Part 2 in a 2 part series all about self betrayal, the number one enemy of self care. In part 2 I go through 10 different ways you can self-care through past self betrayal. I get to the heart of the healing from this subtle foe and describe different techniques you can use to spot self betrayal before it starts to give yourself a chance to avoid it.
Published 04/04/24
Published 04/04/24
Part 1 in a 2 part series all about self betrayal, the number one enemy of self care. In part 1 I give 10 different real life examples of subtle self betrayal in order to lay a solid foundation about this very real, very difficult barrier to self care. I explain how self betrayal seems so innocent and not something that requires too much thought but that leads to needing to escape our lives and ourselves.
Published 03/29/24
Today I am summarizing this amazing skill that I learned from Corinne Crabtree who has a #1 podcast focused on weight loss, mental health & fitness! I'm talking about what pivoting!! I'll be sharing with you real life examples of how we can learn to pivot when it comes to self care and I even dive into all the amazing benefits. You can hear it directly from the source by checking out Losing 100 with Corinne...
Published 03/15/24
My quick but powerful interview with Elizabeth Miller from the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast! Happy Healthy Caregiver is for family caregivers who feel isolated and overwhelmed by all their responsibilities and want help integrating caregiving (and self-care!) with their life. Many support resources are available, including an on-demand digital course, a free encouraging Facebook group focused on self-care for family caregivers, and coaching video tips on Instagram.
Published 02/16/24
Got a super busy day? A million and one demands on your time? Do you have to get done a long list of stuff today? I bet you do! So here is a quick episode with 10 self-care ideas that you can sneak into even the busiest of days. I also include some powerful but easy mind-set shifts that can help slipping in that self-care easier and doable.
Published 02/09/24
Love yourself more in 2024! Yeah, yeah, yeah we've heard all that before. But what even is that? And how can you love yourself more if you don't even like yourself right now? Well, glad you found me and my crazy show because that's what I'm going to do in this episode. I walk you through exactly how to love yourself, especially if you don't feel great about yourself. I've got tips on how you can connect more with your authentic self as well as how to take off the Polly perfect mask you might...
Published 01/22/24
Not all self-care is the same. Some days we have the energy for A++ efforts to take care of our needs while other days we need to allow for that C level of effort where we can get by with just meeting expectations. I walk through some reflective questions you can use to assess your current level of self-care needs and even give some examples of how to meet those needs. No matter if you are basic, better or at your best, these tips are all equally helpful.
Published 01/12/24
Before you run out and buy a new juicer, sign up for a gym membership or commit to a ten week coaching season with your favorite guru, listen to this special NYE episode and get real self-care ideas that are giving what you're actually want, permission to do less. So, ditch the dusty ass motto "new year, new me'' avoid the overhaul and instead do not do more in 2024. It's not a goal setting season. It's time for rest and recharge. This special self-care Sunday, I've got 24 self-care ideas...
Published 12/31/23
Apparently not everyone knows the difference between anxiety and/or what hypervigilance is. So today I’m running over what it is, how to spot it and some self-care tips specifically designed to help soothe this pretty common trauma response that you might be white knuckling yourself through but without outside individualized help, it may be too much for some.
Published 12/29/23
Comparing ourselves to others does dangerous things to our self esteem. If you find yourself sucked into sizing up how you fit in compared to those around you, watch out for depression and feeling like ass about yourself. I’ve got 5 easy ways to avoid comparing yourself to others and 5 fun ways to generate more self compassion!
Published 12/15/23
5 ways to set personal limits and avoid being overly productive. If you struggle with self-care, you don’t need more messages about "rise and grind". You don't need to be pushing your limits in order to become a better you. Today's show gets into what actually motivates you to work on sself-improvement in a healthy and loving way so that when you reach your goals you don't arrive a half dead burnt out version of who you are now. I walk through why being overly productive, forcing youself to...
Published 12/08/23
This is a raw and real interview with an incredible down to earth mother of three who is juggling a lot in life while dealing with the loss of her best friend and navigating newly discovered mental health challenges. She shares with us how it’s not always possible to get time for self-care and that you have to find it where you can. Whether it’s a speed bag in the garage, cleaning house dance parties or just a weekly bath, real life self-care can is sometimes very hard to do, but it can be...
Published 11/24/23
Just in time for Thanksgiving I’ve got a show all about setting boundaries! How to set them. How to keep them and even how to set them internally. Cuz let's face it, you’re highly likely to be spending time with folks who are gonna cross that line. So if you've got plans with family, in-laws and possibly people you don't want to be around I’ve got a lot of simple practical tips that you can start using as soon as you shut the podcast off that are going to make you feel like an absolute badass...
Published 11/21/23
You know self-care is good for you! You're a better person when you put yourself first. You show up ready to serve others if you make self-care a priority, but what if you struggle with follow through? Well, today's episode is perfect for you. I'm teaching you a simple hack that is going to make life easier, and can put more of your to-do's on autopilot so you can ensure more time for doing nothing. This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this...
Published 11/11/23
What makes self-care seem hard to implement? What can we do to make it easier? Today I deconstruct the top 5 things that are making it so hard to take time to take care of yourself. I will show you how you can do self care differently so that it feels easy, doable and so that you can become consistent with it. This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/3237052/advertisement
Published 10/19/23
Today’s show we’re going to talk about a self care reboot. It’s going to help us start thinking about how to reset what we’ve been doing for self care and looking at ways we can change it up a little bit so that we don’t get so stuck in a rut. And if you don’t currently do anything for self care, this episode is a great way to get the motivation to get started. This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at...
Published 10/06/23
It can be hard to ignore the alarm that goes off saying you have a ton of things to do today in an effort to make self-care the priority. This episode we talk all about how you create the permission to dismiss all the to-do's and work in that subtle self-care all throughout you day! You can start right now by reminding yourself and telling yourself out loud, "you're doing a good job today"!
Published 11/04/22
You know what to do but can't get yourself to do it. You always seem to just about reach your goals just before sliding backwards into old familiar patters. You ask yourself all the time "Why did I just do that? I know better" Well, you my friend, are engaged in self sabotage. And I've got some great tips to help you figure out how to stop doing it and get the self-care you deserve to forgive and love yourself like a badass!
Published 10/06/22
People Pleasing, it when you think you're being nice, helpful and feel really good about yourself for helping others but the reality is your trying to manipulating others into thinking you are a different person, so they will like you. And its leaving you zero time for any meaningful self-care. So how do you stop being anxious to please? What self-care can help heal from chronic people pleasing? I've got the tips, tricks and hacks to make People Pleasing a thing of the past.
Published 09/30/22
Its hard to know where to start when it comes to self-care so I've got the top 5 ways to prioritize self-care as well as 5 things to keep in mind when you start prioritizing self-care.
Published 08/04/22
Thinking and talking better about yourself is really important self-care, but how do you do it? And what if you don't think very highly of yourself right now? I've got all the tricks to turn you into your very own hype-man!!
Published 07/14/22
Its that limbo period of time after you've been having nothing but crappy thoughts about yourself where you're tired of beating yourself up and you're exhausted by your own stinking thinking.
Published 07/07/22
Are you feeling out of control lately, like you're always behind, or like basic tasks and to-dos fall through the cracks, and its overwhelming and too much? Well it might just be manufactured pressure and I've got self-care tips to get you outta of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpHgKRVOdVs
Published 05/16/22
These two very different kinds of self-care can change your life, especially when you know how and when to use them. In this episode we give you a break down, examples and even when its best to use either kind of amazing self-care. https://breitenbush.com/ https://www.shiftfestival.com/
Published 04/23/22