Lets face it, we all get bogged down with the sub prime customers and we all tend to migrate to the fun loving below average salespeople on our sales floor. The only way to turn this around is to stay away from the shit apples we encounter. Listen up!
Published 03/24/22
Sometimes we find it necessary to switch a customer to another vehicle for several different reasons. This is not an easy task but it can be made easier if we are prepared to suggest another unit to the customer. Let's discuss how this can be done.
Published 02/28/22
With the current car selling atmosphere we are tempted to revert to being order takers. If we are to survive this feeding frenzy, we are going to need to remember the sales process and what it took to sell cars before the chip shortage. The horse will drop, will you be ready to march on without missing a beat?
Published 02/02/22
A new year is here and the market is bound to change. It's time to get back to the basics of selling and time to hone our selling skills. This career is dependent on customers coming back to see us for most all future car purchases, not to mention the referrals they can produce.
Published 01/06/22
Getting the customer to come back after their visit has less to do after they leave and more to do with what you did when they were on the lot and in your showroom. Listen up and start enjoying more be backs and quite possibly more first time closes.
Published 12/15/21
One of the biggest mistakes we make id buying into the customers excuse that they do no have a lot of time. We shortcut the process and pre qualify the customer only to find that they never return or answer their phones after we release them. Listen up to find out how I handle customers in this situation.
Published 11/15/21
Coming to work and just waiting is a sure fire way of have a mediocre and short career in the car business. Have a plan and if management does not bring structure to your team, then you'll have to do it yourself, Listen Up!
Published 11/04/21
We tend to leave a lot of deals on the table to be gobbled up by the next dealership when we fail to ask for a co-signer. Listen up as we discus how and why we need the co-signer and how to get it upfront.
Published 10/21/21
We all need a break now and then, but what happens when we bet back form our vacation? Prior planning and preparations can make the move back into the selling modes much smoother.
Published 10/04/21
The lively hood of your dealership depends highly on the ability to capture the customers financing. While profits dwindle on the front end, the Back end of the deal continues to grow even more important than just a few years ago. Listen to this episode for a quick tip on attempting to gather their finance or at least the opportunity to sell a few finance products.
Published 09/17/21
Teamwork - Everybody working together to achieve a specific goal. Try it.
Published 09/12/21
We are all at work lots of hours a day but we don't all work lots of hours a day. If we change our perspective and maybe our attitude, may be we can sell more cars. Quit wasting your time wasting time and quit wasting your customers time by pre qualifying them and skipping steps. All that can happen is you will make more money.
Published 08/23/21
Quit negotiating with $500 and $1000 increments when you only need to use $50 to $100 to close the deal. Listen up to this episode and find out how my friend has substantially increased his gross.
Published 08/01/21
The deer in the headlights look a salesperson has when taking out the 1st Pencil can be softened of maybe even eliminated when both sales manager and salesperson is prepared.
Published 07/14/21
Sometimes as managers and senior salespeople we tend to forget the early years in our career. We forget the trials and tribulations we experienced trying to get that customer over the curb and busting bugs in the car we sold to them. Let's listen to a few ways we can remember the days......
Published 06/28/21
If we just sit back and relax when it comes to getting better at our job the business is gonna pass us up and leave us in it's dust. It's time to take the next step towards becoming the pro we know we can be.
Published 06/15/21
For a lot of us, we are in the middle of a sellers market atmosphere and living the life. But don't relax because it will end and we need to be poised to handle our business when it happens. Listen up and take notes because it could mean the end of your career if you are not ready.
Published 05/31/21
We all have certain ways of doing things, but when it comes right down to it the best way is the tried and true method or what we like to call the process. Allowing our team or ourselves to stray and not be held accountable is the first step down the long road to mediocrity.
Published 05/17/21
The car business is by far the easiest business to get a pay raise without even asking for it. Listen to this episode to find out just how easy it can be.
Published 05/05/21
It's getting harder and harder to make a profit selling a car so we need to start looking at other avenues for gross. Adding the addendum sticker is a sure fire way to get more profit, as long as we are asking for it.
Published 04/19/21
It is so much more tougher to sell a car and make money than in the past so the last thing we want to do is to eliminate another avenue of profit by giving up trade money.
Published 04/07/21
We all seem to start our day off the same way but what we forget to do is to end our day the right way.
Published 03/24/21
It's easy to say "I'm gonna get better", but not so easy to do it. Getting better at what we do is basically a matter of picking a skill and dedicating ourselves to working on it and role playing the proper way(s) to perform the task.
Published 03/08/21
Knowing too much about the pieces of a car deal does not necessarily make you a smarter salesperson. Often times by knowing how much gross you have to work with results in less gross profit as you find it easier to take the path of least resistance and give away the farm just to get that "X" on the board.
Published 02/22/21
When your customer comes back to the dealership don't make the mistake of thinking they are ready to go see the business manager. We have a couple of things to do before that happens that will greatly enhance your chances of securing the deal and making more gross profit.
Published 02/08/21