for telling how wet a nappy is when asked for medical reasons. Storing breastmilk tips, winding and hiccups. Link to video  Listeners question: Tara - I’d love a discussion around adapting routines for school runs! It’s doing my head in. How do I adapt the routine to...
Published 05/29/22
In the episode we aim to discuss Feeding in the first 2 weeks. What we really end up discussing is - A missing hat, the Tour De France, why Zoe told me she was pregnant before anyone else! Demand feeding in today's society. Conditioning your nipples. Tips for making formula. Growth spurts. Sleep regressions and leaps. How a baby grows and why you need to not worry when they are two years old and stop eating. How a baby grows it happens overnight in one hit not in steps. Link to No tubes...
Published 05/22/22
In the episode we aim to discuss Ashleigh's question of will wrapping cause a baby to develop some skills like rolling later. What we really end up discussing is - Tizzie’s COVID  anxiety and Lazy parenting. Lazy parenting is about intentionally providing your child with opportunities to develop a sense of self-efficacy, which in turn will bolster confidence, independence, and responsibility. It's about mindfully stepping back to allow your child to struggle on their own for a minute rather...
Published 05/15/22
Save Our Sleep is an holistic approach to creating a good sleeper the bedding guide plays a very large role in this. In this Bonus Episode I talk to you about the bedding guide and how to follow it.   I have many YouTube videos on how to put your baby to bed using the bedding guide so please watch them.   Please download your world famous guide here . Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share and review - this will help us help other...
Published 05/11/22
In this episode we aim to discuss how to communicate with your baby. What we really end up discussing is - Happy Mothers Day! An update on Ron (FIL)'s health, a mothers day following the Giro d'Italia. I'd love to come to a birth! Zoe diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. How not to talk to your baby. Introducing a new baby to siblings/pets. How forward-facing pushchairs increase the stress levels in infants and might also delay speech along with face masks. Including Daddy with baby care from...
Published 05/08/22
Trigger warning: this episode discusses babies dying while co-sleeping, grandparents dying and Motor Neuron Disease. In this episode we aim to discuss where a baby should sleep upon arriving earthside. What we really end up discussing is - Zoe had her OGT test. What was the smell in my car? Explaining an illness like Motor Neuron Disease to children. Officially, baby should sleep in a room with parent(s) until 6-months. Co-sleeping - should be divided into 2 categories: planned &...
Published 05/01/22
In this episode we aim to discuss when to start a routine, and how and why Tizzie has structured hers the way she has.  What we really end up discussing is - Tizzie discusses how COVID is starting to affect her family. Zoe discusses her conversations with “the girls” about the Podcast. Routines & the effect on breastmilk. How mothers in Mozambique feed their babies. Deciphering babies cries. Babies are robots? The 7pm bus. Were Tizzie's boys on her routines?  Listener’s question from...
Published 04/23/22
In this episode we aim to discuss when to start a routine, in particular preventing sleep problems by starting at birth, as opposed to “sleep training” to “fix” sleep problems later on. What we really end up discussing is - Tizzie continues the mice on houseboat saga - is Tizzie a houseboat ambassador?, Warhammer, Zoe being an unmarried celebrant, breaking a rule?? Helping parents who need to use infant formula, how many SIDS deaths from overheating in cots in Australia, how/why TOG rating,...
Published 04/16/22
In this episode we aim to discuss mental wellbeing and, in particular, its connection to lack of sleep. What we really end up discussing is - Tizzie plans a holiday on a potentially mice-infested house-boat, our pregnancy experiences (23 between the 2 of us!), expressing, “dirty” and “clean” babies, mothers of premature/unwell babies provided different information to mothers of full-term/healthy babies, how it felt being “Tizzie Hall” as a new mum at the hospital and the taboo topic of...
Published 04/09/22
Meet your hosts Zoe Starr the mummy with the baby in her tummy and world famous sleep guru Tizzie Hall. Hear what motivated Tizzie and Zoe to start this podcast. After many years of listening to people's interpretations of the Save Our Sleep book, for example; sleep training or you should start a routine at 6 weeks. Tizzie’s here to teach people what the book really is, with the hope to reach more families, help more babies sleep safely and in return gain time to spend with her own...
Published 04/08/22