It is surprising how many athletes i know who are using CBD's for a variety of reasons. The more I investigated the more I came to realize that CBD's are nature's anti-inflammatory solution and that is only the tip of the iceberg! This episode is a very in depth interview with Jay O'Hare founder of Venga Endurance an extremely high quality manufacture of CBD / Cannabidiol products and an Ultra distance runner who gets it. I know a lot of people who either shy away from the idea of taking a...
Published 09/06/19
Spartan Races are now global and yet, they have been expanding theyre reach by including Trail Running events in tandum with many races around the country.  This year marks the first year Spartan will host a Trail Running Championship with none other than Charlie Engle at the helm.  This is an incredible opportunity for trail runners in that the prize purses doled out will be handsome.  To learn more about the series and where the events are held listen to this episode and visit Spartan...
Published 08/16/19
It starts out seeming like "The Odd Couple" but ends up becoming a training program that has the potential to change the way CrossFit athletes approach their training.  Richard Diaz is recognized in the Obstacle Racing community as world renowned Running mechanic and diagnostican.  Ryan Fischer is arguably one of the best CrossFit athletes in the world.  Together they created a program that is incredibly different but remarkably effective in "Battling the War on Fatigue".  Release only 5...
Published 08/12/19
Before you freak out, no, I am not turning tail on OCR or endurance training programs.  If you follow my work, you know that recently I developed a program in collaboration with Ryan Fischer an extremely talented CrossFit Athlete.  This program has been out for a mere 5 weeks and meeting with rave responses.  An OCR athlete would do well to consider this process as the theme of the project is “Winning the Battle with Fatigue”.  It so happens that an early adopter who has been in the program...
Published 08/09/19
What happens when you mix one badass CrossFit athlete with Coach Diaz in The Secret Lab?  Answer: You get a hybrid training program that is sure to set the CrossFit community on fire!  I know what you’re thinking… Coach Diaz and CrossFit?  Had you asked me a year ago if this were ever likely to happen, I would have serious doubts.  It took an introduction from Hunter McIntyre to bring Ryan Fischer and I together and I have to say, I was intrigued. Ryan is one of the fittest athletes I have...
Published 05/31/19
This episode sheds light on a training tool and training concepts that can make a tremendous difference in your ability to perform in a Spartan Race, as a runner and an athlete in common.  I speak a lot about the role that stability and mobility plays in athleticism because in the absence thereof, there is only injuries.  Full disclosure I am not sponsored by or paid to introduce these concepts or products on my show.  I personally believe this is a tool that can truly make a difference if...
Published 12/28/18
They moved the venue to Georgia, nobody expected the event to be harder than it has been… but it was.  Much harder.  It was cold, very, very cold however still 100 miles were logged among two fierce competitors yet Kris Mendoza prevailed.  This is an interview with Kris just after he’s had a chance to recover and collect his thoughts regarding the race frostbite and all!  Another World’s Toughest Mudder is in the bag and a new champion has arisen!  Kris Mendoza shares his insights, training...
Published 11/23/18
Once again we invited folks to come on the show, pose questions on topics related to Obstacle Course Racing, Running or anything of that nature.  Our guest is Jay Bode of the Overcome and Run Podcast.  Someone you may have seen out on the race courses with his wife Heather.  Jay is planning to run his first official Ultra marathon and had some questions regarding his training approach, recovery techniques and running shoe selection.  This is a good place to start if you are planning a long...
Published 11/16/18
Recently I posted an offer for someone to be my guest and to pose some interesting questions regarding training and Obstacle Course Racing.  An old friend/client Beni Gifford reached out with what I felt was some solid questions and here is what he wanted to know: I hear a lot of differing views regarding the concept of taking an off season and what it might look like, I am curious to get your take on this subject?How does periodization training fit into OCR?If someone (like me) wants to...
Published 11/09/18
What seemed like completely out of nowhere, Rebecca Hammond came on to the Spartan OCR Elite field and made people take notice.  Its almost unheard of for anyone to walk into the Spartan North American Championship course with only 2 prior events under her belt and cause a stir.  Yet, cause a stir she did.  Taking 2nd place among the most competitive pro’s in the sport, she now sets her sights on the Spartan World Championships and no one is laughing.  You’ll have to listen to this episode to...
Published 08/31/18
There never seems to be an end to the questions that hard working OCR athletes have regarding their training and racing, with the help of one of our friends Jennifer Herring, Coach Richard Diaz tries to offer his opinion and advice on these topics: Heart rate seems to need a longer pre-race warm up, why?How do I transition to a zero drop shoe?Why do I have a hard time with my cadence?What is enough aerobic training and what is too much? These and many more!  As a reward for posting the...
Published 08/17/18
By now, everyone is aware that OCR is here to stay. Some thought it to be a fad, if that's true, I know of over 13,000 dedicated athletes in one single group who might argue the point. What I believe to be true is that the everyday athletes and fitness enthusiasts who have been drinking the Kool Aid and making it out to races around the world are what makes the sport, not the gifted few who reside on the podium at the key races.  I asked Ameer Haroun, the director of all things Spartan 4dash0...
Published 08/10/18
Coach Diaz, who also happens to be the host of this podcast has asked VeeJay Jones  Elite Spartan Pro to return to share some insights on training. Learn a few valuable tips on cutting precious time from your racingGet a sneak peak into the infamous Tuesday Morning Training Sessions  Learn how to get a ton of quality training done in less than an hourLearn about a new online training plan is in the works guaranteed to bring your running skills to an incredible level next season Finally we'll...
Published 07/20/18
My good friend Matt Fitzgerald is back with a new book The 80/20 Triathlon.  This training principal is a winning formula for most any endurance sport and I highly recommend that all of my listeners pay attention to this episode.  It works for OCR too!  Once you understand how important it is to partition your training with a high percentage of aerobic conditioning and when and how to apply intensity you'll start to see progress in all aspects of your program. Ya gotta go slow to get fast!
Published 07/06/18
Not everyone has a chance to visit Coach Diaz at his “Infamous Secret Lab” those who do generally end up performing beyond expectation.  I thought it might be fun to have one of my clients share his experience and allow you to not only hear his thoughts on the visit but see what went down with the associated video clip that accompanies this episode.  Of course, the only way you’ll see it is if you visit the home site of this podcast: www.naturalrunningnetwork.com
Published 05/18/18
It’s a pretty well known fact in most running circles that heel striking and over striding leads to injury. Many runners have made the shift to forefoot running and in doing so have migrated to zero drop shoes.  Unfortunately for many, this transition has not come easy and has lead to a variety of new problems such as debilitating calf and achilles soreness. Coach Richard Diaz addresses these concerns, and offers some advice on how best to approach this transition and sheds light on the...
Published 04/27/18
We decided to take more questions on training was we often do, our favorite this time relates to our children in sports.  Are we doing the right things to encourage their enjoyment, desire to compete? Are we trying to live through our kids and causing more harm then good?  Coach Diaz has had years of experience in this arena and shares his insights. He also touches on his preferred shoe selection for racing OCR, heart rate training and how to fit it all in if you have a life and a 40 hour...
Published 04/13/18
The Bone Frog Challenge Race series aere obstacle course races designed and directed by Navy Seals.  These obstacle course races are gaining widespread popularity on the eastern seaboard due to their quality and unique challenges many drawn from Navy Seal Training.  Richard Diaz has invited Brian Carney, former Navy Seal and founder of the Bone Frog Organization to share what makes these events so unique. If you enjoy Spartan Races or Tough Mudder, you'll love The Bone Frog Challenge!  Learn...
Published 04/06/18
Back to back OCR events 100 miles apart and I hit them both to show support for a few of my athletes in Veejay Jones and Hunter McIntyre. I invited a few talented athletes in Mike Ferguson and Race course expert Steve Hammond on the show to share their views on the weekends competition. The Rock Stars this weekend were Rea Kobal, Ryan Woods and Hunter McIntyre.  Tune in to get our views on two distinctly different challenges. Learn more......
Published 03/30/18
Veejay Jones is the youngest athlete to win a Spartan Race overall and is currently a member of The Spartan Pro Team. He is also an athlete coached by Richard Diaz.  In this episode, we discuss the prospects winning against the competition at the NBC Spartan Series season opener in San Jose California on March 24th, 2018. This season, Veejay has posted two wins and a second place finish in Spartan Race elite competition with his last event being 2nd (by just over a minute) behind Cody Moat...
Published 03/23/18
Have you been talked into making a change in your diet? Decided to go Vegan, Paleo or Keto? Did someone sell you on the promise of weight loss and greater performance as a benefit of making this radical change in your diet? Are you hoping to become “fat adapted”?  Richard Diaz asked Matt Fitzgerald, author of The Endurance Diet, Diet Cults and Racing Weight to come on and share some thoughts on the topic of fad dieting.  Before you do anything you may regret learning into you're “A” race, you...
Published 03/16/18
Ever wonder about the use or potential benefits of wearing compression wear in a Spartan Race or Tough Mudder? Does it help circulation while running, does it help with recovery? Whats your take on the subject?  Zoe Szczepanek asks these questions of Coach Richard Diaz. Be warned these are opinions and they may not be shared or validated by any of the manufactures in question. Many claims are made on the increase of circulation, recovery and injury abatement, you be the judge. Learn More at...
Published 03/02/18