Alright, so last week I held an epic free live Q+A.  Many of you signed up and missed out.. but that's ok, you can still get some of the juicy and yummy inspirational nuggets from this replay.  This is a bit of a mumble jumble mix up of all of the thangs.. But here's an idea of what you're in for: - Embodiment and getting out of your head during sex.  - Pleasure, orgasm, desire.  - Self-pleasure.  - Knowing your needs.  - Emotional maturity.  - Intentional celibacy.  - Getting over...
Published 04/13/22
Buckle up bitches and prepare for the convo you didn't know you needed today.  Ok so men and money (or cock and cash as I prefer) are two things we all want and desire, am I right?  (And let's be real, probably two things that bring us the most stress and worry) No wonder so many coaches are now creating one stop stop offers where you can work on both you love life and your bank account, but do they really correlate? Is it really that simple? Is your relationship with money really a...
Published 04/07/22
Mixing it up with something a little different this week.  I answer your burning questions about sex, love, relationships (and myself)..  But before all of that, I had a listener on sharing with you her inspirational love story and what it took to go from situationship after situationship to dreamy, out of this world relationship.  HINT: Doing 'the work' works! ... Follow Asti on Instagram or email her at [email protected] Save your seat at next weeks FREE LIVE Q+A call - HERE Shop...
Published 03/31/22
We're in an age of sexual empowerment.. but WHAT IS sexual empowerment exactly? Is it really all about showing a lot of skin and having a lot of sex? Well, it could be.. or it could NOT be..  That's the thing, sexual empowerment doesn't look a certain way. It's not one size fits all.  It's not about WHAT you are doing but more so about the energy and the intention behind it, the WHY... It's about knowing what YOU want and what serves YOU and following that unique desire, expression or...
Published 03/23/22
Asti finally shares her own love story. And how she went from breakup (and heartbroken) - celibate - in a new dreamy relationship in a year and a half.  Not much more to share here. Press play to hear the juicy details ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 .. Follow Asti on Instagram or email her at [email protected] Apply to work with Asti 1:1 - HERE Claim your spot in the free Q+A workshop - HERE Sign up to Asti's love notes / dear diary email newsletters - HERE Join the Intentional Celibacy program -...
Published 03/16/22
Hey my loves.  I'm back and I'm diving back into that conversation we had last week about 'bare minimum' behaviours.  >>> Giving you more clarity on behaviour that SHOULD and SHOULDN'T be celebrated. Behaviours that are a sign that you're onto something good vs letting said good behaviour convince you you should lock him in.. like now! I then share a big fat list of red flags + one of green flags.. (bring a note pad and pen) ..and carried on to explain why relationships, love,...
Published 03/09/22
Welcome back lovers! For the first part of the poddy Asti shares some of your responses to the question 'what are some bare minimum efforts you have celebrated in the past?' I don't think you're ready for this! Get ready for some serious LOLS.  Celebrating 'being nice', 'saying please', 'having a shower', why are we like this ladies?! Why is the bar set so f*****g low?  Is he really that amazing? Is he really 'the one'? Or is he just less of an a*****e than your last BF was? We break that...
Published 03/02/22
GHOSTING: The practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication. Let's talk about it!!! In this episode Asti speaks on: (super quick recap) - Reasons WHY men ghost.  - What this says about you and your attachment style.  - How letting someone know you're NOT interested is respectful for both you and for them. (And moves you closer to the love you DO want). - How to protect yourself from this flaky, on again,...
Published 02/24/22
Hey lover! Feeling stuck when it comes to love? Dating life a shambles? Your relationship in a funk?  Asti shares the two types of women who may find themselves unlucky in love and what you may need to do to turn that luck around. (Which one are you?) Then she dives deeper into the concept of men being mirrors, meaning that where we are being met is a reflection of our own inner world and web of conditioning, thoughts, beliefs and the stories we tell ourselves, our level of self-worth...
Published 02/16/22
Recording of Asti's masterclass 'Becoming Magnetic And Irresistible To Men' only available until Sunday 7pm AEDT.  Enjoy!! Claim your spot for THE SPARK (or get more info) HERE Book in a CLARITY CALL for The Spark HERE Apply to work 1:1 with Asti HERE.
Published 02/10/22
In todays episode Asti Shares a piece of her own story on how she overcame body insecurities, shame, self-doubt, feeling unworthy, unloved and undesirable to becoming a stripper, dancing naked on stages all over Australia, being crowned 'Miss Erotic Australia' and finally becoming a self-loving, self validating queen!! She also shares..  - Why ANY BODY can have body insecurities and why it's important not to judge another woman's experience.  - What true empowerment is and how it looks...
Published 02/09/22
Ok so more than half of you voted for this weeks ep to be on 'becoming magnetic and irresistible to men' so here it is.. Asti senses from her followers this deep, almost helpless longing to be chosen by a man, and although she's all about empowering you to choose yourself.. she f*****g gets it! She wants you to honour the longing, to own the longing.. As women we want to be wanted, we loved to feel loved, we desire to feel desired and that’s ok. It’s normal. It’s a part of our human...
Published 02/02/22
Right ladies, Asti is back with a powerful, powerful episode! We all want love right, that's why you're dating, in a relationship or simply here listening to this podcast.  A common theme is that many women are craving  M  O  R  E  love! But have you ever thought about the possible ways you might be blocking yourself from receiving M  O  R  E  ????? Asti shares 5 simple and straight forward tangle tips that you can take home and use today to begin opening yourself up and making yourself...
Published 01/26/22
Asti asked the question on her Instagram 'Do you find it hard to trust men?' and the wild thing is most of you said YES! Not trusting men can become a huge block when it comes to love. How are you going to fully open, surrender and allow love in when your underlying belief is that men are untrustworthy?... That's the thing, you're not!! Those walls you have up around your heart may be protecting you from being hurt again but they may also be keeping out the very love you crave. After all,...
Published 01/19/22
Too often as women we tend to push the blame on men and complain about everything they are doing wrong or what they could improve on. But it really is such a beautiful thing to take a look at yourself, question where you could improve and even better, work on it! YOUR POWER LAYS IN WHAT YOU CAN CHANGE!!!! AKA YOU! In this episode Asti asks the question 'What's one this you could change to become a better lover?' She shares why it’s important to take self responsibility and discusses the...
Published 01/13/22
Want to know how to get him to plan more fun, sexy dates? (Or how to inspire him to step up and meet any of your needs for that matter) Hello, hey, Hi.. Asti is here to help :)  In this episode Asti shared 3 clear and simple steps when it comes to getting you needs met in your relationship.  - Know your worth girl! - Own your desires.  - ASK to have them met. (The magic here is in how you ask, and that is exactly what Asti dives into in this episode).  - Be vulnerable and get...
Published 12/06/21
In this episode Asti discusses the idea of 'till death do us part' love and speaks on a new narrative that says a successful relationship isn't one where two people simple just don't break up but where two people felt loved and seen and had a safe space for growth and transformation within the relationship (even if it does come to an end).  In other words, what's more important.. the length of time together, or the quality of time together? She also touches on the idea of 'wasted time'...
Published 11/30/21
Asti took a break but she's back! (And it's game time bitches) In this ep she shares.. 5 things you need to stop doing if you’re ready to meet ‘the one’. In full transparency she elaborates on the following points.  Stop dismissing stable, available men. Stop falling for potential.  Stop settling for casual. Stop waiting to be saved. Stop hating on men. Get 35% off The Pleasure Treasures - www.pleasuretreasuresbyasti.com Heal your relationship with men and open yourself to deeper...
Published 11/25/21
Re-spark your relationship with men in 10 days. Whether you are dating or taken, it’s time to upgrade your love life! What do you want?. Get clear on your values, become a master at spotting red flags and forget everything you know about dating, it’s time to create new rules! Get clear on what you desire and expect from your partner (men aren’t mindreaders). Understanding men. Understand what men want, how they feel loved and how you can crack them open to meet you on deeper levels of...
Published 09/13/21
When a woman does the work to reclaim her sexuality she reclaims a sense of herself, her desires and her inner power to make it happen.  It's a new moon on Thurs, time to get super intentional about what you're wanting to call in and experience. You are more powerful than you know my love. Stop letting life happen around you. Take control. Begin consciously created a life that turned you on, a life full of magic and pinch me moments. It's all available to you when you believe it.  The first...
Published 06/07/21
How to find a sense of freedom and safety in expressing your inner sacred slut... that is all...  Spots in Quantum Sugar Baby still available. Sign up here - https://astimaree.com/quantum-sugar-baby
Published 05/31/21
Your ability to sit with and feel safe expressing your emotions determines your ability to orgasm.  How often have you been made to feel 'crazy' or 'too emotional' for fully expressing yourself? Do you remember being told as a young girl 'big girls don't cry', 'be quiet' or 'go take that noise outside'? Our whole lives we're taught that being fully expressive is a bad thing, and then we're expected to be wild, free, multi-orgasmic women in the bedroom.. I'm sorry but it doesn't work like...
Published 05/25/21
Your experience of arousal, desire, sex and orgasm... it's all normal!!! So why are so many women question whether or not they are 'broken'?  I'll tell you why, we've all grown up comparing our experiences to what we see in porn (women acting out a masculine model of arousal, desire and orgasm with the goal to please men).  It's time to bust through these old limiting narratives are shine a light on what a healthy, thriving and 'normal' sex drive and sexual expression can look like for a...
Published 05/24/21
Your sexuality is such a core aspect of who you are as a woman. It's where you hold all of your power and magic. But it's also the part of yourself that has endured the most trauma and conditioning. Overtime you've been taught your sexuality is dirty, shameful, disgusting, dangerous.. And so overtime you've slowly disconnected or disassociated from it. Ever wondered why you often feel incomplete or not enough.. How can you feel perfect, whole and complete while disconnected from your sexy...
Published 05/21/21
After wrapping up my 10 month INTENTIONAL celibacy journey I thought it made sense to do a quick recap on my why, what I got out of it + to answer some of your questions before diving deep into this next sexy single gal chapter of my life...  Dating myself for this period of time has allowed me to heal from one person without relying on another - HELLO independence, breaking patterns and not lugging emotional baggage into any new relationships. It has allowed me to feel perfect, whole and...
Published 05/19/21