I recently made a pretty big mistake in running workout.  It was a mistake and my performance suffered from it.  but there were quite a few takeaways I wanted to share.  I am hoping you don't make this same mistake or you at least understand why you might want to make it.  Confused yet?  In todays episode I share my mistake and how it may relate to your training. In my research review I discuss running economy.  Economy of movement is a critical aspect of improving endurance performance and...
Published 09/14/21
The OCR Underground Show has another great episode to help you train for your next obstacle course race.  In this one I share my experience recently at the Spartan Super in Asheville.  Plus I share two exciting new announcements.   In the Inside Mike's Mind segment I discuss the concept of adaptation versus demonstration.  Sometimes we get confused a little with where our focus should be.  We train hard for a reason.  To see that carry over into our performance.  But often we can get carried...
Published 08/19/21
Another podcast episode to help you train that much better for your next race.  As I get ready to head out on a vacation to North Carolina and prep for the Asheville Super, I wanted to get one more episode out for you before I check out for a week.   In this one I chat about some of my go to strategies to avoid burnout and plateauing in your training.  When you push hard all the time, you are bound to break.  But with better planning I think most of these issues can be avoided.   In my...
Published 07/22/21
Back with another great resource for your OCR Training needs.  Summer is here and we are seeing more and more races which is a sight for sore eyes.   In this episode I share some insight on how you can embrace the suck.  We hear things like this all the time, but reading a quote online or meme, often doesn't really help us at all.  So I share some strategies that will teach you how to improve the skill of suffering from the book The Brave Athlete.  If you find yourself backing down when...
Published 07/01/21
Freshly back from NY after visiting family and running the Spartan Sprint in Bethel, NY.  This was the site of Woodstock back in 1969.  It was a first time at this location and hopefully they will continue having it here.  It was a great venue and a fast course.  Looking forward to more great Spartan Races the rest of this year. In this episode I share some insights on preparing for racing at altitude.  While many are concerned with finding ways to improve performance at higher altitudes,...
Published 06/18/21
Today's episode is full of training tips and strategies to help you train for any obstacle course race. In this one I share my tips from a recent webinar I did on preventing back pain in your training routine.  If you tend to suffer from back issues or just want to make sure you avoid them, follow these 5 steps I share. Once you learn how to move better you are ready for metabolic resistance training.  Many make an important mistake when it comes to this type of training.  In my research...
Published 06/01/21
Thank you for making the OCR Underground a training resource for your OCR success.  This episode is jam packed with useful tips and strategies for your next obstacle course race.   In the Inside Mike's Mind Segment, I share my key concept for staying injury free.  We can't eliminate all injury risk, but there are some really simple things you can do to reduce your risk dramatically.  If you frequently find yourself dealing with chronic injuries you will want to listen in.   In my Research...
Published 04/30/21
Man, I had a lot to talk about in this episode.  This one is pack with some really useless tips for your OCR Training.  In this one I share some cool info on a new FREE grip training series.  You can check out some of my favorite and most effective ways to train your grip here. And more exciting news my new, and first, the book is now available!  The book is Fuel & Fire and is a step-by-step guide on how to properly train for an obstacle course race and how to set up your nutrition to...
Published 03/23/21
After a much too long break from the last episode, I'm back with a jammed show.  2021 is here and hopefully, we see some OCRs get going more and more.   In this episode, I share my strategy for planning out my 2021 race season. If you need help laying it out, make sure you check out the Venga CBD's training calendar. Do you use HIIT for your OCR training?  Most miss the mark when they are using intervals.   I discuss the point behind why you should use interval training and where so many go...
Published 02/04/21
Well 2020 is coming to an end.  We are all getting excited to look forward to what we hope is a bright 2021.  Honestly it won't take much to make next year a step forward.   Normally this time a year I discuss reflecting and goal setting for next year.  Despite what is going on I still think this is how we should end this year.  In this episode I share some of my personal wins and things I am grateful for with 2020 and I encourage you to do the same.   In the Inside Mike's Mind segment I...
Published 11/12/20
Races are starting to get back on the schedule but I think we are all hesitant to get excited yet.  There are dreams of a race full 2021, but at this point I don't think anyone knows for sure.  Even though the future is unclear, are you race day ready?  I strongly feel like if you have been training the right way, you should be no more than 8 weeks out to race ready shape.   If you feel like you are there, then keep it up.  If not, I have some great training tips for your next OCR in this...
Published 10/02/20
Well after a long break I am back with another content packed episode.  Races may be off, but that is no reason your training has to suffer.  Tune in as I give you some inspiration to push yourself on your workouts.   This is a solo episode with no interview for the week.  In this one I chat about the upcoming Live Virtual OCR 3.0 that will be happening on 9/12.  Check out the link below to register.   In the Inside Mike's Mind Segment, I explain the exact steps on where you should focus...
Published 08/17/20
Join me over the next 30 days to learn how to run faster and be able to do more pull ups.  These two areas are key for any type of OCR you may be participating in.   Many struggle with improving in these areas though.  In this special episode I share the essentials for how to specifically train for faster mileage speed and for mastering more (or your first) pull up. If you enjoy these tips you will want to join me on my free 30 day challenge.  I will share the exact steps you need to take...
Published 07/08/20
Races are back!!!  Who knows how long this will last, but it is good to see some racers getting out there and back to OCR.   Even if you aren't ready to race or can't get one yet, this episode is loaded with great info to keep you on track and ready for whenever your time comes.     In this episode I cover a topic that I see more and more people struggling with.  If we have been use to defining ourselves with racing and have used that as our primary form of motivation, how the hell do you...
Published 06/24/20
You would think being stuck at home would get me just cranking out podcast after podcast.  I am at least grateful to get the ones out when I can.  And with everyone home now, let's just be thankful the kids didn't keep bursting in on my while I was recording.   Anyway, let's get to the episode.  I am hosting another Live Virtual OCR.  I would love for you to join me.  I talk details in the episode, but you can learn more at ocrunderground.com/virtual.  The event is Saturday, May 23rd.  I...
Published 05/15/20
The COVID-19 situation has required all of us to get creative with our training programs.  This episode will hopefully give you great insight on how you can thrived during this tough time. In this episode I explain the Virtual OCR that I will be hosting on Saturday, April 11th.  To register visit Virtual.  It will be a one of a kind event and hope you can join me. In the Inside Mike's Mind segment I discuss my four big tips for getting through this isolation specifically with your training...
Published 04/09/20
As always this episode is jammed packed with helpful training strategies for your next obstacle course race.   In this episode I have a great interview with Helene Dumais from Platinum Rig Obstacle Relay Race World Championship.  This is an incredibly unique race and Helene fills us in with all the details.  To register or learn more check out the links section below.   In the inside Mike's mind segment I go over my thoughts in strength training for OCR.  Mark Rippetoe has a great quote,...
Published 03/12/20
The 2020 race season is officially underway.  In this episode I introduce our brand new sponsor, Fit Bar.  Fit Bar has amazing obstacle course racing, ninja warrior training, and other grip training equipment.  I recently picked up one of their Beater Bars and absolutely love it.  This is a great way to get in your OCR specific training when you don't have access to obstacles to train on at your house.  Click the link here to see all their products:  http://bit.ly/2RZQije  Use code...
Published 02/11/20
Well it is January.  I was hoping to get an episode out sooner, but the holidays just have a way of messing up plans.  So I did the best I could to make up for the long absense.   In this episode, I share some insight on how to make this January the best yet.  There are all sorts of info out there on New Years Resolutions of course.  But if you want this year to be different than the past ones, listen in on some of my best advice.  Do you suffer from Taper Tantrums?  Many of the clients I...
Published 01/09/20
This is the first episode I recorded since completing the Lebec Spartan Ultra Beast.  So it seemed fitting to talk all about how it went.  Before I get into the details of the race though, I share some of my insight on recoverying from a race.  One big question I see come up online is when should you get back to training after a race.  Unfortunately I see some pretty bad advice to this question.  In this episode I share some of my thoughts on how to recover from a race and when you should...
Published 11/19/19
Well I am in my taper week for my Ultra Beast, so with that extra time I have now from not running, I wanted to get out new episode for your listening pleasure.   In this episode, in the Inside Mike's Mind segment, I get inside your mind.  Are you your biggest limiting factor?  Many people are getting in their own way.  In fact I work with many clients on this topic.  Here I discuss perception and how you can alter your perception for better results.   In my research review I discuss a...
Published 10/22/19
Hopefully you are listening to this episode in time, but if you register by 8/31/19 you can win a Free Spartan Race.  Not only that but we are also giving away Venga CBD products, Designer Protein Products, and Hand Master Plus Grip Trainers.  Thanks to all of our sponsors for making this happen. To enter just visit:  www.ocrunderground.com/free-giveaway Now into this episode.  You may have heard that Spartan has made a few rule changes.  I decided to go through the entire rule book and...
Published 08/27/19
Want to win two free entries into the Colorado Rockies Spartan Ultra, Beast, Sprint Race Weekend?  This episode's sponsor, Venga CBD, is giving away two free entries to the race as well as a 1000mg jar of their Recovery Balm.  To enter visit www.vengaendurance.com/spartan. In this episode I discuss a common topic that I hear discussed on obstacle specific training.  How often and should you even train on obstacles as part of your training?  I give my recommendation on this hot topic. In my...
Published 07/17/19
The OCR Underground Show provides you with everything you need to maximize your training for your best race.  In this episode I share some great insight on how you can have a smarter training plan.  Hoping to redeem my Big Bear race, I am off to race the Spartan Sprint in Minnesota.  At least there is no snow in the forecast.   In the Inside Mike's Mind segment of the show, I explain the truth about cramping during a race.  Is it as simple as dehydration or electrolyte loss?  Most likely...
Published 06/20/19
Well one thing is for sure, that you just don't know what to expect with OCR's.  Recently the Spartan Race at Big Bear was no exception.  With rare snow fall in May in SoCal, we so some last minute race cancelations and modified courses.   Overall Spartan did a great job handling this unfortunately situation, despite the fact of making us hit the dunk wall twice in the Sprint.  In this episode I give a race day recap of Big Bear, plus talk about some key takeaways on how you can better plan...
Published 05/24/19