In the podcast titled "You Get What You Expect," Dr. Maria discusses the power of expectations in shaping our experiences and outcomes in life. She contrasts two mindsets: one where a person anticipates struggle and exhaustion, and another where they approach challenges with a growth-oriented perspective. Dr. Maria emphasizes the importance of directing our brain towards positive expectations through daily affirmations and focusing on gratitude. By consciously shaping our expectations, we can...
Published 05/06/24
Published 05/06/24
In the "How to Lead a Luminous Life" podcast episode, Dr. Maria discusses the concept of leading a luminous life, which she defines as being full of light and joy. She shares descriptors of a luminous life, such as seeing possibilities, embracing challenges as opportunities, feeling centered amidst change, and appreciating moments of gratitude and compassion. Dr. Maria also distinguishes between happy moments and luminous moments, highlighting the deeper significance and impact of luminous...
Published 04/30/24
Dr. Maria dives into the fascinating concept of befriending our brains in the latest episode of the Energy of Money podcast. She challenges listeners to see their brains not as themselves but as powerful entities capable of change. Dr. Maria emphasizes the brain's role in keeping us safe, drawing from evolutionary insights. She shares personal anecdotes and practical tips for handling brain-generated fears and anxieties, encouraging compassion towards our brain's protective instincts. Through...
Published 04/22/24
In this episode of the Energy of Money podcast, Dr. Maria explores the concept of Busyholism, a state where constant activity masks true fulfillment. Drawing from insightful conversations and observations, she uncovers the pitfalls of being overly busy and offers practical steps towards a more enriching life. From identifying signs of Busyholism to embracing leisure and mindfulness, Dr. Maria invites listeners to pause, reflect, and make conscious choices for a more balanced and enjoyable...
Published 04/15/24
Dr. Maria talks about making affirmations that really work. She says affirmations should be about what's true for us right now, not just something we hope for. She introduces the idea of being willing, which means being open and ready to do something even if we're not sure how. She compares it to seeing clearly above a layer of smog. Dr. Maria suggests using the Life's Intention Inventory sheet to identify key life intentions and create affirmations around them. She tells us to pick three...
Published 04/08/24
In this podcast episode titled "The Only Difference Between People Who Are Successful And People Who Aren’t," Dr. Maria discusses the key factor that separates successful individuals from those who aren't. She emphasizes that successful people take action, whereas others may remain stuck in their thoughts and ideas without executing them. Dr. Maria cites the importance of clarity, focus, ease, and grace in achieving success, as outlined in Wallace Wattles' "The Science of Getting Rich." She...
Published 04/01/24
In this podcast episode titled "Imposter Syndrome: A New Perspective," Dr. Maria discusses the concept of imposter syndrome and offers a novel approach to addressing its challenges. She delves into how feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, and worry are common experiences shared by many individuals, including successful figures like Michelle Obama. Dr. Maria emphasizes that these feelings are not necessarily indicative of a syndrome but rather a natural response to the demands of our fast-paced,...
Published 03/21/24
In this podcast, Dr. Maria explores the dynamics of handling rejection when making requests. She emphasizes that saying no is often difficult for people and shouldn't be seen as a personal affront. Using examples from fundraising experiences, she illustrates how acknowledging someone's decision with respect can actually strengthen relationships. Dr. Maria provides practical advice on how to approach making requests, stressing the importance of clarity and understanding that a no response...
Published 03/08/24
In this insightful podcast, Dr. Maria explores the fundamental disparities between psychotherapy and coaching, drawing from her extensive experience in both fields. Psychotherapy, aimed at healing, involves addressing crises, stress, and grief, offering strategies to navigate emotional and behavioral patterns. Conducted by licensed professionals, psychotherapy spans from a few sessions to years, focusing on alleviating emotional burdens and fostering resilience. Conversely, coaching, geared...
Published 02/29/24
In this episode of the Energy of Money podcast, Dr. Maria reframes the challenge of saying no, urging listeners to focus on intentionally saying yes to what brings them fulfillment. She guides them through a process of identifying their genuine desires and priorities, emphasizing the importance of aligning decisions with personal values. Through practical exercises and conscious reflection, listeners are empowered to make strategic choices that prioritize well-being and lead to a more...
Published 02/22/24
Dr. Maria, host of the Energy of Money podcast, delves into the significance of various energies in our lives, including money, time, physical vitality, creativity, enjoyment, and relationships. She emphasizes the importance of acknowledgment, especially in the context of relationships, sharing insights from her recent 80th birthday celebration. Dr. Maria highlights how acknowledgment fosters a sense of relevance and connection, regardless of age, and encourages listeners to practice...
Published 02/15/24
In this podcast episode titled "How Do You Want Your Life Story to Read," Dr. Maria explores the concept of creating one's life narrative intentionally. She starts by sharing a personal reflection on her own birthday, prompting listeners to consider what they want to be remembered for. Dr. Maria discusses the importance of clarity, focus, ease, and grace in achieving success and fulfillment in life. She emphasizes the impact of mindset on behavior, using examples like gratitude and imposter...
Published 02/14/24
In this podcast episode, Dr. Maria explores the essence of money as energy and its significance in modern life. She emphasizes the need to redefine our relationship with money, framing it as a tool for empowerment rather than a source of stress. Dr. Maria introduces her definition of financial success, focusing on consistency, clarity, focus, ease, and grace, and offers practical insights into aligning actions with intentions and cultivating gratitude in financial matters. The episode...
Published 02/08/24
In this episode of the Energy of Money podcast titled "The Second Greatest Gift You Can Give Someone: Asking Them For Their Support," Dr. Maria challenges the myth of success being a solitary journey and discusses the importance of allowing others to support you. She emphasizes that trust is the first and greatest gift one can give, but the second greatest gift is asking for and accepting support. Dr. Maria explains that by seeking assistance, individuals not only strengthen relationships but...
Published 01/25/24
In the podcast "Find and Use Your Voice of Wisdom, Part 2," Dr. Maria continues the exploration of tapping into one's inner wisdom for confident decision-making. She recounts a personal experience of ignoring her voice of wisdom and facing financial loss, which led her to become a warrior for this intuitive guidance. Dr. Maria emphasizes the importance of being willing to hear the voice of wisdom and distinguishes it from the negativity bias, a tendency of the brain to focus on potential...
Published 01/18/24
In this podcast episode titled "Find and Use Your Voice of Wisdom," Dr. Maria discusses the importance of tapping into one's inner wisdom amidst the hustle and stress of daily life. She emphasizes the need to find clarity, focus, ease, and grace in decision-making. Dr. Maria shares a personal story of ignoring her voice of wisdom and the consequences. She introduces a practical exercise involving a 3x5 card with qualities admired in others, encouraging listeners to ask themselves what...
Published 01/11/24
In this episode, Dr. Maria shares a valuable insight about a unique gift we can give to others—trust. She emphasizes that this trust isn't based on people's behavior but on the belief that deep down, they have a desire to contribute positively to life. Dr. Maria stresses that this trust is a more significant gift than money or even love. The episode delves into the power of trusting in others' inherent goodness. In the second part of the episode, Dr. Maria explores the idea that people are...
Published 01/04/24
Dr. Maria shares a heartwarming story on the Energy of Money podcast about finding the good in life, especially during challenging times. She emphasizes the power of expectations and being willing to focus on the positive. The story follows a man who makes a simple wish for the best Christmas and, unexpectedly, discovers joy in helping others. Dr. Maria encourages listeners to be willing to find the good, offering a four-step process: be willing to look for the good, feel better, do...
Published 12/21/23
In this podcast episode, Dr. Maria delves into "The Comfort of Community." She starts by sharing a compelling story about a man's encounter with heaven and hell, using it to underscore the significance of community in finding fulfillment and satisfaction. Dr. Maria highlights the inherent human need to belong to a community and explores how active participation and contribution to a group can nourish the heart and positively impact health and well-being. She suggests practical ways to get...
Published 12/14/23
Dr. Maria suggests a unique approach to gift-giving in her podcast titled "Your Presence is the Present." She highlights two common dilemmas in traditional gift-giving: the lack of lasting memories associated with received gifts and the convenience but impersonality of gift cards. Dr. Maria proposes a solution—shifting the focus from material gifts to the gift of shared experiences. Drawing on personal anecdotes and listener stories, she emphasizes the significance of creating meaningful...
Published 12/07/23
In this Energy of Money Podcast episode, Dr. Maria explores the hurdles of launching projects and the internal dialogue that often hinders progress. She highlights the normalcy of self-critical thoughts and introduces the concept of visionary reality—a space for dreams and ideas. Dr. Maria emphasizes finding meaning behind goals through life intentions, encouraging listeners to reflect on their aspirations. The "point of mastery" is introduced as a critical juncture where mastering the...
Published 12/01/23
In this podcast episode, Dr. Nemeth explores the challenges associated with initiating a project. She delves into the concept of "Physical Reality," emphasizing the tangible aspects of bringing an idea to fruition. She addresses common obstacles encountered during project launches, such as financial constraints, time management, and the need for practical planning. Drawing on her expertise in both psychology and finance, Dr. Nemeth provides valuable insights into overcoming these difficulties...
Published 11/16/23
In this captivating episode of the "Energy of Money" podcast by Dr. Maria Nemeth, listeners are invited to explore the profound connection between money and relationships. Dr. Nemeth, a renowned psychologist and financial expert, delves into the hidden dynamics that shape our financial lives. She reveals that our relationships with money are often a reflection of our relationships with others, both past and present. Through real-life stories and practical insights, Dr. Nemeth uncovers the...
Published 11/03/23