Are you planning to buy an agency as a growth strategy? Or, do you want to make your agency attractive to potential buyers? Today’s guest started his agency journey by buying an agency as an exit from his previous career in venture capitalism. He purposely sought out agencies, seeing them as cash flow machines. He looks back on that process and offers some valuable pointers and considerations for agency owners looking to buy or sell an agency in the near future. Nick Fraunfelder is the owner...
Published 07/24/24
Are you seeking the best approach to train your sales team? Have you considered implementing a foot-in-the-door offer? Today’s featured guest reflects on past mistakes made while attempting to step away from sales, and shares a recent success could lead to a complete overhaul of the sales funnel, resulting in a tenfold increase in the closing rate. Tune in to hear about the journey from startup life to agency ownership and the creative acquisition strategy he’s using to become his own client...
Published 07/21/24
Are you making a mark in your specific niche? Have you taken the necessary steps to elevate your brand and attract your ideal customers? Our guest today, a seasoned agency owner with fourteen years of experience working with influencers believes these are areas where agencies could learn from influencers, who by heavily focusing on developing their brands can grow to compete with big brands that have historically overshadowed smaller competitors. Tune in to learn more about her agency’s...
Published 07/17/24
Are you considering narrowing your focus in the near future, or do you prefer to retain the flexibility to take advantage of growth opportunities in specific sectors? Our featured guest established a PR agency by recognizing the potential to connect forward-thinking companies with journalists. In the current uncertain economic climate, she opts for diversification and maintains the agility of her agency to capitalize on the expansion of emerging sectors. Gain insights into her journey of...
Published 07/14/24
Is your agency prepared for a strategic acquisition to accelerate its growth? What advantages does an acquisition offer compared to organic growth? Do you have the necessary resources to navigate the acquisition process while ensuring the continued growth of your agency? Our featured guest today will discuss his ongoing acquisition process, outlining his reasoning behind this move, sharing why this felt like the perfect moment for an acquisition, and how he kept his peace of mind during this...
Published 07/10/24
Do you run a virtual agency or a more traditional in-office business? It all comes down to what suits your and your team’s work style, and one agency owner has found a way to incentivize in-office days. She also shares the lessons learned after two big clients left within weeks of each other. This feature guest has constantly been evolving and adapting to change. She shares her reasons for being an advocate for the collaborative and innovative environment that comes with a shared physical...
Published 07/07/24
What does it take to be truly remarkable? Do you struggle with imposter syndrome? Even uber-successful entrepreneurs like Guy Kawasaki have had those moments. Transitioning from corporate giants like Apple, Inc. to crafting a legacy of remarkability, he has devoted the latter part of his career to unraveling the essence of extraordinary achievements and the secrets of remarkable personalities. Learn more from Guy Kawasaki’s reflections on navigating the dichotomy of being undervalued and...
Published 07/03/24
Have you considered the potential for growth through a strategic acquisition? How do you anticipate the agency owner's role evolving during an acquisition process? What steps can be taken to ensure a seamless integration once the deal is finalized? Our featured guest today has undergone a significant transformation, transitioning from white label to a more comprehensive service offering and shifting from project-based to retainer-based services. Now, she embarks on a new journey for her...
Published 06/30/24
Are you the bottleneck in your own agency's growth? Does the weight of every decision rest on your shoulders, leaving you overworked and your team underutilized? This guest is a successful agency owner who found himself in the industry after being laid off during the global economic crisis. He turned this setback into an opportunity and started his own business. However, as the agency expanded, he realized he was hindering progress. He had to shift away from the superhero mindset and empower...
Published 06/26/24
Have you ever felt like a broken record with your team? Do you find yourself repeating the agency's goals and vision, only to be met with glazed-over expressions? Have you effectively communicated the agency’s direction and vision? It’s a common struggle for agency owners to feel they’re desperately trying to rally the troops behind a unified purpose, yet somehow missing that elusive "click" of genuine understanding and buy-in. Today’s guest is a specialist in the art of leadership alignment...
Published 06/23/24
What do you think is holding you back from scaling your agency? Have you received coaching? And if you have, have you implemented their recommended measures? On today’s episode we talk about agency owners’ accountability and why reaching out for help can be useless unless you understand what you want. Scaling an agency is hardly something you can do independently. You’ll need support and community along the way. A lot of the times the most important step to growing is figuring out if you’re...
Published 06/19/24
Are you establishing genuine connections with your target audience and clients? Have you developed a compelling brand narrative that resonates with your audience to cultivate a dedicated following? Our featured guest today played a pivotal role in shaping the iconic brand identity of Red Bull, which has become a benchmark for creating captivating content. He shares Red Bull’s strategy for creating engaging content, the initial missteps he addressed regarding staffing decisions and much more....
Published 06/16/24
Do you have a clear understanding of the client acquisition channels needed to grow your agency? Is your agency vulnerable to leadership or a client leaving? Today’s guest built his agency working with venture capitalists and private equity firms and found great success in that area, so much so that he never worried about client acquisition again. More recently, however, he’s been focusing more on setting up the channels that guarantee his agency’s growth and continued success. Learn more...
Published 06/12/24
Do you feel trapped in an operation tunnel vision? Are you ready to shift your attention toward strategies for agency growth? Our guest today initially viewed strategy sessions as a luxury she could only afford once her agency had achieved significant success. However, upon receiving guidance from a coach to address alignment issues, she and her partner began scheduling daily strategy sessions and prioritizing working on the business rather than just in it. Tune in to hear about her...
Published 06/09/24
Are you considering starting an agency but feel like it might be too late to do so? Our featured guest today had a thriving career in PR and successfully managed an agency for nearly two decades before deciding the missing piece in that career was building and growing her own agency. With an extensive client network who already knew and trusted her work, her agency reached seven figures in just one year! Now, she contemplates the next steps for her and her team. Listen to discover how she...
Published 06/05/24
What does it take for an agency to not only survive but thrive over decades? What mindset and approach enabled this agency owner to pivot and leverage new opportunities? In the challenging world of business, most companies struggle to reach the one-year mark, with even fewer making it to the five-year milestone. Hence, for an agency to make it beyond that it means the owner has weathered more than a few storms and learned to navigate and adapt to a constantly changing industry. Today’s guest...
Published 06/02/24
Are you interested in breaking away from conventional agency practices? Do you want an agency structure that best suits your team? Today’s guest established her agency right after college, without any prior experience working in an agency. She designed her agency's structure based on what felt right for her team rather than following standard industry norms. Emphasizing culture, and prioritizing raises and recognition over promotions, she has fostered a team of passionate individuals who love...
Published 05/29/24
Is the fear of failure the driving force that keeps you striving towards your goals? For too many agency owners, the relentless stress of this life corrodes their drive, fueling an unhealthy obsession with avoiding defeat at all costs. Putting together a great team and taking the time to stop and figure things out is often the only way to get out of that trap. Today’s guest managed to do this by implementing the lessons learned from the bike trails. She took the discipline and important...
Published 05/26/24
Have you ever wondered what it takes to scale an agency from millions to tens of millions in revenue? Or how to successfully pivot from services to products? Today's guest has walked that path - not once but twice. He’s built two successful agencies with the mission to lift brands up, tell compelling stories and recognize new products. As he reflects on his journey, he recounts the differences between scaling an agency to $25 million and to $50 million, as well as the pivotal decision of...
Published 05/22/24
Are you debating the value of building your brand? Perhaps you're wary of the effort needed to establish your identity, only to feel confined to your business once you become the face of the agency. Our guest today specializes in helping clients effectively brand themselves and elevate their agencies. He understands the common fears and reservations surrounding personal branding and offers valuable insights into its benefits. Above all, he wants entrepreneurs to understand that personal...
Published 05/19/24
Are you striving to refine your selling strategy and cultivate enduring client relationships that stand the test of time? How can you elevate your approach to not just closing deals but fostering long-term partnerships that drive mutual growth and success? Today's guest started her business with the idea of embodying a strategic dance of trust, value creation, and genuine connection. Tune in to learn how leading with strategy can lead to success in the agency world. Molly Baker is the...
Published 05/15/24
Do you treat your team like employees or like people? Every agency owner should recognize the immense value of their team and ensure they are treated with the utmost respect. This may entail parting ways with toxic clients, as the well-being of your team is irreplaceable. Our guest today faced challenging times during the pandemic when they had to terminate their agency's largest client to prevent the team from burning out entirely. It was a difficult decision, but it ultimately demonstrated...
Published 05/12/24
Are you prepared to elevate your agency team and pave the path to success? As your agency expands, the need to grow your team becomes inevitable, and having standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place beforehand can save you a lot of headaches. Today’s guest went through a rapid growth phase with his agency and found he was ill-prepared to delegate responsibilities and clearly define tasks. As a result, he lost employees and clients but has since learned that SOPs should be in place before...
Published 05/08/24
Is your agency work affecting your family life? Are you challenged by finding the right talent to assemble a team to take over some of the work? Today’s guest thought she’d always be a solopreneur but as her workload mounted, she realized she needed reinforcements to maintain her level of service and keep clients coming back. Getting the right talent to balance it all was not easy but she relied on a largely untapped talent pool: moms looking to keep their careers thriving while raising their...
Published 05/05/24