I talk to women about weight loss every day and they often say to me... "Generally my nutrition isn’t to bad" "I eat pretty good throughout the week..." "We generally eat healthy" "I do try and eat fairly clean" And despite their efforts, they aren't seeing any results. The fact is, there is a big difference between healthy eating and healthy eating for fat loss... So in today's episode, I dive into why simply eating a wholesome diet might not be enough to shed those stubborn kilos. You’ll...
Published 06/23/24
Published 06/23/24
I’m sharing a very personal story with you today about the most challenging three months of my life and how I managed to come out the other side stronger, thanks to the habits and lifestyle changes I've been working on for years. Trust me, this isn’t your typical episode. Why You Should Listen In this episode, I open up about the most challenging period of my life. I talk about the two terrifying house break-ins, my mother’s battle with a rare cancer, and the sudden loss of a close family...
Published 06/16/24
I am so excited to introduce you to Roger Sutherland today, who is not only my very good friend but someone with incredible knowledge and insight on how the body works. He joins me today to discuss how we can optimise our lives by synchronising with our circadian rhythm, an important aspect of any fat loss journey. After 36 years of shiftwork and serving in law enforcement, Roger wanted to find answers for shift workers on how to best cope with their lifestyle. He returned to study in the...
Published 06/09/24
When people decide that they want to lose weight, the first thing that often comes to mind is signing up for the gym or working out. While exercise is great for your overall health, it only counts for a very small portion of your daily energy expenditure. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, working out shouldn't be the main focus. Instead, you need to prioritise your food and use exercise as a bonus.  From my perspective, the order of priority for weight loss is nutrition first, sleep...
Published 06/02/24
Most women who want to lose weight get discouraged by the idea of having to track their calories and live on a restrictive diet. The idea alone just feels like too much time, effort and mental load to even begin. The good news is that there is a much more simple and sustainable approach to weight loss that doesn’t require calorie counting and that’s what I’m sharing with you today.  A meal plan that someone else created isn’t the answer. To effectively lose weight and keep it off for good,...
Published 05/26/24
I often talk about the amazing success my clients achieve when they follow my methodology for losing weight and maintaining their weight loss easily. Today, I’m joined by my client and special guest, Deanna, to talk about her incredible life transformation and how she lost 15kg in 6 months without exercising or tracking calories. As a time poor mum of two working in a busy retail position, Deanna, like many of my clients, recognised that her health had gone down the priority list. Wanting to...
Published 05/19/24
A lot of women ask me why their approach to weight loss isn’t working anymore. They were able to manage their weight in their younger years, but now in their thirties, forties and older, those strategies no longer work for them.  Many women in this age group find that what used to work for them in their twenties no longer produces the same results. So today I’m sharing some key factors that impact weight loss for women over 30 and how you can approach weight loss in a healthy and sustainable...
Published 05/12/24
When it comes to sustainable and long term weight loss, consistency is key. It doesn’t matter which diet or exercise routine you choose to follow, the only way to lose weight and maintain your weight loss is by being consistent.  One of the biggest challenges women face when trying to lose weight is staying consistent. From working with hundreds of women and through my own experience on the dieting cycle, the difficulty in staying consistent often comes down to three things: Not knowing why...
Published 05/05/24
One of the biggest challenges women face when trying to lose weight is feeling like they don’t have enough time. Life is already so busy with work, family and everything else in between - who has the time or energy to spend hours in the kitchen preparing nutritious meals?   Without a plan, being time-poor can easily lead to making quick food decisions that don’t provide you with the nutrition you need. This not only costs more money but also perpetuates the cycle of weight gain. This is why...
Published 04/28/24
We all know someone, whether they’re a friend, a colleague or a family member, who seems to just stay thin without any effort. No matter what they eat or what they do, they maintain their weight naturally. Let’s be honest, it’s frustrating to watch while you’re going on diet after diet and unable to maintain your weight loss.  I used to be that person who tried everything and couldn’t keep the weight off, but now, after developing healthy skills and habits, I maintain my weight effortlessly,...
Published 04/21/24
I talk to a lot of busy working women who want to lose weight but feel like they don’t have enough time to get the results they want. I get it. The idea of having to spend hours in the kitchen and at the gym can seem overwhelming, especially when your schedule is already hectic, but I’m here to tell you that weight loss doesn’t have to be hard or time consuming. You just need the right strategies!  Mindset Shift: The first place to start is mindset. It’s really important to be honest with...
Published 04/14/24
I talk to so many women each week who may have lost a significant amount of weight in the past, but they struggle to keep it off. Most diets out there will help you lose weight initially, but studies show that between 91 to 95 per cent of people put the weight back on. And the reason is that most diets aren’t catered to you as an individual and they aren’t sustainable.  Weight loss maintenance is a super important aspect that most people don’t think about when they’re starting a diet. If...
Published 04/14/24
I have what I would call a very healthy relationship with food, but I didn’t always. In fact, I struggled with my weight from a very young age and tried every diet under the sun in an attempt to lose weight and feel good in my body. If it’s a diet that exists, I’ve probably tried it!  Yes, some of these diets helped me lose weight, but I wasn’t healthy or happy and it wasn’t sustainable. I only started experiencing the weight loss results and happiness I wanted when my relationship with food...
Published 04/14/24
Welcome to the Healthy Diary Podcast! My name is Angela Borges, a weight loss nutritionist on a mission to help you cut through the noise and find the answers you need to feel healthy, confident and happy in your skin.  If you’ve tried every diet under the sun, only to leave you feeling hungry, miserable and convinced you’ll never lose weight, I’m here to tell you there is a solution. It's not about willpower or discipline; it's about finding the approach that works for you as a unique...
Published 03/31/24