Why do your resolutions fail?  If you’ve ever wondered why it’s so hard to keep on track for a goal, listen to this one!  We’re looking at how the ways we make goals go against our natural habits and behaviors, creating deep psychological resistance. We talk about how to get around the motivation blocks you’ll come up against with any big goal or lifestyle change, and questions to ask before you take your next steps. Listen to start the new year DIFFERENTLY!    Listen to Next: ...
Published 01/02/24
Ever feel guilt after eating? Or do the workout to make up for “food mistakes?” Most of us have felt this way and that’s why it’s so important to change our thoughts around fitness and nutrition. So before you take on the next diet or fitness new year’s resolution, listen to this interview with the founder of Cake & Yoga, Immy May. Immy shares her journey of struggling with food and body image to finding joy in eating again and celebrating movement. This is a powerful episode on...
Published 12/26/23
What uplifts mood, energy and libido? Aromas!   We’re talking about scent in this episode with RN and certified Aromatherapist, Holly Brandenberger. She shares how the often-overlooked-sense of smell impacts our health and mindset.   Holly describes her own wellness journey and why aromatherapy has been a powerful tool to help her and her family with energy, sleep and stress.   In this holistic health episode:  * How scent influences our body & emotions  * Using aromas to reduce...
Published 12/19/23
This year was one of the best of my life but it was also one of the most emotionally difficult.  The age of 37 to 38 was redirection. It was breaking down, finding a new path and revisiting the path to heal.  I’m sharing in this episode inspiration on pivoting in your career or business, getting comfortable being alone and healing blocks that stop you from becoming the next version of yourself.  Listen for some very raw motivation!    Listen to Next: Episode 237: Monk Mode ...
Published 12/12/23
Do you people please without realizing it? Everyone wants to be liked but what happens when it stops you from building stronger relationships, advancing in your career or caring for your well-being? This is a critical conversation on people-pleasing and boundaries with Executive Life Coach Jule Kim.  **This is a 2 part series** If you’ve ever struggled with saying ‘no’ or found yourself exhausted trying to care for others, this is an episode to help you find your voice again.  Listen for...
Published 12/05/23
Do you people please without realizing it? Everyone wants to be liked but what happens when it stops you from building stronger relationships, advancing in your career or caring for your well-being? This is a critical conversation on people-pleasing and boundaries with Executive Life Coach Jule Kim.  **This is a 2 part series** If you’ve ever struggled with saying ‘no’ or found yourself exhausted trying to care for others, this is an episode to help you find your voice again.  Listen for...
Published 12/05/23
Do you struggle with food? In this NAKD Blend series, you’ll hear three women talk about how they healed their relationship with food, moving past restriction and dieting. Although each journey is very different, they all share advice on finding balance and enjoyment again. This is a combo of episodes full of wisdom on non-diet nutrition and intuitive eating. Listen for balance! (01:51) Ali Bonar on orthorexia and learning to enjoy food again (08:18) Dietician Lauren Cadillac on...
Published 11/28/23
This is the story about body confidence and how sometimes with the right experience, you can find peace with your body faster than you ever expected. Imagine if there were small daily practices, which seem insignificant but build up over time. Eventually these practices become so powerful as to erase years of body shame. This isn’t a miracle episode. It’s not about quick fixes. It’s about how we can start to undo so much of the damage from the outside world that separates us from our...
Published 11/21/23
Where does inner confidence come from? Choreographer and Heels Coach, Courtney Kreiss talks about creating a space for women to build self-esteem. Heels classes are sassy choreographed sessions that help us reclaim confidence and sensuality.  In this interview, we go deep into how important the inner work is to feeling confident and sexy. Courtney also shares her own healing journey with body image and perfectionism. Listen to reconnect with your inner wild spirit! In this podcast...
Published 11/14/23
What is sober curious? Sober curious is examining your relationship with drinking.  In this episode I'm giving you a unique way to do it. The (semi) sober experiment is 30 days of reducing how much you drink and building awareness of how you use alcohol.  I’ll share my experience - now more than a few months - and why it’s completely changed the way I view drinking. Our dependence and normalisation of alcohol makes it very difficult to pinpoint when is it a problem and when is it in...
Published 11/07/23
What happens when you take a career pause to explore? What opportunities and self-growth come your way?  This episode is about taking chances and ditching the rules. We go deep into what it looks like to take career pauses, job breaks and to reconnect with yourself and the world. Alexandra Jimenez, founder of Travel Fashion Girl joins FGN to talk living life your way. Alexandra grew her travel blog to 7 figures by bringing women together from around the world and empowering them to...
Published 10/31/23
Feeling stuck, burnt out or low motivation? This is an episode to inspire you with Awaken The Muse co-founder, Emily Gallagher. She shares how it’s so easy to fall into the hamster wheel of “getting through” another day. We skip happiness and ignore desire in favour of productivity or what we’re told we should be striving for in our lives. This conversation is about breaking that cycle. It’s about re-opening to life and finding joy, pleasure and fulfilment again. Listen for a powerful...
Published 10/24/23
How do you break that spiral of feeling like you’re not enough or that you didn’t do “good enough?”  In this mindset podcast episode we go deep into self-doubt struggles. We’ll talk about comparison, not measuring up and how to RETHINK failure. Listen for a giant mood pick-me-up and a powerful reminder of how great you can step away from the self-doubt spiral.   Listen to Next: Episode 231: Finding Food Freedom Episode 230: The Confidence gap RESOURCES Podcast...
Published 10/17/23
What does it mean to be well? How do our beliefs impact our health? Host of Intentionally Well, Vanessa Lopez, shares her own healing journey from chronic pain and why so many of the blocks to health start with lessons we need to unlearn. This is a unique conversation about deep holistic health and the stories we tell ourselves. Listen here for healing inspiration!   In this holistic health podcast episode: (01:47) The Total Health Pie (04:50) When My Body Felt Broken (10:10) My Self...
Published 10/10/23
What does feminine success look like? How can we find balance with the intuitive and the forceful pressure to climb further up the never-ending ladder? Storyteller and co-founder of Female Narratives, Tijana Tamburic shares her own journey from model to entrepreneur and finding balance. We also go deep into the messaging we receive as women and the need for more female-led storytelling in media and marketing to encourage empowerment. Listen for a thoughtful conversation on becoming a lead...
Published 10/03/23
How do you break that spiral of feeling like you’re not enough or that you didn’t do “good enough?”  In this mindset podcast episode we go deep into self-doubt struggles. We’ll talk about comparison, not measuring up and how to RETHINK failure. Listen for a giant mood pick-me-up and a powerful reminder of how great you can step away from the self-doubt spiral.   Listen to Next: Episode 241: Transitions RESOURCES Podcast Mentorship: www.chardetryel.com The Rio Holistic Workout...
Published 09/26/23
Do you feel money stress or anxiety? Most of us have spent years learning habits and behaviours that stop us from feeling comfortable around money and the tools that can help us grow it. In this special wealth health series, Money Coach Delyanne Barros shares how we can start to move past money fears and focus on our financial wellness. Delyanne went from 150k debt to financial independence. She’s coached over 7,000 students in her Slay the Stock Market program and helped spread financial...
Published 09/19/23
How can we find more freedom, more independence and more financial health? In this special wealth health series, business mentor and entrepreneur Carla Biesinger shares her journey. Carla leads a seven figure business dedicated to helping women find freedom and independence. Listen for financial inspiration! In this money mindset & wealth health episode:  * Why we struggle with self-doubt and how it hinders us financially * Creating success without burnout or hustle culture * How...
Published 09/12/23
Should you leave a job you hate? When do you start a new career? How do you create boundaries at work to protect your personal and mental well-being? Job Search Strategist & Career Coach Lynn Juve shares career advice. We go deep into how what makes for a toxic work environment, how do we protect our boundaries and what are the next steps if we decide to leave. Listen for inspiration if you’re struggling emotionally at work and ready for a change! In this podcast episode: What makes...
Published 09/05/23
What do you do when YOU change but your world hasn’t? If you’ve ever felt emotionally drained by your job, life or routine, you know this feeling. It’s the feeling of wanting a change but being unsure or afraid of how to do it. You’re at a point of transition. You’re ready for your next dream, next place or next stage but you need a little support to get to the other side. We’re talking about three small ways to move you towards that next stage or big decision.  Listen for inspiration! ...
Published 08/31/23
“Many women don’t find sexiness safe, so we don’t go there.” Feminine Guide and Sensual Photographer, Nadia Rose shares how we can tap back into our sensuality, sexuality and self-expression. We talk about why as women we disconnect so much from our bodies and our desires. Nadia also shares her beautiful journey of heartbreak, moving from body shame to celebration and reclaiming sensuality for herself. This is a powerful episode on listening to intuition and honouring our bodies. In this...
Published 08/29/23
Can your cycle actually be a blessing!? In this NAKD Blend series, you’ll hear from three women on how understanding your cycle and taking the shame out of your period leads to greater creativity, performance AND productivity. This is an amazing combo of episodes that share just how empowered you become when you learn your body. 01:45 Renae Fieck on syncing our cycle to work & creativity  06:56 Ruby Raut on removing the shame around menstruation  13:46 Angie Madsen on aligning workouts...
Published 08/24/23
Looking for DEEPER fitness motivation? Better performance? More progress AND excitement? We’re talking about intuitive movement and how this approach to fitness is much more sustainable, creative and enjoyable. Think of it like intuitive eating - where you’re learning to read your body’s cues, add variety and learn to stop using rules and plans to guide you. This is the approach that I’ve used for my workouts for the last 10 years and the one that has brought be the greatest strength...
Published 08/22/23
I’ve done something unexpected but with BIG impact. It’s led to so much creativity and energy that I want to take you on the journey and maybe inspire you too.   THIS IS PART 3 OF A 3 PART SERIES   Over the last three weeks I’ve gone monk mode but I’ve done it differently. Usually this means sitting with your thoughts and self-isolating but I wanted to add adventure. So I took a trip to be alone, to think, to revisit projects and to replenish.   In this episode I’m sharing lessons of...
Published 08/17/23
I’ve done something unexpected but with BIG impact. It’s led to so much creativity and energy that I want to take you on the journey and maybe inspire you too.   THIS IS PART 2 OF A 3 PART SERIES   Over the last three weeks I’ve gone monk mode but I’ve done it differently. Usually this means sitting with your thoughts and self-isolating but I wanted to add adventure. So I took a trip to be alone, to think, to revisit projects and to replenish.   In this episode I’m sharing the FUN part...
Published 08/16/23