What do Superman, Lady Gaga, Garth Brooks, and Beyonce all have in common? Simply put, they all tap into a heroic alter ego that allows them to transform themselves and become the best version of themselves they can be.  I recently sat down with award-winning performance expert, Todd Herman, to talk about his new book: The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of Secret Identities to Transform Your Life. In this transformative conversation, Todd shares the Alter Ego Creation Formula he developed and...
Published 04/27/20
We all have unique gifts that we can offer to the world. But for some of us, discovering those gifts can be challenging.  Sometimes, the very talents that can make the most impact in the world go undiscovered & untapped.  And what’s really frustrating is that these undiscovered, untapped gifts are often not buried away - they are talents that come naturally to you, you do on a regular basis, and you give away for free! I sat down recently with Lisa Sasevich, Queen of Sales Conversion...
Published 04/13/20
As business owners in the digital age, we’ve been taught that a social media presence is critical to having success. And we’ve been taught that standing out amongst the sea of profiles and posts is essential in a social media marketing strategy.  But what if that’s wrong?  What if we’re causing ourselves and our businesses undue suffering as a result of relentlessly trying to stand out on social media? I sat down with Karen Kenney to explore the energy we put toward being special or...
Published 03/06/20
Whenever I find myself in a new environment (physical or emotional), I often feel lost and uncomfortable. Whether it’s a literal ‘somewhere’ or I’m stepping into a new venture in my life, those feelings often lead me to feel like everything is falling apart. This happened to me last December -– and I decided to post a status update about it on Facebook. Today, I talk with Karen Kenney about the process I went through in December that led me to that Facebook post and I teach you Three Steps...
Published 02/17/20
When it comes to death there is one thing I know for sure: it’s inevitable. One way or another, death is often a profound experience. And when it comes to the death of celebrities, the after effect of it can sometimes be surprising. In today’s episode, Karen Kenney and I come together to talk about the recent passing of Kobe Bryant and what it means for each of us. There are lessons here for all of us. When someone we feel like we know (but don’t actually know) dies, it can stir up a lot...
Published 02/10/20
If you’re struggling to grow your business, how do you know what to focus on when it feels like you’ve hit rock bottom?I sat down with business coach, inspirational speaker, and reigning queen of online challenges Natasha Hazlett to discover the secret to how successful people use their biggest failure moments to catalyze them to success.Plus she dives into how she structures online challenges so her clients see results fast...and want to hire her even faster.
Published 09/30/19
There’s an old saying in business that if you're not offending somebody by noon and then you're doing it wrong.My guest today, John Parkes explains how that’s true and if you do it right...you’ll create thousands of raving fans.Oh yeah, John will also be sharing the Click-Funnels game-changing formula for creating a massive fan base that’s chomping at the bit to spread the word about what they do. Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for...
Published 04/22/19
From building multiple million dollar businesses and having her current business on the path to earn over $5,000,000 in 2019, Carolin Soldo opens up her entire playbook. So much to learn from in this one... First, I put Carolin in the hot seat to discuss her fascinating origin story and how that translated to a proven system that’s helped her coaching clients go from zero to full-time income in less than four months. Then we dive into why “Passive Income” is a total myth. So, how then do...
Published 03/11/19
What’s the key to creating loyal online relationships that eliminate the need to “sell”? How do you build authority and online presence that makes getting clients on Facebook easy and manageable? Jennifer Allwood has grown two online businesses to multiple six figures with remarkable ease. She sat down with me to get real about exactly what it takes to attract and nurture a dedicated tribe of followers online, why “diversifying” income streams is critical, and how asking the right questions...
Published 11/08/18
How much could you accomplish if you had endless energy throughout your day? What if you knew the one thing you could do that could make the MOST difference to your overall health? How would feeling better every day change your business and your life? Four-time NY Times Bestselling Author and Celebrity Nutrition and Fitness Expert, J.J. Virgin, sat down with me to share her secrets for having enough energy for all the things you want to be able to do throughout the day … as well as her...
Published 03/19/18
Is it possible to work just 12 days a month, have a super successful business, and change the world?  Would that change how you approach your business? Would it redefine your vision of success? CEO of Women Rocking Business and author of the bestselling book by the same name, Sage Lavine, sat down with me to share her success secrets on how your business can nurture you and make a positive contribution to the world — all while bringing you a sizable income working just 12 days a month! Be...
Published 01/11/18
If you’re a heart-based entrepreneur, there’s a good chance you’re making a critical mistake that’s undermining your business. Luckily, it’s easy to fix. Today, I’ll give you two questions all heart-based entrepreneurs need to ask themselves. Your answers can instantly reveal the real reason people may be reluctant to pay you for what you’re offering. In the process, you’ll also discover the one thing that universally motivates people to buy. Get a free copy of my book - YES:...
Published 01/07/18
There are common ingredients to creating financial freedom.  So what are the personalized ingredients to your wealth-building strategy? And while building wealth has gotten harder for most people in recent years, the habits that can make you financially-free haven’t changed. “Wealth Chef” Ann Wilson stops by today to teach you why building wealth is really about self-love and acceptance, and the three asset classes you need to invest in to create your own financial feast! Get a free...
Published 10/24/17
One of the scariest decisions I ever made was when I committed myself to doing live events. I had no idea how to do it but I knew if I took the risk my business would radically grow...and it did! If you want your business to radically grow, you have to make Big Shifts to what you’re currently doing. Just like I was afraid of live events, we’re often afraid to make those shifts because we don’t yet know how to do them.   It takes big shifts to get big results and it takes doing something...
Published 02/28/17
For so many years of my life, all I wanted was to be accepted. I came to America when I was just 12 years old.  Being in a brand new country, I desperately wanted to fit in with the other kids. To be liked. For the next 30+ years, I remained really insecure and afraid to be my real self, until I realized… I was stopping myself from real love, joy, and acceptance because I wasn’t being my authentic self. You see, if you be who you truly are...that’s when you really start to enjoy yourself...
Published 02/23/17
Valentine’s Day is almost here and I really want you to fall in love… …with your marketing! If you think it’s never going to happen, watch this video. The truth is, there’s nothing that would help your business grow more than you falling in love with marketing. You see, there’s a new way to think about your marketing that turns everything you thought you knew about what makes it effective on its head. So what kind of marketing am I talking about? HINT: What if you thought about your...
Published 02/11/17
If you’re a creative person, how do you know what to focus on when you can do just about anything? How do you get unstuck? Can you keep your creative integrity and have a successful business at the same time? I sat down with writer, speaker, actor, teacher, and creativity/productivity specialist Samantha Bennett to discover the secrets to how successful creative people stay focused and move forward with their goals.If you’ve ever been called: sensitive, gifted, artsy, inventive, eccentric,...
Published 02/09/17
Can spirituality and generating tons of money co-exist? Is it spiritual to charge handsomely for what you do? I certainly don't have all the answers...but when I shared my views at a live workshop, people were really fired up. So I thought I would share my thoughts in a video.   I want to show you how to package your services so they are IRRESISTIBLE to the ideal clients you’re meant to serve. In my upcoming FREE 12 Day Online Training Program, you will discover exactly how to create...
Published 11/28/16
A confession… I used to keep myself safe and comfortable by keeping my prices low. I was so afraid of hearing “NO” from potential clients that I priced my services really low so that getting a client never made any difference to my finances. But guess what… “YES” still never arrived until I tried something completely different. Here’s what I do today instead… Now I get tons of YES’s from the right people instead of NO’s from the wrong ones. (Hint: I am no longer afraid to stand up for...
Published 11/26/16
Most people don’t know I was born in the Ukraine. In Soviet culture, smiling in public was frowned upon. So I learned to never smile. Until, something changed my life forever. In this lies the greatest business lesson I have ever learned. This is one of the most personal videos I’ve ever shared with you.  I hope you enjoy it.   I want to show you how to package your services so they are IRRESISTIBLE to the ideal clients you’re meant to serve. In my upcoming FREE 12 Day Online Training...
Published 11/22/16
There are so many people in our industry (experts, teachers, coaches) that are constantly using this term “You gotta charge what you’re worth”. And that term pisses me off to no end. Watch now to learn why… I want to show you how to package your services so they are IRRESISTIBLE to the ideal clients you’re meant to serve. In my upcoming FREE 12 Day Online Training Program, you will discover exactly how to create deeply transformational, truly irresistible, high-end client packages that...
Published 11/13/16
What if you could change the software that runs your thoughts, and all your struggles in life simply disappeared? My guest today, Dave Asprey, has devoted himself to proving two amazing truths: 1) We’re meant to live in a state where we can achieve anything we really want with ease. 2) There are simple ways to achieve peak performance in all areas of your life if you know some life hacks for synchronizing your body, mind, and nervous system. Sound too good to be true? It won’t once you...
Published 11/09/16
You can teach yourself to develop a mindset that makes you happier and more successful in the world. The good news is that it only takes 2 simple steps. Your personal qualities and even your basic outlook on life are surprisingly easy to change. Easy that is, once you know the essential 2-step formula for ensuring that your attitude is in harmony with who you really are and with whatever it is you want to create. Today, you get that formula…courtesy of a little help from Winston Churchill...
Published 09/25/16
Can a story about tires really help you in your business?  Here I am going to attempt the impossible… making a story about tires actually sound exciting and intriguing? Can I do it? You’ve gotta listen and find out…   Get a free copy of my book - YES: Conversations that Sell and learn my #1 strategy for talking to potential clients so they practically enroll themselves into working with you. Get your copy here → http://bit.ly/1LSDG5s
Published 09/18/16