There is a magic formula that underpins every business. It's not very complicated, it has only 2 minus signs. Understanding the subtlesties of this formula will make a huge difference to the way you think about how your business makes money, and could well make a profound difference to your future. You can get a copy of the formula from my website:https://www.businessveteran.com.au/single-post/the-magic-formula-of-business Or get in contact...
Published 05/07/24
Published 05/07/24
Business owners often don't think about this when they start their business - they often just want to get away from their boss, or have always wanted their own business, or started a business in the hope that one day their own business will give them financial independence. But they haven't actually quantified what they would like their profit to be (or what is realistic). In this podcast, I present some ideas that might help you put some numbers to your...
Published 04/17/24
Is your business causing you to be far too busy? Struggling to see a way out or a solution? This is an incredible common problem, but there are also good solutions. In this episode I look at the root causes of the problem and some solid solutions. https://www.businessveteran.com.au/ [email protected]
Published 03/07/24
Almost every business is struggling to find staff at the moment. However there are strategies you can consider which have worked really well for some of my clients.  https://www.businessveteran.com.au/ [email protected]
Published 01/05/24
Just how much you should pay your employees is a constant vexing battle and not well understand on either side of the negotiating table. In the episode, I explore just what you should be paying for and why - and how to explain it to your employees. https://www.businessveteran.com.au/[email protected]
Published 10/16/23
Performance reviews are hated by many, done badly by most, and avoided by plenty. So why do we keep talking about them?Find out on this week's episode. https://www.businessveteran.com.au/[email protected]
Published 08/28/23
Just what is the fatal assumption in business and what has this got to do with you? In turns out, quite a lot, if you're a business owner, and it might have been impacting you for years ... https://www.businessveteran.com.au/[email protected]
Published 07/31/23
As you grow, you need staff to do the work for you. But that's when the problems start - do they have the same care-factor? Do they have the same idea of what the customer needs? It's rare that that they do. This is when you start to lose customers.  So what's the solution? Listen on... https://www.businessveteran.com.au/[email protected]
Published 07/19/23
Not every customer is a good customer. They could be costing you more than they're worth - and the cost is not always obvious. Consider the benefits and have a think about your most troublesome customers. https://www.businessveteran.com.au/[email protected]
Published 06/22/23
Too many business owners are working incredibly hard but have too little to show for it. Sometimes fix is easy, and sometimes it takles longer, but either way, here is the solution. Once you've implemented this, you'll wish you'd done it years ago. https://www.businessveteran.com.au/[email protected]
Published 06/22/23
This episode will introduce the podcast, define who it is for, let you know why you should care, and gives a little background on The Business Coach himself. https://www.businessveteran.com.au/[email protected]
Published 06/22/23