Hit that subscribe button! The Guided Collective Podcast is returning to the airwaves from November 1st, with a slightly different format. An episode will now drop on the first of each month, with an overview of the energies, themes and predictions for the month ahead.  While the podcast moves to a monthly episode release, a little taste of the weekly forecasts will appear in your inbox each Monday, so make sure you're signed up to The Guided Collective Community to receive my weekly...
Published 10/28/23
Whether you're catching this energy forecast in real time or stumbled upon it later, the message of Seasons & Cycles remains significant. In recent episodes, we've been hinting at impending change, a new beginning on the horizon. Well, the time for that transition has arrived this week. Hold onto your hats because this week serves as a sneak peek into what October has in store, and guess what? October's theme is also Seasons & Cycles. So, whether you're interviewing for a job this...
Published 09/09/23
In this episode, we're diving into another insightful energy forecast. Whether you're tuning in live or discovering this later, this message is meant for you. We're unpacking the energy for September 2023 and the transition from August to September. The cards pulled for this month reveal the theme of "Trust," complemented by the "Soulmates" energy for the week, building on August's focus. Ultimately, trust necessitates embracing vulnerability and authenticity. By reflecting on past...
Published 09/02/23
This week's episode features another energy forecast, so if you're catching this in real-time, we are experiencing some energy here of Rest and Relax. But if you stumbled upon this episode at some other time, please know that this is the message you need to hear right now, and you have intuitively found this episode. The concept of resting and relaxing serves as a gentle nudge to achieve equilibrium in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. It prompts us to reconnect with...
Published 08/26/23
As the cost of living crisis affects us, interest rates and inflation continue to rise, you might be looking for predictions on what happens next. I'm not an economic forecaster, but I am an energetic forecaster, and all things point to the base chakra and financial security restored. It's the moment to center and stabilize your energy. Let's direct our attention towards anchoring our energy and establishing a strong and stable foundation. The focus is on setting up the fundamental aspects...
Published 08/19/23
No one likes being patient, and yet it is the cornerstone of any spiritual practice. Spiritual patience asks us to surrender, to practice non-attachment, non-judgment, acceptance, and forgiveness —but just how do we do that in real life? Join me in this week's episode as we dive deeper into energy at play. Patience often means we have to wait. With an energy asking us to be patient, nothing is necessarily moving fast or in the way our minds want it to unfold. The timely manner our mind...
Published 08/12/23
When it comes to our life's path and purpose, we can think about both an inner and outer pathway.  An inner sense of purpose can include our life's purpose and/or soul purpose while our outer sense of purpose could be thought about in terms of the choices, decisions and actions we take and make. The outer path is often decorated with our relationships, jobs and careers, passions and activities.  When we perceive a sense of stagnation or find ourselves anticipating new opportunities or...
Published 08/05/23
I am excited today to bring you an update on the energy for August 2023 and the theme for August is: SOULMATES. My understanding of soulmates is a little different than perhaps the mainstream thinking which often conflates soul mate with your romantic partner. The energy of August will bring soulmate energy to the fore. Over the coming weeks, we will be asked to really reflect on which souls our soul has been mated with or paired with, and what we're learning together. Our souls form deep...
Published 07/29/23
Welcome back to The Guided Collective Podcast.  If you're feeling "off track", today's episode will help you reconect to yourself, your Spiritual Support Team (SST), your soul and spirit. Consider your soul journey like any other trek -- you'll need a (soul) map, intuition as your (inner) compass, a tour guide (your SST and weather forecast (energy forecast) to navigate and plan the soul journey effectively. Collect these pieces, and you'll be back on track in no time.  To read through the...
Published 07/22/23
Best-selling author, podcaster and astrologer Jordanna Levin, joins Helen Jacobs this week to talk all things astrology, intuition and manifesting.  Helen and Jordanna discuss Jordanna's journey in owning her gifts as an astrologer (hint: Helen played a small role) as well as Helen's journey with choosing what to do with her own psychic gifts.  Listen along to their conversation, as they also candidly explore:  1. What is the link between intuition and manifesting? 2. Is the soul able to...
Published 04/08/23
In this podcast episode, Rachel Crethar shares her journey of personal transformation, in which she discovers her magical ability to unlock the root cause of her clients' issues and unlock her own creative potential.   Rachel Crethar is an intuitive hypnotherapist, media strategist and mum of two. She works with clients all over the world, helping them overcome a range of issues such as emotional eating, money blocks, anxiety, skin conditions and relationship issues.    Following her...
Published 04/01/23
Georgie Collinson is an anxiety mindset coach, naturopath, nutritionist, and hypnotherapist and is known as an anxiety expert. She is passionate about helping people liberate themselves from high-functioning anxiety and understanding who they are beyond their minds. Georgie has released her first book, The Anxiety Reset Method, and shares how to create a Resilience Shield against the triggers of anxiety. She also shares how understanding hormones, gut health, and stimulants like caffeine can...
Published 03/25/23
Cassie Mendoza-Jones is a business coach, kinesiologist, NLP practitioner, author of three books (You Are Enough, It's All Good and Aligned & Unstoppable), and a naturopath and speaker.   Working with her is a catalyst for real, deep and radical change in your business; in how you show up; in how deeply you believe in yourself; how highly you regard yourself; and in the ways your energy and emotions speak to your body, being and business (and vice versa), guiding you from where you are...
Published 03/18/23
In my 15 years as a professional psychic, I have been asked all types of questions on almost every topic imaginable, and what I’ve noticed is that not all questions are created equal. If you’re looking for real guidance in your life, what you ask and how you ask matter.    In this episode, we’ll explore the following: The 3 different types of questions we can ask the Universe for what we desire and how our results may chance depending on which questions we use.  How we can ask our...
Published 03/11/23
I am so excited to have our guest, Bonnie Sveen, joining us in today’s episode.  Bonnie is a Logie Award winning actor known for her roles in Home and Away, The Secret Daughter, and Netflix's Escape and Evasion. She now lives back in Tasmania and is the mother of young twins. Bonnie is a vocal environmentalist, she is an ambassador for Save the Tassie Devil Appeal, a Board Member for Friends of Bonorong (Wildlife Sanctuary) and is an emerging director, producer and screenwriter. And beyond...
Published 03/04/23
Everything is made of energy—all matter, all living things, even your thoughts and feelings are energy.   If you’ve been listening to the podcast or have read my book, Follow Your Heart, you’ll know that I truly believe that everything has its own frequency and by tuning into these frequencies, it’s even possible to recognise your own energetic signature. I’ve also mentioned that the idea of your transmission, that your heart is able to transmit or radiate your energy or frequency out into...
Published 02/25/23
Did you know the fastest way to influence real change in your life is by changing your inner world? When we alter our energetic or vibrational set point, we have a much better chance of manifesting the outer world experiences that are a match for it. And, if we don’t know how to change our vibration, the Universe is happy to show us, if we’re paying attention to the feedback we receive.    In this episode, I introduce the idea of the Feedback Loop. It’s a concept I talk about in my book,...
Published 02/19/23
What’s the connection between intuition and life’s path and purpose? We’ll be diving into this during today’s episode. I’ll explain the links between following your heart and intuition and living your life and soul’s purpose. We’ll be looking at the three key phases of remembering who we are and why we’re here. Additionally, I discuss how to use the feedback loop to manifest our heart's desires. Finally, I’ll share how this leads to the deepening of our soul's work and how to express our...
Published 02/12/23
To help celebrate the release of my book, Follow Your Heart, I have invited some wonderful guests to talk about their own journeys with following their heart, remember who they are and sharing their unique gifts with the world.    In this week’s episode, we talk with the award-winning entrepreneur, best-selling author, mentor and speaker, Lorraine Murphy.    ​​Together, we dive deeper into how following her heart and intuition has guided her towards big changes in her personal life and...
Published 02/05/23
If you follow my work, you’ll know that I prepare a number of Collective Energy Forecasts–looking at the big picture guidance, energetic themes, and messages from Spirit that we’re all likely to be journeying with. However, over the past few months, I’ve also been performing quite a few Personal Energy Forecasts for individuals.    As I was preparing these, one thing I found very interesting was that I could see particular themes being reflected back at me. In this episode, I’ll be sharing...
Published 01/29/23
Creative self-expression, voicing our personal truth, and reclaiming our personal power are all vital pieces of the intuitive journey. They help us connect to who we really are, what we really want, and what we have to say.    To help celebrate the release of my book, Follow Your Heart, I have invited some wonderful guests to talk about their own journeys with following their heart, remember who they are and sharing their unique gifts with the world.    In today’s episode, we welcome our...
Published 01/22/23
Do you believe life is geared in your favour? Your answer to this question could greatly influence your ability to receive guidance and manifest accordingly. It has been my experience that life is actively working with us to succeed, sometimes despite evidence to the contrary, and that if we know how, we can harness the Universe's magic to manifest our best life.    In this episode, I share with you another excerpt from my latest book – Follow Your Heart: Simple daily rituals for honing...
Published 01/15/23
Do you know what your heart and intuition desire right now? Do you know how to make it happen? Will you answer your heart’s call, even if it doesn’t logically make sense?   In this episode, I share the introduction of my new book, Follow Your Heart: Simple daily rituals for honing your intuition, which is available nationally from January 10th.   After hearing Steve Jobs' commencement address to Stanford students in 2005 where he famously advised them to have the courage to follow one's...
Published 01/08/23
Happy New Year! Welcome back to my long-time listeners and if you’re new to this podcast, welcome, welcome!   In today’s episode, I’ll share the top-level energy overview for 2023. The full forecast is available now for the Guided community members. Head here to learn more about Guided and join us to receive access.    Here is our affirmation for the year ahead: I am a creative being and easily express myself in new and inspired ways. I easily move through the school of life and I am...
Published 01/01/23
In this week’s episode, we continue on from the previous episode where we went through how you can clear energetic links to the year that’s closing. I highly recommend you listen to the episode and complete that before you begin forecasting your 2023. You can tune into Episode 177 and come back to complete the process I’m sharing here.    We’ll explore the system that I recommend for looking ahead and forecasting your new year. I’ll share some practical steps you can take to complete this...
Published 12/25/22