Let's just get this out of the way: The title of this documentary is a bald-faced lie. Yes, we've got chicken near-death experiences and mouth-to-beak CPR. Yes, we've got a woman appearing to skinny dip with a rooster, giving him a blow-dry, and then loading him into her boxy 70s car to go solve crimes.  We've certainly got a headless chicken getting his shot at the big time and starring in a story that may have inspired John Woo's Face/Off. And we've even got a chicken letting go and letting...
Published 08/11/19
A case of the Netflix doldrums results in Dave and Axel discovering “Flinch!”, a weird imitation Fear Factor full of banjos and yodeling set on a farm in the deep south of ... Ireland? Thrill as eight contestants face off against “crazy dangerous” games designed to make them flinch. (Except for Sandeep, a contestant who breaks the show and also maybe hates his wife). When the other contestants flinch, they’ll get punished with car batteries and cattle prods and earn points for our three...
Published 07/28/19
Meet Joe, a special effects artist "tricked" by his "friends" -- a "pedophile" and an "adulterer" -- into going on a "reality" TV show.  Okay, all the quotations are going to get tiring, but just assume that pretty much EVERYTHING you hear from Joe should be in air quotes.  From flailing four-mile runs and frantic phone calls to verbally harassing a guy just trying to eat a salad, this documentary proves that while you may be small in stature, you can still be huge on harboring grudges and...
Published 07/14/19
It’s 2010 and Proposition 19 could fully legalize marijuana in California. There are intelligent arguments on both sides of the issue. There are serious debates. But right now it’s time for a dubstep break. And another dubstep break. And some rapping. And then more dubstep. And then hippy educational songs about weed. And then more dubstep. This is a documentary that wants to be a musical that bills itself as a comedy that is actually the script treatment for the next Jurassic Park movie. If...
Published 06/30/19
Nothing says "summer vacation" like your favorite series presenting you with a beautiful clip show, and by that metric, this is going to be the best summer vacation ever!  From 50s sex ed and dead ice men to pyramid power and dry hole drillers, join us as we read Voltron's face, stalk Bigfoot with Robert Stack, and openly discuss purr addiction.  That's right. We've collected some of our favorite moments from episodes 11-20. Here's your chance to experience the weird and wonderful moments...
Published 06/17/19
Meet Frankie and Browser, two cats who have nothing to do with each other. Their only connection appears to be that their owners both use Facebook. What a small world! This might be the first time a movie has ever been padded out by shoehorning in a cat from Minnesota, and then to top it all off, they didn't even think to title this trainwreck, "A Tail of Two Kitties." What a missed opportunity! And speaking of missing things... When Frankie the Cat goes missing, he can only be found by Jack,...
Published 06/02/19
When is a cake a war crime? When it’s made by Sandra Lee, of course. In her defense, war crimes aren’t her only semi-homemade disasters. She also makes nice lies, nice knock-offs, nice roadkill, and nice orifices. It’s all enough to give Axel painful flashbacks of having to fawn over the craftiness of that one aunt who brings something creative to the potluck, while Dave is pondering the math on what happens when you combine 70% pre-bought stuff with 30% fresh ingredients and 30% cultural...
Published 05/18/19
Meet Gracie Rae. She's a psychic, an actor (not that the two have ANYTHING AT ALL to do with each other), and the subject of her very own documentary.  Thrill as Gracie Rae goes out on a limb and guesses that a woman has body image issues. Be astonished to learn a person remembers the name of her grandmother. Be disturbed as Gracie Rae bases a significant amount of her theology on the words of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Along the way, we discuss ghosts, inconsistent drop shadows, canned potatoes, and...
Published 05/05/19
It's been awhile since we've been to the Church of Bigfoot, but you'll find us in the front row on Easter Sunday! For today's service, we're headed to the Canadian wilds to frolic with the least skeptical "skeptic" we've ever met as he shows us the most dubious Bigfoot evidence yet. Questionable tree breaks, tree structures, and tracks are par for the Bigfoot course, but this is Canada, and in Canada, Bigfoot whistles, steals apples, and might actually be the Blair Witch.  Theological...
Published 04/21/19
This is not the gritty post-apocalyptic Lindsay Lohan reboot featuring Patrick Stewart we had hoped for, but the claws are definitely out! This is Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club, the beachiest, Greekiest, and weakiest (just go with it) reality show we've ever seen. Thanks, MTV! Thrill as you witness interchangeable hot people take off their shirts and do interchangeable hot things while a couple 30-somethings who should not be in management encourage everyone to be their hottest and most...
Published 04/07/19
Baseball. It's a sport Axel loves and a yet another sport Dave is pretty sure still exists. But we're not really talking about baseball here. We're talking about Jose Canseco, and you can't do that without talking about steroids, whistleblowing, Bigfoot, Donald Trump, Jennifer Lopez, bitcoin, aliens from outer space, and ... goats? Yes, goats. And the only reason we're doing any of that is because we're desperate for attention from Mark McGuire. Are you listening to this Mark? We made this...
Published 03/24/19
Nothing says "Spring Break!" like an island adventure with Homeland Security and Jesse Ventura.  Join us as we swear at llamas, hide from the Montauk Monster, check ourselves for Nazi ticks, and ponder the spectacle of Jesse wrestling with a bear. And maybe also a tornado. Before it's all said and done, we'll also be pondering a government spokesperson's inappropriate rope tricks and abruptly heading to Kansas to stare at a corn field.  Worst spring break ever? Maybe that's because all this...
Published 03/10/19
We said his name on our podcast three times and now, like a stoned, auto-tuned Beetlejuice, Post Malone is here to hunt some ghosts and help us broaden our appeal to today's youth. This is the episode where we really hit it big with the Millennials!  As Ghost Adventures says at the beginning of each episode, "There are things in this world that we will never fully understand." Those guys are probably talking about ghosts and the paranormal and such, but after watching this episode, we have...
Published 02/24/19
We're celebrating Valentine's Day the old fashioned way - with our squared off members and three classic shorts on syphilis!  Thrill as Don and Betty (DRAPER?!) deal with the fallout from their premarital transgressions - guilt, confusion, frustration, disease, and high school hallway awkwardness all set to the disconcerting sounds of what Amazon describes as "pensive jazz music." Then meet Tony, the long-lost third Super Mario Brother, who plays accordion while his stillborn child is born....
Published 02/10/19
Your house is really out to get you. So say three Canadians from HGTV Canada, and they have the propane-filled air mattresses to prove it. Our three "experts" go to great lengths to prove the most dangerous things you can own are a bag of flour, a tiki bar, and a ceiling fan, but all they really prove is that the stupid was inside themselves all along. If you really want to be afraid of something, be afraid of these chuckleheads and their air cannon.  Along the way, we'll take a hard look at...
Published 01/27/19
New Year, New Nimoy! We’re celebrating making it to 2019 by looking back on how we almost didn’t make it through 1999, and our guide on this journey is none other than Hollywood legend Leonard Nimoy. Well, he starts out as our guide. Then he transports away for 20 minutes while some old prepper dude tells us about chemical toilets and stockpiling potted meat. Thrill as we learn how lazy computer coders nearly destroyed civilization and turned us into a modern-day Atlantis (Leonard is certain...
Published 01/13/19
So this is Christmas, and what have you done? If you're like the people who are the subject of this episode's documentary, you've spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on octopus bangles, mushroom-shaped USB keys, and ... crackers?  Whether your budget is dozens of millions of dollars or just tens of millions of dollars, there's something here for anyone who wants to make sure they have the best super-rich Christmas possible. Are you worried you'll envy these gifts and your Christmas will...
Published 12/23/18
You Expressed Yourself, assured us that our podcast was in Vogue, and so we got Into the Groove to Justify Your (My) Love. That's right, we're suffering through and reporting back on Madonna: Truth or Dare! Like a Virgin, we watched this documentary for the very first time, and though we were often bored, we did Live to Tell you just how scarred we are by this experience and whether our parents were right to try to keep us away. (Huh. I guess the "Like a Virgin" thing applies to that whole...
Published 12/09/18
Happy Thanksgiving! We're releasing this episode early because it's all about pilgrims and mushrooms and Madonna and questionable Star Trek spin-offs. Okay, this isn't exactly a traditional Thanksgiving, but it's definitely a Super True one!  When our initial plans for this episode fall through, Axel discovers the driest documentary ever made, and makes Dave give a book report on it, with the extra pressure-inducing assertion that Natalie Portman is listening.  Then we go ahead and still do...
Published 11/22/18
Join us as we view friendly and attractive people on both sides of the greatest debate of our time - to shave and wax, or to embrace whatever fur you've got wherever you've got it. That's right, it's time for Body Hair Wars! But there isn't really any fighting. There's just a lot of affection and admiration for people who fall into the same camp as themselves. This documentary actually remains pretty committed to being inclusive, so at least there's that.  Is that faint praise? Well, we have...
Published 11/12/18
Boo!  It's our Second Annual Halloween Special! We're extreme celebrating by going to extreme locations with three extreme guys in search of extreme ghosts. Someone cue up "More Than Words" by Extreme! But instead we find controversy as our pack of new-metal protagonists misappropriate religion, hope the ghost children don't touch them, construct pool floaties of the damned, and, oh yes, throw in a (real?) blood ritual for fun. (A gentle trigger warning: we don't dwell on it too long or go...
Published 10/28/18
Boo!  It's our Second Annual Halloween Special! We're extreme celebrating by going to extreme locations with three extreme guys in search of extreme ghosts. Someone cue up "More Than Words" by Extreme! But instead we find controversy as our pack of new-metal protagonists misappropriate religion, hope the ghost children don't touch them, construct pool floaties of the damned, and, oh yes, throw in a (real?) blood ritual for fun. (A gentle trigger warning: we don't dwell on it too long or go...
Published 10/28/18
We came to bury Tim Tebow, not to praise him. And yet... we find ourselves not quite able to hate the guy, or at least not the version of him presented here by ESPN, who had the balls to refer to Tim Tebow as "The Chosen One." Speaking of balls, "Who is Tim Tebow?" this documentary half-heartedly asks. And then it sheepishly answers, "Well, he likes football, filling out workbooks with his mom, orphans in the Philippines, and, his, er testi[muffled sound]" Wait. What was that last bit, ESPN?...
Published 10/14/18
Life has gotten a bit in the way of this episode and so we have this beautiful clip show for you. We've gathered some of our favorite moments from the first ten episodes. From The Forever Time to ice fishing to ghost hunting in Great Britain. From chestnuts to aliens to the Church of Bigfoot. Here's your chance to experience the moments from those early episodes that still make us chuckle, now assembled in one convenient place.  Do stay for the new dance remix at the end that strangley never...
Published 10/01/18
We've done it! Super True Stories has made it an entire year, so of course we're celebrating by revisiting childhood trauma. We're going back 30 years to pre-teen Dave and the brothers who scarred him. No, not the Doobie brothers. The people who scarred him were obsessed with Satan. No, not Black Sabbath. These are the guys who TOLD Dave about Black Sabbath (and Ozzy Osborne, and AC/DC, and...the GoGos?)We're playing "Duck, Duck, Gray Duck" with Dan, Steve, and (Redacted) Peters, those...
Published 09/16/18